WHO Poll

Gaffer58 5:15 Sat Jan 21
Speed of this site
Don’t know if it’s my iPad or not but this site is so slow now, I usually give up trying to open any of the topics up as ball I get is the little wirrly thing as it’s trying to open. Being an old git my patience is not what it used to be.

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arsegrapes 10:22 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
Its always been the same, the only way is to have a cull, there's a few I can suggest.

arsegrapes 10:20 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
I got fed up waiting for the page to load so went for a clear out, came back and still stuck.

bruuuno 10:06 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
The site runs about as fast as the minds of those who use the site

GBHammer63 9:56 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
You know what your getting, has never been different, wouldn’t want it to change in any way, apart from some of the site ( just for the sake of it) argumentative fuckers.
The funny argumentative fuckers all add to the originality.

riosleftsock 9:22 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
I reserved (and paid for) an alternative domain name and webhost and offered to hand it over to anybody who wanted to build the site and run it, I don't have the time or knowledge to operate anything like that. So, if somebody wants to do it, its yours.

threesixty 9:13 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
Any of the moderators could do it I suppose. I think forum sites are pretty straightforward to setup nowadays.

Who’s actually paying for the thing though? Someone must be paying for the server?
(Or is this some CIA psy-ops thing used to harvest data from the finest brains in Essex?)

Far Cough 8:40 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
There's plenty of off the shelf websites available like Tapatalk etc?

mallard 8:04 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
The only way it would work, is if we paid a subscription and the Site Owner took a cut for the agro of setting it up.

Mike Oxsaw 7:51 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
"Maybe best to just create another site."

Who's going to do that, then?

threesixty 7:47 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
I understand that no one knows the credentials to backend for the site. So they can’t upgrade it?

Maybe best to just create another site. Put a sticky on this site with the new url.
If users want to keep their existing usernames then just whomail someone with a unique Id so they can log in with their old username.
As long as the old site is still up people can search for stuff (search seems pretty crap anyway and I never use it).

But I’m sure everyone who wants to can migrate to the new site pretty seamlessly…

gph 7:30 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
The owners of the site have been sending any pace they get to the club.

Unfortunately, they didn't have much to start with

mallard 5:34 Sat Jan 21
Re: Speed of this site
It’s not your iPad, I’ve tried countless devices and it’s due to amount of users active on a match day.

I suppose you get what you pay for!

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