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Norflundon 10:32 Mon Apr 18
1 fit centre back
Just heard Diop is out for the season
Zouma will be back if we get past the semi but looks like we’ll have to play the clubs biggest game in over 40 years with one of our fullbacks at centrehalf can’t imagine Moyes will chuck a kid in

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cambsiron 8:05 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Zouma only had a sprained ankle. No mention of torn ligaments which would have been a bigger issue.

El Scorchio 5:54 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Great news if he's fully fit. I hope they aren't doing the classic West Ham thing of rushing him back too quickly.

However as it's not muscular and was (just) a sprained ankle with no ligament damage supposedly, then maybe it's ok.

Norflundon 5:41 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Southbank half agree with that but you def don’t want him breaking down and out the away leg as neither of the others will be back in time
Big risk only time will tell if it pays off

⚒️ 5:07 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Yep Zouma to start tonight.

southbankbornnbred 4:58 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Fuck the doctor - this is the home leg of a European semi-final: our first for 46 years.

"Screw you, doc. Hand me those crutches, I'm going on..."

(crosses fingers)

Manuel 4:57 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Doctors advice? Probably the same doctors that 'advise' you to never drink alcohol, don't eat anything that actually tastes good, don't smoke, don't fuck, etc etc. Moyes and the player will make the call not some jobsworth doctor. Gut feeling is it will be next week Diop or Zouma play.

Norflundon 4:52 Thu Apr 28
Re: 1 fit centre back
Decent chance one of the injured boys will play although it is against doctors advice

Tomshardware 8:57 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Sadnacs, Moyes doesn't seem to have much faith in Kral.

Don Ravioli 8:51 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Zouma will be back in starting lineup on Thursday.

⚒️ 6:05 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Would rather put a youth team player in there to give them the experience.

Sanacs 6:02 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
I thought it was said that Kral could play Cb? worth throwing him in for the Arsenal game, nothing to lose

solidbond 5:50 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
He was playing right back when he scored his only goal v Hull 1990

Tomshardware 5:46 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Fair enough, good knowledge.

Dan M 5:25 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
He started off solely as right back and then moved inside, not always in a three (I remember him partnering Foster for a spell). Tim Breacker joined in 1990 and made right back his own position for the best part of seven years. Potts became captain while playing centre back too. If you look at line-ups where Bilic and Reiper both played you'll find either Pottsy was the third CB or didn't play at all.

Tomshardware 5:12 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Pottsy who was about 5ft 5 played most of his career as a centre half?

Tomshardware 4:49 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Ludo/ Dan you sure? Don't remember him at centre half during the Martin/ Kenny Brown/ Colin Foster years nor when we had Reiper and Bilic, wasn't he more of a right back and he would fill in a centre half for us when we had a 3 at the back.

ludo21 4:00 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Swindon - fair enough, hadn't realised it was so recent... seems like ages ago!

swindon hammer 3:42 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back

Zouma last played on the 10th April against Brentford.

That will only be 18 days on this coming Thursday so he hardly needs much match fitness.

In a regular season with no European football he would only have missed 2 games.

If he’s medically fit then he should play.

ludo21 3:14 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Zouma can't be 100%, certainly not match fit anyway.

Assuming he's 80% I'd have him on the bench on Thursday (in case Dawson needs to go off)... perhaps give him 15 mins at the end, give him another 30 mins on Sunday and play him full 90 in the away leg.

ludo21 2:46 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Steve Potts used to do a super job at centre half when called upon.

Err... is that not the position he played hundreds of times?

daveyg 1:44 Tue Apr 26
Re: 1 fit centre back
Who's this Mark carlaw chap ?
Never heard of him

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