Barty 1:11 Tue Dec 13
Do you believe in God?
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
1:37 Thu Dec 29
Re: Do you believe in God?
"Anybody of you believers praying for ex-Pope Benedict?"
As Rio says, he's quite austere compared to the current Pope which was convenient for those looking for a reason to dislike him. But I liked him as he wasn't looking to be popular just to do and say the right things. Something lost from many realms not just the Vatican.
12:56 Thu Dec 29
Re: Do you believe in God?
No, like some on here, I believe in Brexit.
ted fenton
7:56 Wed Dec 28
Re: Do you believe in God?
Brilliant good to hear.
Too Much Too Young
7:47 Wed Dec 28
Re: Do you believe in God?
If there is, i am thankful for his miracle in fixing my dog.
She slipped over a few times when it was fucking cold and icy about 10 days ago, but i thought nothing of it.
Sun 18th, she didn't want to go out.
Monday, could hardly walk. The vet said she'd done her left hind cruciate. Tuesday, her front left leg went lame.. she could barely leave the house. I thought i had a tough decision to make.
Thursday, pulling on the lead. No sign of a limp.
It was a miracle.
7:28 Wed Dec 28
Re: Do you believe in God?
I was very sorry when he was removed, and pray for his comfort.
Didn't like him to start with, but he grew on me. At least he believes in God, unlike his successor, fucking commie cunt.
arsene york-hunt
7:26 Wed Dec 28
Re: Do you believe in God?
Anybody of you believers praying for ex-Pope Benedict?
8:09 Sun Dec 25
Re: Do you believe in God?
All this dissing of him on his only son's birthday!!! Shame on you lol
Mike Oxsaw
6:42 Sun Dec 25
Re: Do you believe in God?
There is certainly something bigger in the universe that our evolution enables us to not fully comprehend to date, but that does not mean - or even imply- that it is a sentient entity "pulling the strings".
There could exist an uncountable number of universes within a "metaverse" "created out of nothing - nothing more than a microscopic borrowing/imbalance of matter/energy.
We just happen to occupy one of those that ticks all the right boxes for life on Earth to have evolved. 7 correct parameters, I think it is.
Life may also have evolved elsewhere in this universe but signs of it may not yet have reached us (and vice versa) simply due the vast distances involved and the finite speed of light. Or such signs may have already reached us several times in the past but we were unable to extrapolate those signs into useful knowledge.
Sir Alf
8:26 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in God? Well the god referred to is a human construct. Good timing for the dessert tribe of 2000 odd years ago since their stories, myths, values etc happened to be at a time when a few monks were beginning to write things down and the ability to read just starting.
I like to think there is something bigger than us humans although have no evidence but will keep an open mind. I got why people worshipped the sun. That made sense as it provides what’s needed for life but the gods us humans latched onto were more about controlling the masses via shame and built IMO. Look at all of them and the philosophies like Buddhism and the underlying morals and recommended behaviours and traits are broadly tge same. So organised religions are about control, power and money.
7:09 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
I guess I edge towards being Deist but tonight I am happy to believe it is the time to celebrate the hope revealed in the Christ Child. Peace to All.
Far Cough
6:57 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
Are you a Theist or a Deist?
Hammer and Pickle
4:24 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
Rhymes with “handsome beast”
2:20 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
you say that because you've never met me, arsene
arsene york-hunt
2:13 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
Serious theist? That's an oxymoron.
2:11 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
For the serious theistic point of view, you could start at For the opposite view, see any Discovery Channel (etc.) documentary.on the subject.
Mike Oxsaw
2:04 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
You put up some interesting subjects for further investigation (on my part).
I can't categorically deny that a god - or gods - exist as there is still a lack of hard evidence on either side, but I don't need one to get by.
Present me with something more than one - or one billion - believers and I'll then probably find it a problem interesting enough (for me and my chosen lifestyle) to resolve.
1:51 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
We're now getting into ancient anthropology, archaeology and the history of religion. Different scholars offer diverse views on this. Some are quite close to your idea of "...porkies dropped into the original..." That is to say, Man oriiginally believed in One God,but then regressed and rebelled into polytheism , atheism and agnosticism. At a popular level, many people believe the opposite-that mMan started out believing in crude animism/pagan gods etc and then deamed up monotheism.
Mike Oxsaw
1:40 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
If there was a god - one god - the least you'd expect him/her/it to be would be the one that came with all humanity as it left the central plains of Africa (another black mark for global warming, right there).
Why is it then, that different regions of the world worship so many different deities? Were porkies dropped into the original bedtime stories at various stages?
12:54 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
Arsene asked, "Isn't the whole invention of God or Gods to explain what people don't understand?" I think you're right that much religion has been invented this way. Men have seen, for example, phenomena in Nature and idendified them with gods. What I'm arguing, though, is that what I call serious theism is based (apart from special revelation in Scripture and the Incarnation) on the logic of theistic arguments and the recognition that phenomena in Nature are not divine but created by the one Divine Being. For most of human history these two views have existed alongside each other. The pagan sees lightning and invents a god called Zeus, or Perkons whilst the serious theist reckons that one God made a universe where lightning (or storms) occur according to laws that He has put into place (see Jer 31:36, 33:25, Ps 135:7, Eccl 1:7, 11:3).
Billy Blagg
12:15 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
No, but I wish I did. A conundrum.
arsene york-hunt
12:07 Sat Dec 24
Re: Do you believe in God?
""Serious theists don't resort to invoking God for those things they can't explain. ""
Isn't the whole invention of God or Gods to explain what people don't understand?