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michael 1:39 Tue Feb 9
if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
or if you did not bothered.

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After8 9:28 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Balder's I didn't join the CND or do Lefty marches.

East Auckland Hammer 7:36 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I never joined any lefty marches.

I was too busy smoking weed, getting pissed, playing rugby and shagging chicks.

Well, mostly the first 3.

Actually, if I'm honest, the first 2 weren't really conducive to playing much rugby after first year either.

balders 7:00 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
1-Or you could have worked study of a night still earned instead of poncing of the state

Workplace course end up with the degree and earn loads

2-Or get pissed loads join CND sleep till 3pm and piss everyone of with their lefty marches

No wonder the lazy cunts do option 2

Private Dancer 6:26 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Not Uni, NO....I'm not a Uni type of person, sitting around on the floor smoking weed discussing the meaning of life, living in a box room, etc fuck that...although the casual sex would have been good no doubt!

However, do I wish I had done better at school and worked harder and smarter and taken courses to improve my skills once I had started work? YES.

ParadiseLost 4:07 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Forty years ago it was possible to make progress without the degree, These days HR departments make it nearly impossible to get into companies unless you've got (an often worthless) degree.
Sometime in my career the HR people cottoned on that I'd reached some inconsequential height without having a degree and wanted to run some article in the corporate newsletter about how it was possible to succeed without a degree - along the lines of 'even the stupid can make it'. For some reason I was unwilling to cooperate.

Claret Badger 2:44 Thu Feb 11
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
got off me mush
got me nuts wet
failed to finish my course
all at the taxpayers expense


course Im skint and single now with bouts of heavy paranoia and momentary lapses of . . . . . . .

stomper 10:35 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I noticed when doing my masters that some people in the states seem to get through a BA without actually acquiring any knowledge whatsoever. Whereas I seem to know everything that happened in a 50 year period in Rome and bugger all else.
Swings and roundabouts I guess

ludo21 8:59 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Best three years of my life... met my wife and a strong group of friends that still meet up regularly nearly thirty years on and get on as well now as we did then.

Obviously the qualification has proved useful as well!

East Auckland Hammer 8:04 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
FatboyChelseaScum 5:44 Wed Feb 10

Holy shit, how long was your degree?

overbyyer 7:52 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I did an Engineering degree after ten years as an electrician and it definitely opened doors into the dull, monotonous world of office politics, back stabbing and arse licking.

Working in the trades without the degree was far better in terms of having a laugh with genuine people and making friends that lasted for years.

The sense of achievement of wiring up pubs, clubs and people's houses far outweighs the sense of achievement I've had from sending a spreadsheet to someone else.

But its no good being in a trade after you hit 50 because by then you are generally physically tucked.

ironsofcanada 5:46 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university

You also have to have the right degree for the job you apply for a lot time in North America.

I have found that any degree will often do here.

Which is interesting because a lot of degrees are much more specialized in the UK.

FatboyChelseaScum 5:44 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I'm 32 at uni. I'm just starting my final semester.

Pedant 5:41 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Did and would again.

It broadened my perspective on life in a way that wouldn't otherwise have happened, not only by way of education but also of the people I met from every part of the world - some of whom are now my most reliable friends.

Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Degree isn't worth much but you can build a good network of contacts and friends and do business with them. Remember to embrace that side of it.

In the states noone can get any skilled work without one but England is a bit different from a professional level landing a skilled job at 18 is probably just as good as going to Uni.

After8 8:58 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Wow an I phone.

How wonderful you are!

East Auckland Hammer 8:33 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Not sure Joe, how do you tell someone has an iPhone?

joe royal 8:30 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
How do you find out if someone has an iphone?

Son of Anarchy 8:24 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Im on my iphone lomarse so its a bit fiddly.

Anyway, less chat you queer, answer that ticket, log on and log back off again.

Your student loan wont pay itself

East Auckland Hammer 8:19 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
Looks like learning English wasn't much of a priority either.

Son of Anarchy 8:12 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I dont have ANY qualications, none and ive interived people with 1sts from oxford and so on.

End of the day its down to the person, the same money is up for grabs whoever you are.

Spending 4 hears drinking and getting into devt wasnt my idea of a good path to go down.

East Auckland Hammer 3:13 Wed Feb 10
Re: if you could turn the clock back ,would you have gone to university
I enjoyed my time at uni, but it hasn't proven to be vital to my career.

Plenty of blokes I know left school at 16 and went and did apprenticeships etc and by the time I finished school, had cars, boats etc

Now I'm 40, what I did at uni nearly 20 years ago, has absolutely no relevance whatsoever, and if it was even a factor in a applying for a job I'd want to know why.

Having said that, I would absolutely encourage my kids to go, because it's a good experience, and, if they choose their degree wisely, they just might give themselves a leg up, in what is certain to be a highly, highly competitive job market in 20 years time.

Of course, I'm not going to force them into doing something they don't want to do.

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