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BRANDED 8:45 Thu Jan 12
Disorder at footy games
The number of arrests has increased and there is a "worrying level of disorder" at football games, says the UK's Football Policing Unit lead.

A UKFPU report, released on Thursday, shows 999 arrests were made between 1 July and 31 December 2022, a 10% increase on the same period last year.

There were also 343 new football banning orders issued, a 230% increase.

"Disorder at football has sadly not gone away," Chief Constable Mark Roberts said.

At 1,550 matches there were 661 reported incidents, the second highest figure on record, but it was a 19% decrease from the 2021-22 season.

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Northern Sold 2:28 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
Good SUFC mate of mine has been banned from all football for about 5 years I think... he called one of his own players... a Useless black bastard (think they was playing up Walsall or Birmingham way)... didn't shout it out apparently just said it to his mate he was sitting next to ... apparently.. anyway he said it loud enough for his family and wife to hear who was sitting directly behind him... so he says he was lucky he didn't lose his job and end up in clink.. ban from local football... 5 mile ratio of pubs around the ground... and England away games he has to surrender his passport to local Police Station... I've warned him in the past that his gob would get him into trouble but compared to some of the shit I have heard from him in the past it's a good job he's been done for this ... imagine the other stuff would have seen him shot infront of a firing squad... anyway he won't learn... probably

cup of tea 2:26 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
Obviously not right but at least it sends a message. What do our lot do, sit and eat popcorn and play with their smart phones

ted fenton 2:19 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
Everton Directors have been told to stay away from todays game as the police have taken threats against them very seriously.

Northern Sold 2:18 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
Briano 11:50 Fri Jan 13

Ha ha ha ha!!!!

On The Ball 2:14 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
But equally the number of people out at the weekend dwarfs that of football attendees - it'd be interesting to see a direct comparison (arrests per 1000 or something).

Westside 1:39 Sat Jan 14
Re: Disorder at footy games
"At 1,550 matches there were 661 reported incidents"

So an incident roughly every 2.5 games. As Hermit says it's negligible.

Compare that to the average number of arrests at the weekend, with pissed up punters coming out of pubs and night clubs, knife crime, etc.

Briano 11:50 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
From the 70’s ‘ Harry Roberts is our friend’ to a latter day trip to Fulham ‘ does your butler know your here’ or ‘you only drink white wine’

Times have changed

On The Ball 10:46 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
There has been an increase in dickheadery in recent years.

Jim C 10:28 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
These disorderly scoundrels and rapscallions need to be banned.

Gaffer58 10:15 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Todays “ violence” is not a patch on the 70’s and 80’s , in fact if you shout at an opposition player that he’s playing like a big girls blouse you’ll get done for hate crime.

Gary Strodders shank 9:40 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
You still get the odd "Get your tits out for the lads" every now and then mostly at lower level
"you fat. Bastard ive not heard in a while.
Anything stronger your likely to end up with a ban or in the nick.

lab 9:18 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
I blame FAUCI

gregan 9:09 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games

'At 1,550 matches there were 661 reported incidents, the second highest figure on record, but it was a 19% decrease from the 2021-22 season.'

So it has improved then.

Russ of the BML 3:20 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Seeing as you can get arrested for calling away fans cunts these days I'm not surprised arrests are up.

But that balance won't stop cunts like Jim White jumping on this and spending a whole day discussing it on TS and acting like its an apocalypse. Especially when deep down he and everyone else knows that football is so sanitised now its fucking boring.

RoyalDocksGK 12:47 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Is there any surprise in this though ? What with what you can and can't say now days & Drug use is almost the norm at football now for some people.

Mike Oxsaw 12:20 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Is there not a process for introducing "safe standing" into previously all-seater stadiums happening at the moment?

Anyone with a vested interest in keeping the all-seater (sanitized) configurations would surely want to highlight the fact that no (NO) football fan can be trusted to watch the game standing up without starting a fight, and kill that process, would they not?

Gary Strodders shank 11:48 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
I would say disorder is more prevalent at lower and non league games these says.
Its all pretty sanitised at the top table where you can even text in to grass up the bloke sat next to you for saying a rude word.
I guess cup games have more potential with larger away allocations and a lot more tickets up for grabs generally.
I did however see a fella jump on the tracks at Stratford to get at some Brentford fans who were goading him last season luckily they got the power turned off just in time.

WHU77 11:35 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Whats " Footy" ?????

Oh dear 10:55 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
The number of banning orders always increases in World Cup years.

In an effort to stop the average Stone Island wearing mong from going to games.

SnarestoneIron 10:48 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
riosleftsock 10:14 Thu Jan 12

Have they? Or are they just more widely reported?

Far Cough 10:41 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games
Johnson 10:35 Fri Jan 13
Re: Disorder at footy games

You absolute helmet, Branded.

ag ag ag

Branded, footy is Australian Rules, you bell

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