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Willtell 10:50 Thu Sep 20
Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I watched this argument on Twitter and the argument that Socialism has never worked seems to me, as a reformed socialist, to be a sound one...


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Willtell 10:36 Thu Sep 27
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
It isn't worth arguing about BRANDED but to call China the most successful nation is wrong.

Sure they export more than any other nation but they are by far the biggest country on Earth with 1.4 billion people. Their GDP lags way behind the USA that has over 1 billion less people...

BRANDED 10:23 Thu Sep 27
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Depends on what metrics you ise.

Willtell 10:07 Thu Sep 27
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
No they're not the most successful nation on Earth BRAINDEAD! They are the biggest...

BRANDED 12:09 Thu Sep 27
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
PLUS. The chinese are like 1.4 billion and the most successful nation on earth. If he tried to fuck it the communists learnt pretty fucking quickly.

Westham67 12:05 Thu Sep 27
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
riosleftsock 10:56 Wed Sep 26

You're a sensible bloke mate you shouldn't compare anyone to Mao are call anyone a Maoist, Mao killed 36 million of his own people with great leap forward and collectivization of the farms

Having working in China I was interested in the mentality of the people there so I read Mao's Great Famine award winning book bf Frank Dickkoter. It is decent read

Alvin 11:55 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Claret Badger 11.44

Too true

Claret Badger 11:44 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:29 Wed Sep 26

no because that'd be antisemitic

The Kronic 11:32 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
An embassy will suffice.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:29 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I imagine we'll be moving our Parliament there, won't we?

The Kronic 11:28 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I'm just delighted Palestine will finally be recognised as a state by this forthcoming Labour government.
Are you?

riosleftsock 11:25 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Communism and socialism are just two cheeks of the same arse.

It all ends in poverty, starvation and piles of corpses. But a few people tend to amazingly survive and find millions of soviet gold in their swiss bank accounts

BRANDED 11:08 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I've met a few people who lived in the soviet republics. There's a few things they liked.
1. A lack of competition,but particularly from bigger Western companies
2. Predictability. Mostly
3. No debt. No anxiety
4. Much less jealousy or even dreaming of a better life. Made them more realistic.

Most still wouldnt go back because they love freedoms more.

The Kronic 11:06 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
A communist/Marxist/Maoist/IRA hero is neck and neck in the polls. The British really do hate the British that much - or they just might fancy a democratic socialist party instead of the unpatriotic, privatising, tax dodging Tory parasites.

White Pony 11:03 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
We're winning 7-0. Fuck socialism.

riosleftsock 10:56 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Westham67 1:18 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I don follow UK politics much but McDonnell sounds like a leader

He's a communist, a maoist, a marxist. Is that what you want? The IRA called him their quartermaster.

Do you hate the British that much?

northbankboy68 10:52 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
1945. Bleeding obvious.

Mike Oxsaw 6:09 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
I think most people I've ever met are quite happy to help someone less fortunate than themselves.

Their (and my) issue is that they/I don't want to be told who to help, how and when.

Provide is with the information, the raw data, and allow us to choose for ourselves who gets help.

The result will be that, for instance, some people absolutely refuse to help someone not of the same race as themselves, but this will be balanced out by people ONLY helping those of a different race to themselves.

Some will (want to) fund the armed forces and not the NHS, others will (want to) do the opposite. Some may even want to do both - with their own money, remember: money they've earned, wealth they've created.

NONE of this is difficult - we live in the information age.

BRANDED 5:54 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Its either borrowing or taxing. If you tax its what you do with the tax that matters.

lowermarshhammer 5:25 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Branded 2.22

Agree with that as would two RMT reps I know one who bought his council house and another who stood as a UKIP councillor.

The Kronic

I probably haven't at a pop at Tories as much as I have the left but that is not to say the Conservatives haven't made a vast number of totally appalling screw ups in my lifetime including the botched privatisations of utilities and railways, the poll tax, the annihilation of manufacturing on their watch, actually asking the people a straight question of what they thought of Europe and expecting a positive response etc.

However the fact remains that in my shoes you know where you stand with a Tory government. Sure they are likely to want to shaft my working conditions and to clamp down on the unions that help to get them. I know that.

Thing is you know where you stand with a greedy Tory MP. These lefty Corbyn types are all power crazy hypocritical cunts who are happy to send your kids to a one size fits all comp whilst they pack their own off to selective schools or come up with some feeble excuse that they have to send them there because it's want their partner wants.

"Do as we say and not as we do."

Corbyn will tax the shit out of anyone that gets up in the morning and works their bollocks off to provide for their family. He'll want to tax the shit out of your estate when you cork it so you'll have fuck all to give to your kids. The fact that you've paid tax all your life on your earnings to get that estate to leave in a will means fuck all to him.

And if you think he'll squeeze huge amounts of tax out of the likes of Amazon and Starbucks you are living in cloud cuckoo land where the magic money trees grow fruitfully.

He just wants to tax tax tax all he can and spend it on shit. No doubt it would end in disaster and the Tories would have to come in and clean up the mess and be utter cunts to most people in order to do so.

And thus it ever was....

Willtell 3:54 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
threesixty 12:20
Well said. I never thought we could ever agree when I first noticed your posts. I'm in complete agreement with that. Capitalism provides and stokes the growth but a social conscience is needed by capitalists to share the profits.

Reality tells me we are moving into a world where eventually there will not be enough jobs because of automation so a new system needs to evolve...

BRANDED 2:22 Wed Sep 26
Re: Has Socialism Ever Worked?
Socialists can adapt and change as much as any other part of society. They didnt exactly reject growth and industrialisation.

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