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charleyfarley 2:02 Thu Mar 2
⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread
........... V

    Etihad Stadium
    Wed 3rd May 20:00 GMT
    VAR Michael Salisbury

John Brooks: (14) - 59 1

Ortega, Walker ©, Stones, Dias, Ake, Rodri, Bernardo Silva, Grealish, Mahrez, Haaland, Alvarez
Subs: Ederson (GK), Laporte, Gomez, Akanji, Lewis, Phillips, Gundogan, Perrone, Foden

Fabiański, Coufal, Kehrer, Ogbonna, Cresswell ©, Emerson, Bowen, Downes, Paquetá, Fornals, Antonio
Subs: Areola (GK), Anang (GK), Johnson, Lanzini, Cornet, Benrahma, Ings

Man City 1/5: Draw 5/1: West Ham 11/1


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Jasnik 9:12 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread
One thing why was Phillips laughing his head off when he came on.

also the whole game was we were waiting for Man City to score. All the players bottled it playing it into their box they kept passing the buck/ball until they lost the ball.

Meerkat 9:37 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Antonio is a wet dream striker for Moyes .
If Moyes isn’t sacked - Antonio will be first choice again next season .
We may sign another striker of course but Antonio is so unique, mostly but not always in a bad way that it’s impossible to think there is a like for like replacement.

threesixty 6:52 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Do players know that when they sign under him they aren’t going to play much?

It’s been obvious for 3 yrs now. I can’t imagine they’re surprised by this. And he probably would have told them that’s how he does it. And it has nothing to do with form. It’s like they man’s running a boarding school or something.
Just does things according to his rule book and not what’s actually needed.

Nagel 6:33 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
"Downes gets a first start for ages against a rampant Man City. Is Moyes setting these players up to fail?"

If you look at the 5 starts Downes has been given in the PL you would think that. One easy one at home to Bournemouth. The rest were all away: at Liverpool, Spurs, Man Utd & Man City. Proper baptism of fire, that.

Fact is though that 4 of them games were the ones where Paqueta was unavailable so it's probably just that Moyes has his first choice midfield 3 and wants to play them in every single game.

daveyg 6:32 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
You're such an idiot.
Top myself FFS, WHAT IF I DID.
what a pathetic response,thought TWO might say that kinda of thing but you're as bad as him.
I was being sarcastic, Dr Matt saw this. Just putting a response that Two was about to say. Now he'll have to use his other standard reply

I do however agree with you that Moyes is worse than Allardyce or Grant (there you go Two, )
But Vexed i don't rate your opinion other than that.
Downes despite the opposition played well in all his games last Autumn, Soucek hasn't at all. Not giving Downes some PL minutes shows how useless Moyes is.
90% OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS ARE DOWN TO Moyes and his tactics,subs,playing no youth, constantly playing players out of position, the list is endless.
A good manager of any sort with give his squad minutes,there's 5 subs. Even when we have been wining he doesn't give valuable minutes to anyone of note and then throws them in and expects these players to perform to a high standard

threesixty 6:04 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Ings for Antonio was planned. It’s got nothing to do with what was happening on the pitch.
Moyes didn’t expect anything from the game but just wanted to keep the score low and not injure / knacker the only striker he trusts.

I wouldn’t mind him throwing games like that if we won the games we are actually meant to win. But that’s not what’s happened this season at all. Pretty much any team can and has beat us.

So we should be trying to get that 3 points from anywhere, top sides or bottom sides. If he loses the europa final and gets relegated through some freak results from Leeds and Leicester then… fuck me that would be wild.

Can’t imagine he’d get another job again.

Russ of the BML 5:46 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Vexed 2:00 Thu May 4

"To be fair Downes doesn't deserve grief for yesterday, the fucking gutless, bottle job, no pride scotch cunt in charge deserves every bit of grief coming his way. What an abysmal fucking wanker he is. I honestly don't think we've ever had a worse manager than this cunt. Yes I include Allardyce and Grant."

Fucking spot on.

And anyone else notice - Cornet given half an hour playing time against a rampant Newcastle. Downes gets a first start for ages against a rampant Man City. Is Moyes setting these players up to fail?

Sir Alf 5:20 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Rice playing out his final few games not too bothered I suspect?

I see Moyes has identified Ward-Prowse again as his main target like with Lingard last summer.

He fits the Moyes template:
Getting on - check
Best years arguably behind him - Check
Overpriced - Check ( ok we don’t know )
Slooooow - Check
Good at accurately launching diagonals and long balls to lone front man - check
Great set piece specialist - double check

Ok ltbh he would be a decent addition but still does not solve the speed, passing and mobility issues which will get worse when Rice leaves.

Watch Moyesie.chase him all summer then lose out in Sept before realising we need more players :-(

I am assuming Moyesiah / Scotch Ginger Cvnt stays on after cruelly seeing us knocked out in the conference semi and staying up on 34 points

Gaffer58 3:16 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
So was Rice happy or unhappy at not playing last night, was it a chance to show how good he is against the best or would he have been shown to be a good player in our side but nothing special against established world class players?

Eerie Descent 3:07 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Manuel 1:08 Thu May 4

You accusing other people of being aggressive is very good, son.

Bexley Ironworks 2:02 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
The first half performance was much better than I expected. It gave me the feeling that maybe, just maybe, we could nick something. Even after the first goal went in I was relatively content, albeit it was a very soft goal to concede. The moment Moyes bought Ings on for Antonio I knew it was over. When the 2nd & 3rd went in I felt absolutely nothing. No disappointment or hope that we could turn things around. Absolutely no emotion.

And that's where I am now. Bored and numb. Bored because I'm tired of seeing the same approach and numb because I have no faith in the management to change their approach or make effective substitutions.

So far as Downes is concerned, it's clear that the lack of playing time and opportunities has hit his confidence. His preference is to play the simple pass or go backwards, probably due to knowing that if he drops a clanger his game time will be even more limited. Moyes has got right in his head and it shows. IMO he is still a far better option than Soucek. Had he been available last night I suspect we would be looking at more than a 3-0 defeat.

Vexed 2:00 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Downes was MoM against some Danish postmen!

I absolutely mugged off a group of toddlers I had a kick about with at a family bbq - therefore I am also a decent player. I think that's how WHO logic now works.

To be fair Downes doesn't deserve grief for yesterday, the fucking gutless, bottle job, no pride scotch cunt in charge deserves every bit of grief coming his way. What an abysmal fucking wanker he is. I honestly don't think we've ever had a worse manager than this cunt. Yes I include Allardyce and Grant.

Does anyone really think we'll beat Alkmaar?

GBHammer63 1:51 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I think it’s too early to judge accurately many of our squad let alone the ones who are not regular starters. As said earlier on, who has Moyes made better as a player?

Takashi Miike 1:41 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
it's hard to work out why lanzini never got a minute last night. once the second goal went in it was over, yet he still didn't get the nod for twenty minutes. what must he have done to that negative jock cunt?

ludo21 1:36 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Downes did okay.

Fornals did very little and Ings did even less... I really do not see the point of Ings. Would have been far better of putting Lanzini on. Ings didn't touch the ball for the first 15 mins he was on.

Rossal 1:34 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Yeah thats a fair point Scorch. I am hoping its more a confidence issue than ability. But as i said on other thread Moyes' man management and ability to rotate the squad well etc is appalling and another reason he should go

El Scorchio 1:25 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Maybe Downes would have been better equipped, had he been given more meaningful minutes against decent teams this season….

As it was he found himself shoved into a start against the best team in the league without the players he usually plays with.

Rossal 1:09 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Most would be better than Soucek, was Downes last night? Hmm debatable.

But we don't need better than Soucek, as that's virtually any CM at the moment. What we need is someone who can be good on the ball and do a great shift defensively which Downes struggled with big time last night.

Manuel 1:08 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
ED - Nice rant, but sadly for you because it is long and aggressive it doesn't make you right. Your opinion is worth no more than anyone else's. And once again you can't resist that shocking habit you have of making stuff up to strengthen your point. It's really poor.

I'm looking forward to Downes looking good next season, along with a load of others, once ginger leaves.

Sir Alf 1:06 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
It’s the comparison with Soucek that is most important to me. He’s a better option as simple as that. In terms of speed and tracking players, closing down and passing accurately.

Now someone will point to Souceks goal and 2 headed assists last weekend. His only other being at the start of the season some 6 -8 months ago.

Just try the better footballers Mr Moyes even if they are not that great

Keep dreaming 1:05 Thu May 4
Re: ⚽ Man City v West Ham - Official Match Thread - Preview
Downes was the least of our problems yesterday. He did well against better players.

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