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Sydney_Iron 6:02 Fri Jul 21
Womans World Cup
Started yesterday if you hadn't noticed!!! Which is pretty hard over here being one of the host countries, absolute wank fest going on in the media, biggest sporting event of the year, billions will watch the games blah blah blah.

Made a big fuss about the "huge" crowd they reckoned would turn up but they were all but giving the tickets away by all accounts, if you want to see game its not like the Men's version, just rock up and if you do have to pay its fuck all.

The Norwegians who by all accounts get paid the same as the men's team lost to NZ in the opening game in Auckland, then Australia beat Ireland without superstar player Sam Kerr who the media reckon is one of the top 10 sporting "Icons" in the world right now......FMOB

Good luck to them but whomever is footing the bill im not sure its all sustainable? And NO im not going.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

WHU(Exeter) 6:22 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
All in all they’ve come a long way from bull-fighting.

Let’s move on.

Side of Ham 6:07 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
360….his grabbing of his todger in the stands is gross and therefore misconduct….seeing as he represents Spain in sport in a high up capacity….

threesixty 5:55 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup

you would have to define gross misconduct here. That would be the problem. On the news the issue has been that it's seen as sexual assault which is a criminal offence and therefore falls in line with gross misconduct.

You could argue it brings the organisation into disrepute. But I can imagine that there were many circumstances where he or other members of the federation have hugged each other, kissed each others faces (it is a Latin country after all) etc. Both in men and women football. And if nothing was done then, how could they do something now?

Was he warned about his conduct and given a chance to change?
I can't think of many gross misconduct charges you could bring to an employee that didn't involve some legal element.
Thats why the whole thing hinges on whether it's a sexual assault and not just his overall dodgy behaviour. I think legally lots of things will have to be tested thoroughly.

When an organization terminates people it better have water-tight reasoning that is legally sound. It's easy to convict someone in media and on telly.

It might be the coverup is worse than the crime (lying that she consented etc.. ) so yeah, that would be gross misconduct. But the original issue, I'm not sure.

Fifth Column 4:01 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup

You don't have to commit a criminal offence for something to constitute gross misconduct and get sacked.

What you're talking about is irrelevant whether he's guilty of a criminal offence or not.

If I kiss someone against their wishes, manhandle others, grab my crotch in public whilst on duty, issue a statement from the woman I've kissed in her name pretending to defend me and then get the legal team to threaten the woman with private prosecution... it's 100% black and white gross misconduct.

Also, it's not a random celebration if a fan, he is ON DUTY. He is there in an official capacity. It's not like it was you or me doing it to another fan (which would still be questionable).

Whether or not he gets charged with anything criminal is irrelevant.

threesixty 3:39 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup


As someone has said on another thread. They win the World Cup. Blokes hug and kiss each i other all the time when they win games. Fans do it. It’s pretty normal when celebrating massive events.

The issue is they are saying it’s a sexual assault. They will have to prove that given the context of the occasion did this man deliberately sexually assault her? I doubt any court will find that so he will be able to sue for wrongful dismissal.

On top of that earnings he’s never going to make because his reputation is damaged etc.

Basically women’s rights groups have found something they can use to further their cause and any collateral damage is worth it. Yes there are abuses every day that need attention. But they’ve taken the most “non sexual assault” case you can find and are using it move the cause forward.

All the crotch grabbing stuff is just people trying to say he was generally shady so deserves it. It’s not the actual case. The case will be is a quick kiss on the lips in public during a huge celebration sexual assault or not? And if it is, is David beckham kissing his daughter on the lips sexual assault also? Context is everything.

Side of Ham 3:38 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
It was touchy feeley celebrating in the stands and on the pitch…..to then not recognise that and do the right thing and resign has got him looking at a 15 year ban….example set for those paid well to have some decorum, and be an ambassador for your nation in sport…..if you can’t control yourself be a spectator instead….

Fifth Column 3:25 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup

As its an elected role I'm not sure if they can sack him like a normal job.

However, there is zero chance he can successfully sue them surely when he:

- grabbed his crotch in VIP section having previously hugged the Queen and the 16 year old princess ie he can't pretend he didn't know they were there

- he picked up one player and slung them over his shoulder

- he kissed another without her consent

- she says on live TV immediately afterwards "I didn't like that"

- the Spanish FA presumably under his instruction release a statement in the player's name saying it was consensual and he publicly stares it was to console her after she'd missed the penalty

- the player releases a statement via the players union stating that that statement wasn't from her, that the FA had put pressure on her to say it was consensual and that the Union would be representing her interests

- the FA say they are going to sue the woman for her statement, again presumably at behest of the President

He is going to lose his job and get zero compo but bcos it's an elected post he'll hang on as long as possible.

Anyone defending this needs to have a word with themselves. It's a complete abuse of power AFTER the event never mind what he actually did.

Fifth Column 3:25 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup

As its an elected role I'm not sure if they can sack him like a normal job.

However, there is zero chance he can successfully sue them surely when he:

- grabbed his crotch in VIP section having previously hugged the Queen and the 16 year old princess ie he can't pretend he didn't know they were there

- he picked up one player and slung them over his shoulder

- he kissed another without her consent

- she says on live TV immediately afterwards "I didn't like that"

- the Spanish FA presumably under his instruction release a statement in the player's name saying it was consensual and he publicly stares it was to console her after she'd missed the penalty

- the player releases a statement via the players union stating that that statement wasn't from her, that the FA had put pressure on her to say it was consensual and that the Union would be representing her interests

- the FA say they are going to sue the woman for her statement, again presumably at behest of the President

He is going to lose his job and get zero compo but bcos it's an elected post he'll hang on as long as possible.

Anyone defending this needs to have a word with themselves. It's a complete abuse of power AFTER the event never mind what he actually did.

threesixty 2:41 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
They’ll end up pushing this thing so hard that when he sues the fuck out of them he’ll get millions in compensation.

He’s definitely toast. But this will be the most expensive kiss ever for anyone that sacks him. Loss of earnings and reputation, can’t work again etc. millions that is.

, 2:11 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
Looks like a power thing to me with the bloke using his rank, which fuels a sense of entitlement, to plant a smacker on her lips whilst holding her head inappropriately.

Afterwards he has the chutzpah to reinterpret what we all saw, and she experienced, as consensual.

I hope that he keeps his job .

goose 2:11 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
I think comparing sport to an office job is a pretty weak analogy.

I said below what he did was creepy.
But does it deserve a 15 year ban?

chim chim cha boo 2:03 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
Zeb, I am guessing Goose isn't quite like that but like all of us needs a bit of perspective sometimes.

It's easy on first reading to see why someone would come to that conclusion in the wake of wokism, but take a step back and you can hopefully see it's the Spanish FA that needs to give it's head a good wobble.

zebthecat 1:54 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
chim chim cha boo 1:49 Tue Aug 29

I am guessing that goose's first thought after a great day at work is to grab the nearest woman and tounge her against her will.

chim chim cha boo 1:49 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
As I see it there are only two opinions that blokes can make about this.

If your missus" firm had had a record month and were all celebrating and her boss picked your wife/girlfriend/daughter up and kissed her full on the lips would you think it appropriate and not let it bother you?

There's really nothing more to it than that

goose 1:26 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
i'm not sure i follow.

he's the head of the Spanish FA? so i'm not surprised he is celebrating.
his choice of method to celebrate but not be to my taste but i'm not bothered about him celebrating.

Side of Ham 1:21 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
goose, as he celebrated like he’d just seen the best game ever…..it was over the top, so over the top the actual players didn’t even match it.

A bit sad of a bloke to overreact like that no?

zico 1:05 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
I just find it wholly bizarre that in this day and age he even thought it was ok to hug the team let alone give one of them a kiss, even just to safeguard himself for what criticism he is rightly getting now. Plus grabbing your crotch, I mean he really has shot himself in the foot.

zebthecat 12:52 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
Good riddance to those abuse their positions of power to do what the fuck they like.
It should happen more as the world would be be a better place.

threesixty 12:20 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
These "trial by media" things never sit right by me at all. It's all getting way too much now.

I dont care how he corrupt he was before or if he was a letch.. we need to focus on the actual event and make the punishment fit the crime (if there is even a crime here?)

We need to do this, not for his sake, but for everyone else! We need a logical and fair process to deal with this shit otherwise people without the profile of these celebs etc (i.e. normal people) will be even more fucked than they are when it comes to justice.

Also, all these top jobs that you can just get cancelled by for one indiscretion. I mean, how much work did you do that someone can just easily replace you like that? It's almost an admission that the top jobs are just decorative nonsense! Thats meant to be decades of expertise completely lost. What if it was him that actually put the things in place to get Spains women's team in the final? I thought the salary these people were on meant they were near indispensable.. clearly thats not the case. So why do they get fuck loads of money then?

I just dont understand why everyone is so flippant these days? Nothing really matters except the spilling of blood for the mob sacrifice.

As for the actual incident. Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? Beckham kissed his daughter on the lips. Is that sexual? If he kissed her on the forehead would that be considered an assault too? They were hugging each other and very happy and she was smiling as the whole team were. Latin men do the same with each other as well. I think this was the wrong battle to fight for personally.

I dont think he's helped himself by doubling down etc. I think he just should have apologised and moved on. But he probably thought "I dont even like these bitches like that" .. now you're saying I'm sexually assaulting them. Hell the fuck no... and we are where we are...

Fauxstralian 12:18 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
After all this HOO-HA its probably for the best that the FA President Prince William couldn't be bothered to go and watch England in the World Cup Final.
Imagine if England had won and he'd got hold of Millie Bright

goose 11:43 Tue Aug 29
Re: Womans World Cup
didnt Platini get 7 or 8 years for being corrupt?

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