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Leonard Hatred 4:23 Thu Jul 25
Manchester Airport incident
We're gonna have a British George Floyd now innit.

The BLM mob are gonna be all over this.

Expect a load of shoe shops to be looted as a "protest".

This country's gone to the fucking dogs.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 7:09 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Manuel 6:56 Tue Aug 27

So, who, exactly. needs to learn the lesson from your observations?

And who will take on the role of teacher?

Manuel 6:56 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
This site has clearly taken over Oxsaw's ''life''. This a man who claims to be intelligent, spot the oxymoron. And in true cliched, predictable style the more abuse he gets the more he posts. How original.

Mike Oxsaw 6:54 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
collyrob 6:48 Tue Aug 27

Why's that? Are you seeking a path into grooming?

collyrob 6:48 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Have you no friends or family to talk to oxsnore?

Mike Oxsaw 6:32 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Yorkammer 6:02 Tue Aug 27

You got the Alberts to highlight the "squirming" or is it more groundless insinuations expected from your type?

Nutsin 6:12 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Only a matter of time before we see mass deportations, keep the faith.

Lee Trundle 6:08 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Is he squirming as much as you are from your posts on the Gaza thread, Yorkammer, where you made baseless claims that turned out to be FAKE NEWS you were spreading?

Or will you just ignore it and hope it goes away while you accuse others of exactly the same thing?

Yorkammer 6:02 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Entertaining to see the site bore is squirming about this post
Mike Oxsaw 9:10 Tue Jul 30

joyo 6:01 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident

Mike Oxsaw 5:56 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
joyo 5:50 Tue Aug 27

You may well call it "A load of waffle", but you haven't explicitly denied it, which proves (PROVES) that it is true.

joyo 5:50 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
What a load of waffle from a boring lying sad old fart

Mike Oxsaw 5:12 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
joyo 4:42 Tue Aug 27

So, just your itsy-bitsy fragile little ego that needed satisfying then.

You are really rubbish at leading threads in the direction you want them to go, let alone "bossing" them.

Where is your "proof" of success then, except inside of what passes for your mind, which GCHQ would have trouble decoding into an understandable format?

joyo 4:42 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
I'm satisfied that I've proven you to be a liar and you can't admit you posted disinformation

Mike Oxsaw 4:00 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
joyo 3:38 Tue Aug 27

The internet never lies, so anyone and everyone can see for themselves.

Of more importance is why you are trying to dine out on this.

Do you have a desperate NEED you have to satisfy???

joyo 3:38 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
You still posted it though didn't you

Mike Oxsaw 1:39 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
zebthecat 1:35 Tue Aug 27

THIS is the only social media I use, so somebody must have put it up on here for me to read.


zebthecat 1:35 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Mike Oxsaw 1:29 Tue Aug 27

Deperate stuff.
You chose to post shit you read on social media without even thinking for a second and are part of the problem.
Own it.

Mike Oxsaw 1:29 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
So, if YOU clearly knew it was disinformation at the time, why did YOU not post on here - at pace - a warning informing the whole world that was the case?

Not very sociable keeping such information to yourself.

joyo 11:47 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
You posted the disinformation of the scumbag attacker in Southport about him having Arab name,asylum seeker off a boat and known to MI6 and still can't admit you was 100% wrong
I reckon your still shitting yourself over it,but then again being incontinent you shit yourself regularly

Mike Oxsaw 10:04 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
joyo 4:46 Tue Aug 27

Who do you know (actually KNOW, not just assumed or "heard about") that went and did anything based on something I've posted on here?

joyo 4:46 Tue Aug 27
Re: Manchester Airport incident
Oxbore 5.36
Wouldn't mention that if l was you creep,seeing as you posted the same disinformation as him

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