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Gavros 5:19 Thu Sep 18
New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread

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young woody 5:54 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Not in my lingo son

Gavros 5:53 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
its 'cries', Woody son.

young woody 5:50 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread

Johnson 5:19 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Maybe they'd decided to be truthful about attendance for those games rather than the usual bullshit they spin out.

I know all clubs publish tickets sold rather than who showed up before anyone starts crying.

Gavros 4:31 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
and yet theyve all been recorded at 52k ish.

WorldCupWilly 4:26 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
OTB - Domzale and Juventus were limited to 54,000 but Bournemouth it went up to 57,000

Tomshardware 4:20 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
stewie griffin 3:08 Thu Jan 5

Apology accepted.

JustAFatKevinDavies 4:01 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
one man went to SAG, went to SAG with GAVVY
one man and his neck shoelace, went to SAG with GAVVY

On The Ball 3:59 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
My memory rarely serves me well, but weren't the first couple of games restricted further? 54k maybe? The rest will be away fans.

Gavros 3:57 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
2016 SAG minutes up to September available here:


Gavros 3:52 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Interesting to see that attendance was 52,000 for the Bournemouth game despite capacity being 'restricted' to 57,000.

WorldCupWilly 3:42 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
They're more concerned with standing in the upper tier. From the minutes of the SAG meeting on 30th August 2016:


Future Capacity

Steve Riley (LS185) explained that currently an application for 60,045 submitted and intention is to write to Newham to withdraw that application.

Angus Kinnear (WHUFC) responded that good progress has been made, however, issue will be persistent standing. What would be useful for LS185 and West Ham is to have a sense of what needs to be delivered there for Steve Riley to put capacity request in. Persistent standing isn't going to be 0.

GR stated that the upper tier is 29 degrees so cannot allow anyone to.

Johnson 3:25 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Fair enough, yes that will be due to the capacity cap.

I'm sure it'll be filled to the brim when the capacity is increased.

It's odd isn't it how we're back in for 66k given that we were told the reason we couldn't have it was due to persistent standing.

Persistent standing that has in no way abated since it was a problem, presumably that excuse and the bollocks from people on here about the SAG having the power to withhold simply on those grounds (but yet have never reduced a capacity for the same reason) has been conveniently forgotten about?

JustAFatKevinDavies 3:22 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread

Gavros 3:22 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Im talking about the BIG gaps JonSonNym, there;s a particularly yawning one in the southern end of the east upper.

Johnson 3:19 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Gavros 3:09 Thu Jan 5

The few gaps in the crowd certainly isn't because of the 57k capacity.

Unless of course you are suggesting my 3 and the others I know about who haven't been going and the FACT that my ticket for Mancs wasn't snapped up, neither were a fair few other on TT are to do with the 57k capacity.

I'm sure you're not.

You're bang on about the 75 minutes thing mind, one of the reasons I can't be fucked with the place. Must sap the life out of the players in the crucial last 15 seeing everyone fuck off and the away fans having a laugh out of it.

On The Ball 3:11 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
There are no Newham freebies in the PL.

stewie griffin 3:10 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
maybe because the TRANSPORT is fucking shit, Gavvy?

Gavros 3:09 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
there are a few gaps in the crowd which is because of the 57k capacity. Hopefully a yes at the SAG will mean those get filled. More concerning is that shit load of seats that get vacated from 75 minutes in whether we're wining or losing.

1964 3:08 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
Newham freebees not taken up I think.

stewie griffin 3:08 Thu Jan 5
Re: New OS render HOT-Pointless bickering thread
In fairness, they may have been directly beneath you, as you probably have to look directly into the giant gaps next to the stand on breeze blocks

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