ted fenton 5:02 Thu Oct 9
Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Well this place is buzzing ! Never seen so many Zimmers a few with Ally wheels too. I've got Carswell down as 4/6 fav.
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
Sir Alf
2:27 Mon Oct 13
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
After8 3:02 Mon Oct 13
Some hard truths you point out especially the bit about us getting the politicians we deserve. But democracy itself is in need of some modernisation isn't it? In an interconnected world where we know a lot more about what is goinmg on (well if we "Pull" our news independently :)) don't people want someone to represent them that is more like them and thinking about local needs? And the truth is and always was that those with the money, real money, the big corporate owners call teh shots? They own the politicians, banks, media so its all a cozy club the majority will never be part of. Nothing will change, nothing, especially education, will get much better :-( I mean we don't want a nation of people that can think critically or they might see there is nothing but self interest and greed behind the Wizards curtain.
Gawd Im sooo cynical.
13 Brentford Rd
2:02 Mon Oct 13
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Is the answer Jerwish Communists Oldie. Failing that just Jews no doubt.
3:02 Mon Oct 13
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Spandex, I've think you've assumed the worst about me.
I've worked for private companies and for political campaigns plus the public sector. I've been on the board of two charities.
And I put my money where my mouth is and was a councillor. When I was a councillor I worked for my residents. I didn't claim a penny in expenses.
I agree there are some people in politics who the public would dearly love to slap if they spent time with them. I'm not one of them.
But the public also get the politicians they deserve as the media attack anyone who tells the truth about the problems this country faces. Tell the truth and it's a gaffer. Disagree with the party and it's party spilt stories.
The last election I had people say why can't politicians all get along and agree and then complain that they were all the same and no one had any principles any more.
Farage has done well but he's a right wing clegg. If he was in a coalition he'd had to start making decisions and see his vote collapse.
But I accept your point.
My job is to represent the 85% of voters who don't vote ukip. At the moment the media is giving too much air time to one party at the expense of all of the others because a ukip Tory fight is much more interesting than a Tory labour one, as yes, miliband is that shit. It no longer sells papers. However a nice Tory splits, Tory rebellions, ukip earthquake set of stories sell well.
And no, I don't take a penny from the taxpayer. I'm not been employed by the party all my life either. People accuse me of living a sheltered life and that I have no life Experience but far from it,
9:27 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Clacton is now dagenham on sea
Hammer and Pickle
9:26 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Were you able to count her toes?
9:09 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
I once had a bird in Clacton, vista road
ted fenton
8:03 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Gavros 5:05 Sun Oct 12 And where have you received this information ??
6:44 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
The Clacton constituency is quite wealthy overall.
ted fenton
6:07 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
You have to remember that it wasn't just Clacton !
The whole of Tendring voted in this election and the majority would not of even heard of benefits !!
5:05 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
A large number of people in places like Clacton and Manchester voted UKIP because they wanted to protect their benefits. They're exactly what's wrong with the country in the first place.
4:54 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Seems like oldie is waiting for 13 to answer. That or his raised blood pressure has led to a stroke...
4:53 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
When the likes of 13 Brentford Road state 'I have never voted Labour in my life', you really have to ask yourself if they are fibbing, or if not, more worrying yet, who the fuck did they vote for.
4:50 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
'How come it has happened to all European countries and only European nations simultaneously over the past century?'
4:47 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
After8 7:43 Sat Oct 11
'I agree pickle. I believe we've set out a strong agenda. Now we have to make our case to the people'
Ahhhh! The old take notice notice of what ordinary people say and shout louder tactic. No change there then.
4:41 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
H&P. That would have so much more pizazz than a simple be-heading. I am surprised no-one else has thought of it.
Hammer and Pickle
4:38 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
He's preparing his instruments for his sawing-Ron-in-half centre-piece.
4:36 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Is Golden Oldie looking for our thoughts or is he waiting patiently in the wings before telling us the answer.
Nurse Ratched
4:34 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Ron deserves a night off. Am I the only one on here with a soft heart?
Hammer and Pickle
4:30 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
Oh dear. I thought that Nurse had taken over from antly but she seems to have handed over to Golden Oldie.
The plot thickens.
Golden Oldie
4:13 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
13 Brentford Road
What do you think is responsible for undermining British society, attacking the very heart its family values, culture and heritage and destroying all facets of its culture so that social cohesion and productivity among the native Saxons has deteriorated to the degree that it has?
How come it has happened to all European countries and only European nations simultaneously over the past century?
13 Brentford Rd
3:55 Sun Oct 12
Re: Clacton by-election: Is this the day politics changes for ever?
........instead we have the ludicrous sitution of un educated un qualified Brits sitting on their arses refusing to work draining public money, immigrants either doing the jobs they should be doing or alsi claiming benefits on top of everyone else with tens of thousands risking their lives desperately scrambling to get here when they are already in France etc... as we'll either give them a job or pay for them to not work.