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theaxeman 11:36 Mon Feb 20
SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Quite remarkable documentary about the forming of the SAS. Worth catching up on iplayer. Let me just say Paddy Mane, fucking hell!

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Northern Sold 12:22 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Loved the bit when Mayne was introduced to the new unit's padre..... "Well give him a beer then"

Some great stories...

joyo 5:14 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Distant relative of mine served with Mayne, also died while in SAS......Christopher O'Dowd, and book about him 'He who dared and died'

J.Riddle 2:40 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
G-IRONS 1:41 Tue Feb 21

Reg Seekings impressed me, talking about the yank paras being dropped short and drowning, but they had a more important job to do and the truck being shelled with subsequent injuries and shooting putting one of the injured out of his misery without emotion, one of the others broke down understandably when speaking of the drowning paras. Then giving a speech to all the badly injured SAS casualties after a mission, saying they would be left behind to die as they had to carry on, although he did say it was the hardest thing he had done.

Obviously they are conditioned to block out emotion, but it makes one wonder if even he broke down occasionally when recalling the horrors as would only be natural during private solitary moments?

Heroes one and all.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 2:34 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
I'm a little ashamed to admit I knew fuck all about the SAS really and how they came about, basically an a team van with pipes and toilet rolls to improvise with. School boys own stuff when the main man got an autograph from Churchill and used it as a letter to give them what they wanted. Amazing how close they were to being ragged off completely.

Watched all three in one pop. Loved it

No disrespect to axeman but I think soldo got me on to this.

Peckham 1:42 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Thanks Axeman. Good post and highlighting the series , would not have known if not seen here.

Nothing but respect for him. Being an ex soldier , knowing SAS members in the present , but having a huge interest in history , I look forward to watching this at some point.

Paddy was a one huge loose cannon , and with his drinking antics and what would have been considered war crimes he carried out, that would have damaged the good reputation of the Allied forces , more than likely contributed to him not getting a VC.

Agreed to what someone mentioned earlier , all deserved a VC for every mission they done. Past and Present SAS , brave as fuck and a credit to the British Army.

zebthecat 12:32 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Fantastic series.
I was a finance officer in MoD many years ago and one had a bit of a special forces emergency fund as one of my responsibilities, The SAS are a lot busier that you might think.
Nothing but respect

neilalex 12:28 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Ah apologies, Paddy Mayne.

Eddie B 12:27 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
At spell his fucking name correct. Mayne not Mane.

neilalex 12:20 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Funnily enough this came up on the Six Nations thread a few days ago. I'd never heard of Paddy Mane until then but Jesus, you couldn't make his life up and be believed.

munkyfunk 12:17 Wed Feb 22
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Just sat and watched all three episodes.
Superb TV.
Cheers gents

Side of Ham 12:29 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
I get the feeling none of the SAS would even want a VC.I mean every mission they must take part in deserves a VC so it's meaningless to them.

Northern Sold 12:20 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
My Gt Uncle was in the SAS in the 50's (Malaya campaign)... he was a Barking Boy and West ham... there is relevance..... I think?

Northern Sold 11:41 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
They reckon he never got the VC might have been due as to a lot of the work was covert... you have to have a certain amount of eye witness testaments to get a VC

Northern Sold 11:40 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Fantastic series.... Mayne is an absolute legend....


Toe Rag 10:53 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
He chinned one of his Commanding Officers. That sort of thing doesn't endear you to your superiors I guess.

Eddie B 10:33 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
Countless VC's were awarded to non public schooled people. Some, even, to brown skinned people.

theaxeman 10:08 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
I think being a psychopath didnt help his case for a vc and as someone eluded to not being born and schooled in the right place probably didn't help.

claret50 4:38 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
theaxeman 11:36 Mon Feb 20

Thanks for posting this, fascinating stuff and I'll be watching the previous episodes, not sure though that I could have stayed at the table in the restaurant when the crazy mick placed the grenade in the middle and pulled the pin.

Spandex Sidney 2:44 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
I bet being a mick didn't help. I'm sure if he was born in Ascot he would have nailed the VC

G-IRONS 1:41 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
I got the book for Christmas which obviously goes into more detail but the documentary is also excellent.Four DSO's for Paddy Mayne and one even signed off by Montgomery,someone really didn't like him.That Reg Seekings was a proper ruthless hard bastard as well.

Vexed 1:15 Tue Feb 21
Re: SAS: Rogue Warriors, BBC2
In the first programme of this series it explains that Mayne was a bit of a murderous nutter and had an example when he gunned down a load of Germans needlessly. Probably why he wasn't honoured with the VC.

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