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epsom 1:58 Wed Sep 22
Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
One Iron posted a wise word to all West ham fans going to Zagreb, stick together, its risky, it could be open season on West ham fans.

Apart from a few isolated incidents it went off quietly, more thanks to the streetwise nature of West ham fans. Dinamo Zagreb could only pick off small numbers as there was a good turn out and as One Iron suggested we did stick together.

Unfortunately 6 west ham fans are still there, banged up and unable to return.

Classic wrong place, wrong time. It kicked off, the OB nicked those in the vicinity.

The Croatian prosecution do not have enough evidence, however they refuse to let them go. The current situation is for the 6 to either plead guilty, pay 10K, or else wait 7-8 months banged up in Croatia awaiting a trial.

4 of them are kids, their first European trip, just wanting to have a great time following West Ham.

A number of us have had similar situations where unfortunately being a football fan comes with “you are guilty by association”. Can you imagine if it was football fans on the motorways protesting?

There is a justgiving page set up to help the parents get the best legal support they can out there. Speed is the priority, its been a week and we need to get them back and quickly.

Thanks for those that have donated to date, 2K has been raised, much more is needed. Any funds left over will go to the Isla Caton fund. Please share the link, raise the awareness and the amount. If 3K of us donate a tenner, then the funds are there to get the support on the ground they need.

https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/free-the-west-ham-6>Zagreb 6 Fundraiser

We stuck together in Zagreb, lets help get these 6 boys home…

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 7:58 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
As they are not supplying updates, I feel the link on this thread should be disabled.

It's as if they want our money but can't be fucked with letting us know what it's being used for. Simple good manners that I'd expect from anybody who is West Ham.

People are still free to donate, but can find an alternative path through which to do so.

charleyfarley 6:22 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
martyboy to be fair there was some controversy over sending money to Isla fund and if i recall that got sorted as I'm sure Isla's mum will verify.
With Ramsgate unfortunately he is saddled with associating with Swallow and it doesn't matter how he defends himself the poor bloke can't win and I think we should lay off him

The only person we never hear from is Swallow himself and as Ramsgate said he is the only one who knows where the money went and why the march was suddenly called off, but getting back
to the subject in hand, the fact remains we are not getting any updates from the crowdfunding site and until that is done suspicions and theories will continue

essexmaniacinexile 2:53 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
I know what you are saying but most people are aware of crowdfunders by the way of social media, as aka Ernie says.
If no one points out the discrepancies and lack of clarity over where the money has gone/ is going, ( this case and the alleged missing Isla donation from the cancelled march)then it's not fair on people who continue to send their hard earned in with no guarantee it's going to the intended use.

martyboy 2:12 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Pentonville, as you speak to Swallow daily, do us all a favour and ask him when his going to make the donation he promised to the Isla fund? Just because they are "West Ham" don't make them whiter than white. Over my time following West Ham over 45 years I've meet some right untrustworthy wankers who follow us. Its not unreasonable to ask people who have asked for help to show a bit of transparency?

simon.s 1:11 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
You don't back the winning horse every time, but given the success rate through here we are decent punters .....

Yep mate……sort of sums up my feelings on this. People who have donated are decent, and I always think there but for the grace of god and all that. Not all crowdfunding is well intentioned, but I don’t think I’ve been mugged off. Like you said, most requests on here are genuine, and it’s good to know complete strangers have your back in some small way.

AKA ERNIE 1:08 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Chav people will wonder why when they were all over social media asking for money why shouldn't the outcome not be.
As stated ive no problem but a lot do

chav_corner 12:55 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Essex.i get what your saying about people wanting to know what happened to their money.But kicking it round on social media aint the way to do it.These fellas may have done everything right,one of thems allready said hes got know no idea what happened to the money.if people want to question them thats fair enough.-But ask them,or pm them.Just dont think its right that its all over social media.we all know that most people on here use different names.Some of those posting could be 12 year old trolls,some could be people that just dont like the people in question.-Shit sticks.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 11:38 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
All I’d like to know is

What happened to the young Croatian lad that was hospitalised with serious injuries - him and one other were set upon by a large group of West Ham supporters with 6 of them being pinched.

What advice did the 6 hammers that were arrested for hospitalising the 2 lads receive from the British embassy? Especially after the extortion began.

Did each of the 6 have to pay £5k each to the lawyers that forced them to plead guilty? Can they get a refund?

Why has there been zero press since, especially with the extortion and - as Mike kindly states below - the political aspect. No value of the political posturing if no media outlet covers it.

essexmaniacinexile 11:16 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
I get the the gangster friend of the Chairman stuff. How that led to the crazy ridiculous totally unfounded antifa claims and the cancellation of the march.
That does not however answer the unexplained reasons why there was no money trail. It leaves it open to people to want to question what happened to Peoples money back then as it does now with this fund raiser too.
It's all very well, with respect, people saying I know AS and I know what happened or Ramsgate saying it was nothing to do with me. Until people who donated to either know what happened to the money then they are entitled to want to know the truth and see proof.

Crassus 2:28 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Discretion being the better part of valour is sometimes well observed

As such I am with Ernie's thinking, two separate and unconnected events will not cloud my judgment the next time we are asked to support one of ours in bother with a round of drinks or a word of support

You don't back the winning horse every time, but given the success rate through here we are decent punters .....

Pentonville 12:32 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
i know what happened with Swallow and all ill say is i still speak with him daily and love the man and i despise our chairman hiding behind his gangster mates.

chav_corner 12:23 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Well Im still prepared to give em the benefit of the doubt.Regards the other stuff i dont know what happened and its none of my business.

AKA ERNIE 12:03 Sat Oct 16
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Chav its pretty obvious weve been screwed over here but fuck it i only gave £20
As for swallow amd micky lots of us know what happened and personally have never said a word .

chav_corner 10:05 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Why cant you people give these West ham blokes the benefit of the doubt.Im sure they got a lot on their mind at the momentThere is no evidence to say anything is 'wrong or crooked'.,Also people slagging AS and MM down.Do you know what happened? No,i bet you dont.So why slag people down if you dont know the truth.

Mike Oxsaw 8:11 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
"It has been an EU member state since 2013"...and the French want free licence to over-fish UK waters again.

There. Two dots. Have a go at joining them.

International politics too difficult for you? Salt & Vinegar.

The case of the lad in Dubai will probably have a similar slant.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 7:59 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Interesting story this week about a lad arrested in UAE and the British consulate working for his release as he feels he was forced into a confession.

As stated on this appeal - these poor lads were charged £5k in legal fees to be forced into pleading guilty - they really need to speak to the embassy and get some media attention.
Croatia isn’t a backwater in the 40s. It has been an EU member state since 2013 and should be held to account.

Vexed 2:07 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Is this bloke running the Just Giving page the same bellend Joe Braden that got done for scrapping with some Leicester mugs a few years back? Probably still on a ban the twat.

whu 1:29 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
An update from originator, isn't an unreasonable request tbh.

Mattie Mulshun 11:43 Fri Oct 15
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
This is just plain wrong and smells as crooked as the AS/MM mess. It aint right people are STILL giving to crooks hiding behind a West Ham badge . It is embarrassing. Why exactly is this still pinned?

ramsgate 1:45 Thu Oct 14
Re: Six West Ham fans left behind in Zagreb - WHO posters please read - Link added
Martyboy .. well talk about kick a man when he’s down .. there are people with in this post who don’t pipe up and defend me .. so I will defend myself ... let me tell ya now. I’ve never fucked anyone over a pound note in my life .. I had fuck all to do with any money .. all I did was help people .. I can hold my head up high. The only person who knows where that money went is swallow .. end off ! Now for those in this chat, who ain’t bothered to stand up knowing they know what’s what. Drop me out .. I’ve had enough of you key board warriors.. and for the record all the muggy quotes over the years I’ve been away ain’t gone unnoticed ..

PwoperNaughtyButNot 5:23 Sun Oct 10
Re: (INSERT NUMBER) West Ham fans left behind in GENK - WHO posters please read - Link added
If there is evidence that then have been forced to plead guilty to a crime they did not commit then yes there will be credence.

If there is evidence that did hospitalise a young Croatian lad then I’m not sure why they would have been forced to plead guilty.

I don’t want to be a cynic but I’m struggling to get my head around this from a legal standpoint.

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