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BRANDED 10:41 Fri Feb 19
A typical fart is composed of about 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen. Only about one percent of a fart contains hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans, which contain sulfur, and the sulfur is what makes farts stink.

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Fifth Column 11:30 Sun Feb 21
Re: Flatulence
I have to agree with Hairy...

... the older I get, the more enjoyment I get from farting. It helps having two pre-teenage boys as we can bond over our love of farts.

Rio or Anton or Les 10:29 Sun Feb 21
Re: Flatulence
What is the correct medical term for one of these occurrances?

A latin word for example?

HairyHammer 10:01 Sun Feb 21
Re: Flatulence
Without a Fart you would die, it is essential and the older you get the more enjoyable and indeed required they become.

Ronald_antly 1:28 Sun Feb 21
Re: Flatulence
One of the females on the Australian "I'm a Celebrity ..." was talking about why beans make you fart.
Shane Warne said he didn't like to hear women saying the word "fart"

He was quite anal about it, in fact.

bruuuno 7:12 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Well it certainly wasnt your tiny flaccid piece cough

Bungo 7:09 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Lovejoy 6:50 Sat Feb 20

That's one of those things I really wish I could 'un-see' now..

Far Cough 7:04 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
bruuuuuuuuuuuno, you have a weak sphincter due to shoving large foreign objects up your flaccid ringpiece

bruuuno 6:58 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
I'm at the point where every time I fart I follow through a bit. Not bad but enough to require a wipe. Thus I now restrain from farting unless I'm in the bathroom

Lovejoy 6:50 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence

NSFW but very funny.

Queens Fish Bar 5:56 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
If you have lots of protein in your diet it makes your shit stink more.

Not sure if that's the same for farts.

PistonHammered 5:55 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Careful Alf, you know what happens when you strain too hard.

I hate those farts that arrive carrying luggage!

Sir Alf 5:34 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Since joining WHO some 15 or more years ago, I am always reassured the site is meeting the standards set (lowering the standards of common decency) when it comes to toilet humour and knowledge of all facets of bowel habits.

This country is the world leader in toilet and bodily function humour. I feel real pride as I read these threads.

*** Strains ***

Far Cough 4:10 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
You can tell if it's going to be a real stinker if it leaves your arse feeling very warm, the cold ones tend to be loud, it's very rare for a fart to be both loud and really stenchworthy

Well at least mine are

Chigwell 4:02 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Farts don't smell until someone smells them. This is the result of a thought experiment I have carried out.

Mike Oxsaw 3:18 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
If you eat a box of Swan Vesta and a handful of sand, this will neutralize any fartuous odours, as contemporaneous with the emission of sulphur laden air from the anus, microscopic particles of sand & match-heads will also be ejected and the resultant friction between said particles will create an odour neutralising micro fire-flash in your pants.


Bazooka Joe 2:29 Sat Feb 20
Re: Flatulence
Farts don't smell until they hit the atmosphere.

Son of Anarchy 10:21 Fri Feb 19
Re: Flatulence
I've just farted

eusebiovic 10:21 Fri Feb 19
Re: Flatulence
As George Carlin once said...

"A fart that could strip the varnish off a foot locker"


"A fart that could end a marriage"

Tomshardware 9:10 Fri Feb 19
Re: Flatulence
It's an art to know when to realise a trump when it's at it's most potent. I do find that real ale is a core ingredient for a real stinker.

Nicey 8:52 Fri Feb 19
Re: Flatulence
It is if you are truly committed Branded. You have to follow through

Rise Park family 8:48 Fri Feb 19
Re: Flatulence
Couldn't stop myself letting go a horrible corrosive invader as got off tube at Holborn yesterday morning.....whilst not deliberate, pathetically found it very amusing

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