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the house of freaks 2:15 Thu Dec 21
The Ribman
He's got his stall at the bottom of the Gherkin in the city if anyone likes them.

I've had my first and have to say they're pretty fucking good..

That is all

Happy Christmas

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mart O 8:14 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Now that genuinely made me larf. Silly fucker.

gank 8:10 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Spandex, I wasn't sure so I just tried doing a plop, and wiping, with only my left leg allowed to touch the floor and no contact with my right leg whatsoever.

My back now looks like someone has mapped out the Bakerloo line on it using a paintbrush.

So don't buy food from this cunt, take it from me.

AKA ERNIE 4:08 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
rip off for a bit of cheap meat in a bun

Spandex Sidney 3:29 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
gank 9:01 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
The sauces are good but if never buy actual food off him - the cunt has only got one leg!

No way does he wipe his arse properly.

Surely that would only apply if he had only one arm?

gank 1:43 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Has, do you make a special effort to appear so thick or does it come naturally to you?

Can you not see why this is very much to do with West Ham?

WorldCupWilly 12:03 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
If it's anything like the one at Euston Station, then the prices are higher than normal and the portions are smaller. He doesn't run it - it's a franchise.

Swiss. 11:55 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Man I haven't worked in the city for 6 years. Food wise I miss Wrap It UP on Bishopsgate and my Jamaican Jerk Chicken.

Haz 11:38 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
More interesting then Morrrittzzzz returning home like some prodigal spastic son, surely it's GANK posting on a non-football related thread?!

Ban him at once Mods.

Claret Badger 11:25 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Temple of Seitan is where it's at fools

meat eating cunts

bruuuno 12:39 Fri Dec 22
Re: The Ribman
Moritz son!

Buster 11:54 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman

Leonard Hatred 11:36 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman




zebthecat 11:34 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
Hi Kiirk

Nurse Ratched 11:16 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman

Johnson 11:15 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman

Kirk st Moritz 11:13 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
why doesn`t he create a new limb with all that rib meat like those kebab thighs u see in kebab shops

Leonard Hatred 10:53 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman

Mr. Burns 10:37 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
It's a bit of meat in a bun, fucking hell people go on like its something special.

gank 9:16 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
ag ag ag ag

Amputee Actor 9:10 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
gank 9:01

Aaaaah, maybe that explains why my gay porn gigs dried up...

gank 9:01 Thu Dec 21
Re: The Ribman
The sauces are good but if never buy actual food off him - the cunt has only got one leg!

No way does he wipe his arse properly.

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