HairyHammer 7:40 Tue Feb 2
Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Hillary looks and talks like a crazed Robot Trump to me is someone I am shocked is ever let out into the public, In fact all the Republicans are flakey Fame crazed loones. Both sides candidates look as if they could easily be found out with a half decent question, and None of them look as if they understand what it might mean to be a struggling American or has any apathy for those 30% or more of the populace . Apart from the old goat Sanders that is , no one truly speaks to the people. What I am trying to say I guess is that the American Presidential race is a bit like a sad parody, maybe it has always been this way. To be honest in my mind before Bill Clinton every American President was cold and calculated and being manipulated by men in the shadows, Reagan was just a semi decent actor who understood very little but was able with his charm to get away with it. Maybe there are no good leaders and it is all down to Acting but I have to say President Obama comes across as human and warm to me, though it is blatantly obvious that Republican or Democrat there is but a cigarette paper between the two.
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
12:45 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
He's still a bigoted misogynistic billionaire though.
mashed in maryland
12:24 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Trump is also against the wars in the middle east.
Go figure dude.
12:16 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
The only candidate not brown nosing the established selfish class is Sanders, vote for the return of power to the working people, vote to catch up with the european civilized model, vote for stopping wars in the middle east, spend you money on citizens not the arms industry.
Texas Iron
5:57 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Sydney... Please take Clinton...and Bill to OZ...
I'm sick of hearing from them...Lies...Lies...Lies...
4:18 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Watched some of the interviews of both Democrat and Republican candidates and have to say only Hilary seems to be someone I would vote for (if I was a septic), of the others ALL the republican candidates make George W look like a socialist peace lover, god help America and in fact the world if any of that lot become president.
3:59 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Texas Iron 3:50 Fri Feb 5
Man is either a huge bitch or a terrorist sympathizer with his behavior in regards to the middle east and terrorists.
His presidency actually started off pretty well. Economic recovery, cash for clunkers, and he fought to extend unemployment when I was having a bit of 'me time' collecting UI I got a few more months of free money b/c of him I really do want to like him not necessarily politically but in general as a person and a figure but his conduct in the last 2-3 years has been appalling.
Texas Iron
3:50 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Nutsin 10:29 Thu Feb 4
Well said...
he pissed off many with his M/East Apology tour...FFS...bowing and kissing the Saudi king's Ring...
He definitely is a Closet Muslim...
Texas Iron
3:42 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
This is why he is so unpopular.
I believed Obama in 2008...Hope & Change..
Hasn't delivered much...and been divisive
Did not support him in 2012...
Too many lies ...Deceits...Wrong Decisions... Healthcare Lies...Iraq Pull out...ISIS wimp...Pro Muslim...Poor on Immigration...Syria/Assad Red Line Pull back... Promised a Lot...Delivered very Little...
Big Talker...Poor Doer...
2:41 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
I like's one of my favourite subjects
When the wealthiest in the nation start taking out far more than they put back in...then it slowly starts to breakdown and any organism or abandoned structure
We thought that the decline of the British Empire was painful...ours is going to be like drinking a glass of brandy and smoking a cigar compared to what is going to happen in the U.S
Nothing Hollywood can invent will possibly match what will unfurl on our TV screens in the not too distant future
Maybe the revolution will be televised...after all they gotta think of those ratings and shareholder return...that's entertainment
Capitol Man
2:31 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
I'm not surprised - you just don't get to admit that and they claim he was acting unreasonably when he decided to pass the health reforms without GOP support when sir overriding goal was not archiving worthwhile reform of the American healthcare system, but to deny him any political success.
Just like you don't get to describe him as a weakling overpowered by America's enemies then in the same post accuse him of being a tyrannical political overboard corruptly manipulating the political process.
You just destroy your credibility when you do that.
12:40 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Capitol man
Why are you surprised that the GOP set out to make Obama a one term president ? Isn't that the obvious objective of every political party that just lost the election.
Capitol Man
12:26 Fri Feb 5
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Nutsin 10:29 Thu Feb 4 Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Again mate - that's just simply not true. It was a conservative market-based solution (Mitt Romney's) to a major problem.
On day one of Obama taking power, Mitch McConnell laid out the GOP plan - to make Obama a one term President (abject failure there). And so set out to stop him at all costs. The GOP never offered a feasible solution and would never have signed up for anything because they needed him to fail.
And it wasn't the first thing he did - stabilizing the American economy at the point of total collapse was the priority. Then saving the American car industry and the millions of associatedJobs.
The GOP stance on this is borne out by the 33+ pointless votes they have made to repeal Obamacare - without a single concrete proposal of what they will replace it with.
Given the silly buzzwords you're trying to hit in there like "Chicago-style politics - you should probably admit you're not capable of making a rational judgment on the matter.
10:34 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Lots nit picking stuff against the president whilst he recovered the economy from the complete mess it was in.
And americans love a whine about health care even more than we do about the NHS, they just don't realise how backward they sound about it, frightened of giving street people free aspirin or something because they're really expensive in the states, the system is a cartel between the drug companies and insurance. like that evil executive shows you can charge what you like "insurance" will cover it. hmmmmmmmm
10:29 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
When Obama initially became president he had the majority in the House and the Senate and had the complete control of congress.... He then went about his presidency implementing Obamacare in such a polarizing manner that it set the precedent for his presidency..... If he'd have been a bit more willing to reach across the aisle his presidency would have been more accomplished....
Funny how the Obama supporters blame everyone but him for the mess we're all in.. After 8 years in charge surely he has to have some accountability...
As for why is he so disliked, I would say it's because one of the first things he did was to apologize for the USA, pissed off a lot of patriots, since then he's been so divisive for the nation on so many issues.. The data and reports that come out from the White House can't be trusted, Chicago style politics at its worst. The guy is the epitome of a politician, all he ever seems to do is campaign, constantly politicking.. He comes out and says that ISIL is contained on the eve of the Paris attacks, since ISIS are expanding thru the Middle East, Libya and N Africa.. He then says at the state of the Union address that people who doubt the USEconomy are peddling fiction. Since that comment all the economic data has been awful with several prominent banks snd economists expressing their concerns that we are heading for recession..
In short the guy if either full of shit or completely clueless!!!
Capitol Man
10:27 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
You have the racist thing - but you also have the "Culture War" thing. There's a hard core traditionalist element that sees their way of life as under assault from people of other races, gays, religions and so on. It's seen as an attack on their way of life, and is often seen as an attack on the constitution, and through that, America itself.
It tends to come from the American right wing whenever they are out of power. They struggle internally in terms of policy, so instead they focus on emotional issues and narratives.
One of those is some derivative of Obama being an African Muslim who poses an existential threat to the existence of America.
9:43 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Could someone living in America please explain to me why Obama is so unpopular? Apart from the health reforms thing
ooooh Morley Morley
2:50 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
You only have to watch the film Idiocracy to see what the future has in store for them.
2:38 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Frankly Obama was on a hiding to nothing really. Lots of good ideas that the right wing lunatics were never going to entertain.
Saw a transcript of a Bill Maher interview the other day where Maher quite rightly ascertians that the Tea Party idiots are out and out racists.
He quite rightly points out that their "liberties" were more sharply eroded during the Bush administration, but they were nowhere to be seen then. As soon as Obama shows up, then whoosh, the Tea Party, backed by the Koch Brothers turns up and starts to whine about their holy constitution being sidelined.
Obama has always come across as being a decent, intelligent and well meaning guy, yes hes made mistakes, but he has also had almiost every policy he has tried to put through scuppered by the House.
Clinton is no doubt an intelligent person as is Sanders. Sanders seems more Human, even if he does come accross as an angry old man.
Cruz is purest Evil, made human (barely) and armageddon would surely occur should he take office. He would be the most loathed president in history on his first day in the White house.
Trump is an awful charlatan. End of.
Rubio is an out and out god botherer who will say anything to get a vote. Not as slimy as Cruz, but then again no one is. Likely to be the one the Party gets around to get shot of Trump and Cruz.
9:54 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
"A US president can't even do foreign policy because of their car crash constitution."
It really is a problem for that nation, the citizens are actually afraid of the government, instead of just realising some of them are selfish cunts, all because of constitution indoctrination.
Hammer and Pickle
8:26 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
A US president can't even do foreign policy because of their car crash constitution.
Hello Mrs. Jones
7:59 Thu Feb 4
Re: Will the last Intelligent capable American President be Barrack Obama ?
Obama intelligent Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa