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Joe C 4:15 Fri Mar 4
Shane Warne out for 52
Suspected heart attack.

That’s no age at all

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Manuel 4:54 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
It said the resort cost 2 bags a night, that is very high end, which means there would be very wealthy Thai's staying there. Believe me, in a joint like that you will not see four grubby brasses ordered in from outside wandering around the foyer, not a chance. It wouldn't be allowed, the resort would lose its reputation in a heartbeat. And fwiw, Warne doesn't strike me as someone who would be that disrespectful, cheap and classless enough to even do that.

twoleftfeet 4:41 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
If I had his money I definitely would have found 4 better looking women than those.

Manuel 4:17 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Fwiw, he had only been there for one day, was staying at a very high end resort, so doubt he was grubby enough to order in 4 brasses. But it hardly matters now anyway, does it.

Feed Me Chicken 4:11 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
I’m sure it’s not the first time he has brasses in his bed so those pictures are probably from another time another place

Northern Sold 12:57 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52

toe Rag.... hardly Swedish are they??

Eerie Descent 12:52 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
I've seen the pictures like everyone else, and as usual with anything like this, given that phones have supersonic cameras now, why do the pictures look like they were taken in 2004, where you can barely make out who it is?

I'm calling bollocks on that. I really wish it was true though!

Northern Sold 12:43 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Yup fair play… John Entwistle went out with one riding him like a bucking bull… and Warney out does him by chucking another 3 in the mix…

Toe Rag 12:20 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
From the pictures I’ve seen on Telegram none of the 4 look like Thais to me.

That is some way to check out!!!

Northern Sold 12:15 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Heard the 4 pall bearers at Warney’s State funeral are going to be Miss Blowy, Miss Meeeeee soooo gooooood, Miss Ping-Pong and Miss Sucky sucky Love you long time…

Sven Roeder 10:02 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Don't imagine anyone is going to turn up at Warne's funeral and be shocked that he was a bit of a goose and a self confessed idiot at times who didnt always do the best for his family.
Maybe these flawed geniuses are loved more .... the freak of nature who loved a fag and a drink and was that great Aussie word a LARRIKIN.

All I have heard over the last few days is what a great friend he was to people and how he responded to fans and other players.
Was reading Rob Key's article in the Evening Standard where he said he pushed a couple of young Kent spinners to go and talk to Warne after a game against Hampshire. Warne told them he had a day off next week and invited them to come to Hampshire and spent the whole day with them in the nets working on their bowling.

As some have said we will NEVER see his like again.

Sydney_Iron 4:52 Tue Mar 8
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
One notable thing about Warne, is that had he been a cricketer these days and got up to all the shenanigans he did back in his day he would most likely would not have been playing for Australia or even first class cricket and being hounded by the press and the #Me-too movement and maybe even charged or faced court!!!!

Thankfully he was from an era that could see the things he did as maybe a bit juvenile and stupid and a bollocking and apology was all that was needed but not career ending as it would be today.

He will also get a state funeral here in Australia with all the bells and whistles and every politician and celeb in attendance such was his popularity and no mention of those text messaging or lurid comments to teenage girls back in the day or his piss ups and infidelity.

RIP Warnie.

Sven Roeder 1:02 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Think it would be an appropriate way for Warne to go out.
Said earlier he lived life to the full and crammed more in than most would in 10 lifetimes.
Not sure any cricketer that dies in the future is going to have tributes from the likes of Mick Jagger, Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Ed Sheeran & Liz Hurley.
Liked the way people left beers & pies by his statue at the MCG.
As a poker man maybe 52 is the right age ... he definitely went through every card in the deck.

The King is dead. Long live the King

Kaiser Zoso 11:30 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52

Nose Candy

twoleftfeet 11:05 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
What’s quiver?

Kaiser Zoso 9:17 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
I must have seen some of the same photos lovejoy has seen. Looks like he overdid it on brasses and quiver, but it's probably better left unsaid, or put down to asthma and chest pains. No one is better off picturing the reality, if that is what happened.

Sydney_Iron 6:10 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
This is a massive shock and all over the news here.

Did notice in one the reports that he did have a visit from a "masseuse" not too long before he died, not in any way connected to his death but being Thailand i suspect he at least had a happy ending not long before his death.

RIP Warnie, Not just a great cricketer but loved a laugh and good time and was often in trouble for his off the cuff comments, especially to the ladies, that although harmless had some all hot and bothered.........

Manuel 5:58 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Zico - Yep, now saying he's had recent chest pains and asthma. It's quite often the case with cases like this that something comes out afterwards that are linked to the death. Suppose it makes it a 'slightly' lesser shock now.

Lovejoy 4:41 Sun Mar 6
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Just seen the pictures just before his death. What a way to go.

wd40 11:29 Sat Mar 5
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
we are all aware that vaccine side effects.

Well if your bit uneducated supposed it is.

Matthew Holmes 11:13 Sat Mar 5
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
we are all aware that vaccine side effects - frequently increases risk of heart attacks and other.
I'l stop there - save it for the conspiracy theory page.
RIP Shane

zico 10:29 Sat Mar 5
Re: Shane Warne out for 52
Reports in news that he had seen a doctor recently regarding chest pains. Not sure if true but tragic if warnings were missed.

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