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BRANDED 2:17 Tue Apr 12
Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Since Monday, porn site XHamster.com has refused access to any user with a North Carolina IP address. The site says the block will stay in place until the state repeals House Bill 2, which prevents cities and counties passing rules that protect LGBT rights. "We have spent the last 50 years fighting for equality for everyone and these laws are discriminatory which XHamster.com does not tolerate," said the company's spokesman in official statement sent to The Huffington Post.

"Judging by the stats of what you North Carolinians watch, we feel this punishment is a severe one. We will not standby and pump revenue into a system that promotes this type of garbage. We respect all sexualities and embrace them." According to the streaming site, NC residents searched for the term "transsexual" around 400,000 times, while "gay" was typed in around 320,000 times. (Let's not mention all the other kinds of keywords they could be searching for.) Users from the state will see a black screen when they load the site, although the owners plan to replace it with a petition demanding a repeal of the law.

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mashed in maryland 11:44 Fri Apr 15
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Interesting choice of link:

"“Them Yankees blocked our porn!”, cried Dudley (Dud) Langfurt, (R) Mecklenburg. “This is unconstitutional and you can bet we’re gonna repass that bill so our bathrooms will be safe. Then we’re gonna make UniPorn restore our service and punish them so they won’t never try nothing like that agin! We’re gonna have justice. Believe me, the south will rise again!” "

Sappy, please remind us to never take anything you post seriously again. Thanks.

mashed in maryland 11:43 Fri Apr 15
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
"Dumbasses"? Are you a 1980s American teenager?

What are your reasons for wanting men to be able to use womens' public toilets and vice versa?

Can you please explain how this arrangement would be in breech of "common humanity"?

And can you also explain why the Dapablos of the worlds' focus has been on this part of the law and not "House bill 2", or for that matter the laws of countries around the world which put homosexuals to death?

Dapablo 11:23 Fri Apr 15
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
North Carolina Repeals Bathroom Law


Dumbasses forced to comply with common humanity.

cholo 9:32 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Feed Me Chicken

Well it wound you up, maybe it wound them up for a different reason?

Feed Me Chicken 6:40 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
This has proper wound me up, respect their law, go for your number 1/2 where they say (pretty sure no one is gonna be doing a ball check at the doors) then fucking move on!

Why does there have to be outrage at everything these days!

Worst Case Ontario 3:45 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
My apologies MIM I read it quickly and thought you were talking about Xhamster

Hermit Road 12:24 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law

Dapablo 12:10 Thu Apr 14

Are you a wind up poster? Has anybody said there's naked women in restrooms (toilets)?

BRANDED 12:15 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
I'm astounded this has got any traction. Obvs Sherman cunts.

Dapablo 12:10 Thu Apr 14
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Oh yeah loads of naked women in restrooms..

where do these idiots come from?

holyhandgrenade 9:40 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
mashed in maryland 9:48 Wed Apr 13

Yeah there is a strand of regressive left thinkers who appear to be ready to challenge any backward practices in the western world, even if these practices are from a complete minority and are literally fading with time, rather than, as you say, the majority of shit that goes down globally in some of the real dumps of the world. And I say all this as a real liberal by nature.

It's almost reverse racism to not challenge Muslims for their views. It sort of shows the regressive left think that Muslims are not capable of thinking progressively.

Anyway fuck all this for tonight, back to the game!

Nurse Ratched 9:39 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
I was thinking more in general than specific terms (American politics bores me - no interest in that)

Capitol Man 8:46 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Central purpose of the Supreme Court nurse.

Nurse Ratched 7:25 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Who gets to decide which groups' RIGHTS take precedent over others'?

Capitol Man 7:21 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
It is part of a biggest agenda being push by the right wingers in America to allow "religious freedom" in that you assert the right of people to discriminate against others using your religion as an excuse.

It is essentially a state-level push after the Supreme Court effectively legalised gay marriage.

It's more about saying "we don't like gay people" than anything that could effectively be enforced or applied. It's the social conservative wing of the GOP trying to appease the hard-core evangelical vote.

mashed in maryland 4:34 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Western culture 2016:

It's "bigoted" or the sign of religious fundamentalism to think men should piss in mens toilets.

Hermit Road 4:16 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
You're wrong. The law allows people who are post-op to use women's bogs. If they've got a slit where their cock used to be they're OK. It doesn't allow people with cocks to use women's toilets, which is a fair point, otherwise why bother having women's toilets? The aim of it is to prevent the outrageous situation across much of the US whereby men, complete with cocks and bollocks, are allowed access to women's changing rooms as long as they say they feel like a woman. Women who are naked in these changing rooms and object to being present with a naked manstranger, are labelled bigots by enlightened individuals such as yourself under these circumstances.

Dapablo 3:30 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
The law wants transgender women to go into mens toilets, isn't that the whole issue here, you agree that these women should go into mens toilets, and likewise you want transgender men to go in with women.

The only people agreeing with this obvious peurile bigoted nonsense are christian evangelicals, are you a christian evangelical?

mashed in maryland 2:40 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
So what the fuck was the babble about forcing women into mens toilets about then?

Dapablo 2:37 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Yes I do, been very interested in american politics for over a year now and regularly read the Daily Kos.

Mississipee pulled back from introducing similar pointless legislation, no-one anywhere is going to be checking birth certificates before you go for a piss. It's just bigotry put into law purely for the reason of being a bigot.

mashed in maryland 2:25 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Dappy do you have any idea what you're talking about or are you just sounding off about equality and bigotry for the sake of it?

The new law which is causing most of the upset is one which "forces" people to only use public toilets which match the gender on their birth certificate. I'm personally baffled at why this law is seen as such a terrible encroachment on human rights. However the terminally outraged liberals of the world seem to see it as unacceptable, all while ignoring laws across the world which genuinely do directly discriminate and persecute gay people.

Marston Hammer 2:01 Wed Apr 13
Re: Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law
Mim is spot on.

I have no problem with people being offended or outraged by certain behaviour or rules. But they should be consistent with that outrage.

Any company that pulls out of NC because of this should pulling out of doing business in any country (or state) where the standards of discriminatory laws are far far worse.

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