WHO Poll

billywhitehorse 9:58 Sat Jan 14
Congratulations for today
To the heroes in JL2 throwing punches at each other.
The only person who got hurt was a young female steward who took one straight in the eye. She looked about 18.

Well done! Hope it made your weekend.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

billywhitehorse 11:41 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
The incident was dealt with quickly by other stewards, security and police who were all close to this as it was next to a stairwell and exit and near the end of the match.

One old school fan did very loudly remind them all about West Ham values.

Northern Sold 4:19 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
So lets get this right... a young female steward gets smacked by one of our cunt fans.... and no one does anything?? Apart from post it up on here... I remember not so long ago that things like this were sorted out there and then... fuck me we have changed and not for the better by the sounds of it... sad sad times

Charoo 1:03 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
Bruuuno - nearly as bad as alcohol.

bruuuno 12:56 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
Cocaines a hell of a drug

SDKFZ 222 12:52 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
My Mrs saw a WPC speaking to this female steward in the women’s toilets just before full-time. Apparently, the steward was distraught and crying her eyes out. My Mrs wondered what had happened.

We certainly have some right dickheads amongst our support.

smartypants 12:20 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
The last time I saw punches thrown in a football stadium was literally in exactly the same seats when we played there a few seasons back

smartypants 12:17 Sun Jan 15
Re: Congratulations for today
I was next to that. Couldn’t work out why it started. Felt sorry for the steward, she came over and asked if my 8 year old son was ok at the start of the match and if we needed any help to come see her, next time I see her she’s covered in claret and crying

Briano 11:28 Sat Jan 14
Re: Congratulations for today
Some real hard men out there, acting it out on a Saturday afternoon…on a different note my daughter a nurse at St George’s took a full on right hander from a dementia patient ..perspective

Vexed 10:52 Sat Jan 14
Re: Congratulations for today
Solid proof our fans are not sexist

Eerie Descent 10:37 Sat Jan 14
Re: Congratulations for today
Was the only shot that landed all game.

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