claret on my shirt 2:54 Tue Jul 12
Penny Mordaunt
A poll of Tory members has her as favourite to become PM. So i ask our fellow WHOers an important question. Would you ruin her?
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
8:53 Fri Jul 22
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Labour shit as well but from a greater height.
9:54 Thu Jul 21
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Conservative party members have been given a choice of shit or runny shit to vote for.
The membership would not have chosen Niknak or Truss
9:25 Thu Jul 21
Re: Penny Mordaunt
We both know this was not about 'confidence'... the same old MPs (Remainers) were looking for any excuse. Riski was planning this coup with his global mates since last Autumn.
I would have (and will) vote for Truss in the Members vote. Sunak's behaviour over the last 8 months or so means he would almost certainly lose the vote off even if he were up against Mickey Mouse. Let's hope so - he is an elitist globalist right down to his bone marrow and we have to step past that ASAP.
Fifth Column
7:55 Thu Jul 21
Re: Penny Mordaunt
We live in a Parliamentary democracy. We don't have an elected President. I don't like the Tories but there is no reason why we should have a general election.
Luke Likewise, our Parliamentary democracy means PMs need to maintain the confidence of their own MPs so you can't complain at Tory members don't get a vote in Boris stepping down.
Who would you have voted for of those who originally stood?
7:49 Thu Jul 21
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Stevethehammer 8.57
WE get to choose because WE are the Party Members. There is nothing stopping anybody being a party member if you want involvement and influence at critical times. MPs have been busy bribing and promising each other to get votes for their candidates - it's all very underhand. The first vote should've come to us too. Also, we voted for Boris, so WE should've been consulted and polled before he was ousted... no surprise that we weren't though. Now we should have been allowed to vote to immediately reduce to two candidates, then they have a couple of weeks hustings to put their case, then we vote again and pick one. WE. That is, us, the fkn MEMBERS, not the MPs who cannot be trusted not to cheat and fiddle. Oh, and don't fret on Riski, he doesn't have a friend anywhere in the Members camp after his behaviour this last six months or so. LIZ_4_PM.
7:29 Thu Jul 21
Re: Penny Mordaunt
forty something
What a strange thing to say.
11:10 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
BRANDED 12:44 Wed Jul 20
'I had a few beers with a current forty something civil servant. During Covid he was in Northern Ireland initially trying to sort out Brexit issues but rapidly moved into Covid sorting. He’s back in London sorting out another unsortable problem.'
Blimey, mate, he sounds ever so important - what department does he work for? Only, it's almost like he or you made it up.
Mike Oxsaw
9:06 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Parliament's not a company - it's a club.
9:06 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
I fail to see the connection Johnson
9:04 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
If a CEO stands down does a company get put up for sale?
8:57 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
It's going to be Sunak and fuck all is going to change. Boris might aswell have carried on. How 160k people alone can decide the next PM is beyond me. If a PM steps down then the party should choose their leader for a compulsory GE within 3 months. Another couple years of Rishi and we are well and truly fucked.
7:22 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
BRANDED 12:44 Wed Jul 20
"This is and always will be their no 1 concern no matter what wokery or cultural perversions are being committed"
Polling of leave voters showed most of them would still vote for Brexit despite knowing it would cost them personally in economic terms. So I don't think that is quite true.
12:44 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
I had a few beers with a current forty something civil servant. During Covid he was in Northern Ireland initially trying to sort out Brexit issues but rapidly moved into Covid sorting. He’s back in London sorting out another unsortable problem. Most of what he's doing is fighting fires around public opinion problems. Its high on the voting public’s agenda so make it better.
He said if all the politicians were nuked tomorrow government might well function a lot better. Of course he did. But in a World of constant focus opinion the focus can vhsnge quite a bit.
Culturally the country is split between some “traditional” values and progressive change. As with most places but what everyone cares about is their own economic situation. This is and always will be their no 1 concern no matter what wokery or cultural perversions are being committed. People care about having enough money and using it how they wish. Any deviation from this will cause stresses and divisions.
Fifth Column
12:31 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Mordaunt was an active Minister in the government. The idea she's untainted is absolute nonsense. Tom T was the only one who hadn't held a Ministerial position.
And there hasn't been any vote rigging. They are following the rules of how they run elections in the Conservative Party.
And there are certainly no dirty tricks. Mordaunt has bare faced lied about her previous actions and words. Pointing this out isn't a dirty trick, it's entirely reasonable.
12:08 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Say what you like about Mourdaunt but she would have been a fresh face and untainted by being a member of the most deceitful and dishonest cabinet of all time. As it is by playing dirty tricks in rigging the voting it seems likely the final choice will be between two leading members of that cabinet, what a world!
7:23 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Do you mean it isn't?
4:38 Wed Jul 20
Re: Penny Mordaunt
You need to be a halfwit to conclude that 'wokery' is in the top ten of greatest challenges faced by the country.
11:21 Tue Jul 19
Re: Penny Mordaunt
So we are taxed to the hilt on everything we earn, taxed to the hilt on everything we buy. Have a shit pension to look forward to and a bang average health system. This under a low tax small govt political party
Mad Dog
10:48 Tue Jul 19
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Shame badendoch is out. I liked the cut of her gib. Anti "woke lunacy" wins my vote every time
Cabbage Savage
9:07 Tue Jul 19
Re: Penny Mordaunt
Lee Trundle 3:38 Mon Jul 18
"Kemi Badenoch vows to free up police by stopping them intervening in social media clashes"
Pickle all most put dossyays in bin