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Eddie B 5:08 Tue Aug 23
Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock

Jeremy Corbyn had a seat on a train journey he suggested was so “ram-packed” he had to sit on floor, according to CCTV footage seen by The Telegraph.

The Labour leader walked past rows of empty seats before sitting on the ground between carriages for a video in which he attacked the state of Britain’s railways, footage shows.

Minutes after filming the video, during when he called for renationalisation of the railways, he took up a seat for the remaining journey of his London to Newcastle trip.

The footage emerged after Mr Corbyn was praised for sticking to his principles after it was reported he rejected an offer of a first class ticket and instead sat on the floor.

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mashed in maryland 5:28 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Fivetide 5:26 Wed Aug 24

I think you're confusing "letting it go" with "ignoring it happened".

No one is going to harbour any sort of malicious vendetta against Corbyn for his lies, but him and his pals should expect it to be brought up every single time he tries to play his bullshit "honest politics" cards.

simon.s 5:28 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Well done Branson, for calling the fucking weasel out.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:26 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
I'm no lover of Richard Branson, but that article appears to confuse 'defending ones company from a mendacious political stunt ' with 'attacking'

Fivetide 5:26 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:54 Wed Aug 24

But it's a fair comment. The bloke lied, he got caught, the media and rival politicians have a high old time for a couple of days. Then its time to get back to the job in hand, no? These things can drag on forever, and we give a lot shorter shrift to far more worrying events.

mashed in maryland 5:25 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
So the best comeback the lefty media can muster in the face of Corbyn's dishonest and bizarre behaviour is an ad hominum attack on Richard Branson?


ray winstone 5:21 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Sums it up quite nicely really, he'll be attacking the BBC for dark no to print it next....


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:10 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Yes, that bit was quite funny.

The Kronic 5:03 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
that listen to voter sensibilities and understand life in the real world relatively well (Chukka Umanna, Liz Kendall, David Miliband for example)


It's fucking spaz city on here!

holyhandgrenade 4:53 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
mashed in maryland 5:53 Tue Aug 23

Well said.

Corbyn is a fucking liability and Labour is fucked right now.

I've voted Labour all my adult life (ok when living in the UK) in every General Election, Council & Euro elections. Born and bred in Newham so completely brought up on Labour left of centre values which I still hold to my core. Zero chance I would vote for Corbyn though.

He fell into the leadership after surfing a wave of protest vote support due to pretty weak candidates on display at the last Labour leadership campaign. This combined with a sizeable and well organised socialist worker type agenda has got him into a position he barely expected or is really capable of.

The ludicrous shaming of anyone associated with the pretty successful Blair government has meant that sensible, progressive candidates that listen to voter sensibilities and understand life in the real world relatively well (Chukka Umanna, Liz Kendall, David Miliband for example) are seen as toxic by the militant infested labour membership.

A split is coming and perhaps that might be good for UK politics in the longer term. Labour in it's current state will end up a fringe protest group.

After8 4:38 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
they're so incompetent!

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:54 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Fivetide 1:42 Wed Aug 24

' time to move on.'

Since Tony Blair, the stock response of the scoundrel caught with his trousers down, his hand in the cookie jar or blatently lying.

Sven Roeder 3:26 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
The one thing I have learnt over the course of my life is that ...
People Are Cunts

Once you have realised that life becomes much easier to stomach

mashed in maryland 3:20 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
He undoubtedly will take that position publicly, Sven. Image is everything.

I think the real issue is that there are adults with the right to vote who see some sort of virtue in sitting on the floor on your way to a supposedly important meeting.

And adults with the right to vote who rush to the defence of someone who's been proven to have lied about it.

And the politicians who they vote for who would lie about it in the first place.

Sven Roeder 3:11 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
I will only believe his story about not wanting to pay to upgrade if he takes the same attitude to his inflated Parliamentary pension.

How can I take this gold plated pension when every other worker in the country has been squeezed to death and gets TUPPENCE

Sven Roeder 3:08 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
With any politician when you are caught out its better holding your hands up from the start rather than making up ever more ludicrous stories making it run and run.
There weren't two seats together because of all the midgets and children travelling so he sat on the floor. Where was his wife at this point?
Sitting on the floor with Comrade DustyTrousers or in a single seat?
Ha ha

claretandbluedagger 3:03 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Corbyn spokesman last night: “That line about only wanting to sit with his wife is nonsense and not from us.”

Corbyn today: “Yes I did look for two empty seats together so I could sit down with my wife to talk to her.”

Think they need to get their stories straight...

Baggins 2:34 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
"Would renationalisation make train services more efficient and cheaper?"

Cheaper? Probably, because the taxpayer would end up subsidising the whole thing.
More efficient? Almost certainly not.

mashed in maryland 2:25 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Crumple Stiltskin 2:19 Wed Aug 24

I agree with 1 and 4 but points 2 and 3 can easily be addressed by a politician simply saying "prices are too high and re-nationalisation may help this".

No lies about sitting on floors needed.

mashed in maryland 2:23 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
"Jeremy Corbyn: ‘Is it fair that I should upgrade my ticket whilst others who might not be able to afford such a luxury should have to sit on the floor?’"

Leaving the fact he lied about sitting on the floor aside...

Cunt was on his way to what I assume was an important political meeting. If I'd voted for him and found out that he'd failed to prepare properly for an important meeting cos he chose to sat on the floor over spending a bit more on upgrading to First Class (or better still, been thick or lazy enough to have not booked a seat) I'd be well pissed off.

Crumple Stiltskin 2:19 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock
Are train prices too high?
Is it important someone highlights this?
Is it even better if its a politician?
Would renationalisation make train services more efficient and cheaper?

Yes to all I'd say

Marston Hammer 2:06 Wed Aug 24
Re: Jeremy Corbyn in massive hypocrite shock

The original article and comments make for interesting (debatable) reading now a few more of the facts are out.

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