WHO Poll

Beyond Reason 4:04 Sun May 24
2006 Therapy
Having avoided all footage for 14 years, I watched the full 2006 FA Cup Final this weekend.

Personally I found it less depressing than I feared so if any of you think it might work for you it's there on iPlayer still.

Anyone watch it who can bear to talk about it?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Beyond Reason 4:55 Sun May 24
Re: 2006 Therapy
Oh sorry if there's a thread on this. Just thought the re-run might work for some people. I've thought about it so much, the pivotal moments etc, over the years, but watching it this weekend mainly made me proud.

VickyPkVillageIdiot 4:46 Sun May 24
Re: 2006 Therapy
The amount of posts I've seen about that game in the last few weeks. It seems the lack of football on just makes people think back to negative memories. It's really depressing.

The way I see it, I will never be over 2006 until we win another trophy.

And I understand that may never happen.

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