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Coffee 9:34 Tue Aug 2
Taking the knee 2022/23
Premier League captains are discussing whether to continue this. It's been happening for two years. Wilfrid Zaha no longer does it, saying that it doesn't matter whether players take the knee or stand up or whatever.

What do you think - should it continue? I say no. It's run its course.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ted fenton 12:05 Sat Aug 6
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Good timing though to stop it prior to going to Qatar for the world cup !!!
It's so hypocritical to actually be going there !
Have we heard from Southgate regarding Migrant workers, slavery allegations and deaths ??

Sven Roeder 12:00 Sat Aug 6
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Oh Dreerie
You fell in a bit of a hole here in the discussion about racist abuse directed at players on their PERSONAL social media sites. Do you know CRonaldo's user name on here?
Flapped your hands that ANY attempt to make PUBLISHERS like Twitter & Facebook be held responsible for their sites was impossible ... despite this , including blocking of recalcitrant sites & penalties for senior management, being included in legislation shortly to be enacted.
I see Sir (ha!) Nick Clegg is to be based in the UK in his Facebook role. Perhaps he could be the first to be banged up.

Lee Trundle 11:44 Sat Aug 6
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Set days.

Something like first games of the season, last games of the season, boxing day fixtures, Kick It Out games, Sir Stephen's day, Martin Luther King day, games during black history month, etc.

goose 11:38 Sat Aug 6
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
They did it at the palace game last night. Is it up to the players to chose now or is there set dates they’ll do it??

only1billybonds 11:56 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
If someone is ignorant enough to have racist views then a bunch of footballers kneeling down for 10 seconds once or twice a week isnt going to change them.

Also,if someone comes across as a cunt,people shiuld be free to comment on that person regardless of what they look like. Same as white wrong uns,perfectly acceptable for a white wanker to get called out a black/brown/yellow person.

Eerie Descent 11:18 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Sven Roeder 10:49 Fri Aug 5

What are your views on homophobic abuse, Sven? And do you think people should be arrested for saying homophobic things on the internet?

JAC 10:58 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Its a pointless exercise.....get on with the football....most people are sensible enough to know right from wrong and we do not need it rammed down our throats every match day.

Move on.

Sven Roeder 10:49 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Of course things have changed but you can probably understand why black players are exasperated to STILL be racially abused in 2022.
Of course racism will always be in the world but surely football can be one of the driving forces to help defeat it by being an example to kids.

That said I have always said football and football fans are one of the LEAST racist parts of society when you compare it to boards of directors, royalty and the general man in the street.
The average football fan (well 99%) judge players on their ability and character.
Would any West Ham fan care if the player who puts the ball in the top corner for the winner on Sunday is black, white , Asian or an albino with dyed pink hair.

Takashi Miike 9:25 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Russ, whomail

Russ of the BML 9:22 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
As I said before, to hear black people in the game talk you'd think it was Louisiana 1955. Compare 2022 to 1982. Can black people not clearly see the massive changes in the game in the last 40 years?

Why is it that black players and pundits in the game act like nothing has changed in the last 40 years?

Russ of the BML 9:21 Fri Aug 5
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Wils 12:40 Thu Aug 4

Exactly. And what is it they want?

I heard two black players and a black journalist on TS last night saying it's of no value anymore as its lost its message.

The journo said we will just go back to wearing T shirts and won't be talking about it anymore. The conversation is over.

I was tempted to ring in and ask him what his expectations were. Considering we've been talking about nothing else for the last year. And also, do we just talk about racism for ever more? What's the end game? If there is a place or instituion that isn't racist, why should all the members or people involved talk about racism? Is it something black people just want everyone to be aware of and sicuss forever more?

I mean, without sounding too cynical, is it becoming a holocaust type scenario?

Hermit Road 9:34 Thu Aug 4
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
“ It's hardly the most obstructive thing to happen at a football match”

It has literally stopped play of every game for two seasons. Over 600 games where play has been obstructed. Only the Second World War stopped play more.

Lee Trundle 4:09 Thu Aug 4
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23

Lee Trundle 4:08 Thu Aug 4
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Wils 12:40 Thu Aug 4
"Be nice if the people pushing it could quantify what it achieves or achieved."

If they're honest with themselves, their pushing it now to piss off the old white man set in their ways.

The evidence is on here, if you needed examples.

They won't talk about how it caused bigger diversions amongst the majority, though. Some achievement that.

scott_d 4:04 Thu Aug 4
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Personally, if they want to, then carry on. If they don't, then don't.

It's hardly the most obstructive thing to happen at a football match so I have no problem with it and what it means.

Wils 12:40 Thu Aug 4
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Be nice if the people pushing it could quantify what it achieves or achieved. Is there less abuse on social media as a consequence of them taking the knee? I suspect nothing changed at all. And as others have pointed out already the real motive for taking the knee is to wind white people up (which is obviously hypocritical) or more likely just political motivated to portray white people as an oppressor which is a Marxist strategy and suggests the players are being used.

Russ of the BML 9:43 Wed Aug 3
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:03 Wed Aug 3

Fair play mate. Appreciate that.

Manuel 1:38 Wed Aug 3
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
I'll take that.

This selected games in October and March malarky will be the same weekends when they still have the Kick it Out thing when SKY etc show the fixtures and table etc in black colouring.

collyrob 1:30 Wed Aug 3
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23

Premier League Players will take the knee before the opening and final games of the season, selected games in October and March, on St. Stephens Day and FA and EFL Cup Finals

HAMMERNH 12:27 Wed Aug 3
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Done with immediately.

solidbond 12:07 Wed Aug 3
Re: Taking the knee 2022/23
Mex martello 8:49,:congratulations you are not a snowflake racist

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