Feed Me Chicken 8:17 Sat Mar 17
Still no MSM reporting on this story? i guess as it’s only innocent young girls being abused and murdered there’s not much call for those kind of stories in the left wing stronghold media these days.
Far too busy stroking celebrities egos i guess. #metoo
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
13 Brentford Rd
6:42 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Latest leftie term for this is "child exploitation" so it can be lumped in with a whole host of stuff not as bad and the truth does not get spoken.
6:20 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
This one is Proactiva Open Arms (not the yoghurt) out of Barcelona.
Like most of the Med NGO african taxi-ferry services have almost certainly broken International Maritime law.
Dwight Van Mann
5:43 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
one of the economic migrant ferry ships has been seized by the Italians
Dwight Van Mann
5:29 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
for years the authorities turned a blind eye to this abuse but some dopey sweaty posts a youtube video of his Nazi Pug and bang he's up in court. Today he's been found guilty of a hate crime - this country is fucked.
mashed in maryland
5:18 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Well if your opinion on anything is based on similar logic to concluding that these grooming gangs (sex trafficking gangs, lets call them what they are) are a "right wing hoax" best tackled by "monitoring right wing activists" and that newspapers/journos who report on it are "cunt rags", let's just say you're certainly not likely to be the best at deducing whether or not someone is upset.
Particularly since your go-to response for having things like this pointed out to you is a flurry of vicious personal abuse
4:37 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
, 1:39 Tue Mar 20
'Rosie Brighouse a legal officer for the organisation Liberty has previously called for Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 to be repealed. In her words it is “breathtakingly broad and intrusive, ripe for discrimination and regularly misused”.'
Why would anyone give a fuck what Rosie Brighouse thinks?
Hammer and Pickle
2:31 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
My opinion that the Cologne events were not spontaneous but organised in a chain of command going back to the Kremlin is based on circumstantial evidence and a pattern of similar projects going back at least as far as Kielce 1946.
Why you so upset mimmler?
Hammer and Pickle
2:27 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
As far as I know this who story is based on one (ONE) Italian prosecutor’s opinion he was not prepared to formulate as a specific charge in court. Got anything more substantial?
mashed in maryland
2:26 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
He's making a point that your sudden high regard for evidence is almost outrageous considering your long history of refusing to provide it when asked, and often reacting terribly when either pressed for it or confronted with any that proves your argument wrong. Its not that difficult.
2:24 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Ok, so are you saying that
1) NGOs do not get involved with people-smuggling 2) Soros and CF do not fund these NGOs, or 3) Soros and CF do not know the intentions or have been misled by the intentions of these NGOs?
Please choose one or more.
Hammer and Pickle
2:11 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
What is betrayal of reality Johnson?
Is it a legal term in your parts?
Hammer and Pickle
2:09 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
I don’t believe either Soros or the Clinton foundation are funding NGOs with the purpose of people smuggling.
But like I say, I keep an open mind.
2:00 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
I'll happily google the numbers that you could look up for yourself, bearing in mind that smugglers inc is not exactly a govt department so do not have independently audited figures published.
I'll do that and post it up once you state clearly whether you believe this is happening or not and whether you agree that its funded in part by Soros, the Clinton foundation and EU governments and departments.
1:59 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
You’ve got some neck asking for evidence given your complete and constant betrayal of reality in your posts Thickle.
Hammer and Pickle
1:57 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
I think we ought to be aware of the exact extent of said smuggling. Got any numbers?
1:51 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Its more than possible. Soros funds many NGOs directly and indirectly that are responsible for people smuggling. SO does the Clinton foundation.
Are you suggesting that this isn't correct?
1:39 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Rosie Brighouse a legal officer for the organisation Liberty has previously called for Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 to be repealed. In her words it is “breathtakingly broad and intrusive, ripe for discrimination and regularly misused”.
Hammer and Pickle
1:12 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Perhaps the judges are doing the bidding of George Soros like the NGO people smugglers responsible for the whole migration crisis?
I’m open to all hypothesis.
1:06 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
These 4 have not been to court. These are ex-judice decisions by UKBA.
You will mainly find examples of racism etc being used as mitigation in sentencing white people.
I would imagine Darren Osbourne, Finsbury Park Mosque incident would be one such sentence.
Hammer and Pickle
1:03 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
I will.
Especially to check whether the judge was considering hate speech in the mitigation.
12:59 Tue Mar 20
Re: Telford
Pickle, you can google it yourself.
The detention and deportation of 4 law-abiding citizens under schedule 7 of the terrorism act when no offence or intent to commit an offence pertaining to this law because they had spoken out against radical islam, means that medieval blasphemy laws are being de facto used to afford special protection to Islam in the UK.