cup of tea 4:42 Sun May 3
The Enfield Haunting:
Starts tonight on SKY Living. Three parts I think.
Quite like stuff like this, hopefully be a decent watch
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
Eddie B
9:55 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Just watched all three episodes. Very good acting by all, especially Timothy Spall and the girl who played Janet.
4:41 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Swiss. 10:21 Mon May 4
Brimsdown what a shithole.
You're telling me, I have to work there.
11:00 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
My old mans family were into the occult My dads Brother got killed during the war at 17 and My dads mum could not accept it so she started going to seances ect apparently many of her side of the family were "Mediums" (Not Larges) , Quite a lot of people went to Seances during Both Wars.
My old man who was born in " The County of West Ham" and was a rough piss taking sod believed in it all his life. He wasn't scared or worried about it he just believed in the ghost stuff. Apparently he had to go to seances and spiritualists with his Mum when he was a kid and all sorts of spooky shit went on.
More skeptical myself until something is in black and white
Nurse Ratched
10:46 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Shim, surely they will be haunting caves, not houses?
10:21 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Was all faked by the girls. They admitted it. Well some of it.
Brimsdown what a shithole.
10:20 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
7:19 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Actually programme was as awful as I suspected it would be and only decent acting from Spall and the two children lifted it above the sort of crap you'd see on the horror channel.
3:27 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Oh yea of little faith. You don't have to go back far to find a demon possession that took place under our very noses! It started in early August of last year and culminated in beelzebub himself appearing before us all as West ham beat Manchester City 2-1.
Then the angels came and we were returned to our normal shit team.
3:26 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Funnily enough you never here of any cave men ghosts either & there must've been generations upon generations of them....
3:23 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
In all the reported sightings of ghosts, you never get one wearing Reebok classics and a tracksuit do you.
Always period clothing.
Funny that.....
3:15 Mon May 4
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
where are the kids involved in this thing now then ?..
Nurse Ratched
11:04 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
"If I was a ghost and had found a way to communicate with the material world, instead of throwing pieces of Lego about, I'd probably try to describe in some detail what the spirit world is actually like, but no..."
Where's gph? I want him to watch that programme.
10:55 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
If I was a ghost and had found a way to communicate with the material world, instead of throwing pieces of Lego about, I'd probably try to describe in some detail what the spirit world is actually like, but no, they never do that. I can only imagine there must be some sort of intelligence test you have to pass to get into heaven.
Would explain why most ghosts are thicker than a whale sandwich.
10:43 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Love that Frank Spencer scene
Nurse Ratched
10:41 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Hani, put it this way...
'Incredibly' no-one managed to take any video/film footage. Amazing, eh? The spook just put the kibosh on all the moving footage.
But hey, there are plenty of stills...
10:38 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Didn't one of the Police officers witness a chair smash against a wall or something. The photo's give me chills tbh. I don't believe in ghosts but if it was the kids tricking everyone then that's far more disturbing.
The Dursley Massive
10:35 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
The fact that so many people still believe that this kind of bullshit is true just makes me despair for humanity.
Nurse Ratched
10:25 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Care label on Janet's cushion:
"Made in India. Materials:100% neutrino"
10:24 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
I'm going to give this a go,there's fuck else on. For the record,I' saw a ghostly image that scared the shit out of me and a few others that are still mates 35 on. There was no logical explanation for what we all saw but it was terrifying,and always gets bought up when were together. Strange,spookey stuff.
Nurse Ratched
10:09 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
How could I forget the cushion??
Excellent stuff.
And not a word mentioned about the fact that when a lot of the 'phenomena' were happening in the girls' bedroom, they wouldn't let the journos be present unless they were effectively blindfolded or were facing the wall.
9:44 Sun May 3
Re: The Enfield Haunting:
Nurse Ratched 7:10 Sun May 3
Ha,I just watched it, what a load of shit, how many times did they wonder why just about everything happened around Janet? Then just when you thought the penny was about to drop with one of them (not literally) - nothing.
The bit that made me giggle the most was the cushion that supposedly materialised (no pun intended) out of thin air and hovered above the house.
Conclusion: people in 1977 were idiots.