WHO Poll

isolated hammer 10:59 Thu Apr 6
Interim Management
Without wanting to state the obvious, we are in big trouble. Last night was disastrous. I personally think that to get us through to the end of the season with Premier League status in tact and possibly even a Euro Final, we could do with bringing Sir Trev on board alongside Mark Noble and Stuart Pearce.

I will probably get slated for this, but we need proper West Ham men at the helm now.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Jasnik 9:15 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
I can see why he is isolated :

I will probably get slated for --> no shit sherlock .

Mike Oxsaw 9:11 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management

nychammer 7:37 Thu Apr 6

We'd end up with Lenny Henry.

southbankbornnbred 8:46 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Anybody who watched Kevin Nolan's Leyton Orient side would NOT want him as our manager.

They were like a shit Allardyce side without the dead ball expertise.

nychammer 7:37 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
This is made for Lenny Lawrence

Vexed 7:35 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
I'd take Rogers at the moment but good manager he aint. He is brilliant at taking jobs at the right time though, which means there's no way he'd want anything to do with us.

marty feldman 7:30 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Nolan with noble assisting him would in all probability be the best option.

Alex G 7:07 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Hodgson back at Palace. Lampard back at Chelsea.

Your know what we need... BRING BACK PARDS!

MOORE then just a football manager!

swindon hammer 6:50 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Even Gordon Strachan won 3 consecutive league titles with Celtic.

It’s not the hardest thing in the world to do.

They being said I think Rodgers would be a good manager for us.

Tomsdad 6:44 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
I would win the league if I was manager of Celtic!

Or at least come second to Rangers.

OccupyGreenStreet 6:30 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
In what way is Postecoglou’s work at Celtic better than (the currently available and PL-experienced) Rodgers?

Don’t follow the Old Firm too closely so dunno why Postecoglou is so revered - also considerably older than Rodgers and with less experience at big clubs other than Celtic?

southbankbornnbred 6:28 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Yeah, but only after somebody's reminded him what shape cones are.

Vexed 6:17 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
What is the obsession with Stuart fuckin Pearce on here?

Hardly one of the game's big thinkers is he? Puts out a good cone though I heard.

BRANDED 3:56 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
How about Kevin Keen?

zico 3:44 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Moyes man management has to be the worst ever. Even the dour Allardyce seems to be fully respected by most players who played for him. What summed Moyes up was last week telling all and sundry that Ings isn't at his best as a lone striker. He is indeed correct but then why did he buy him and on top of that day's after announcing this piece of managerial wisdom did he bring Ings on when we were losing to play as that bloody lone striker?!

Capitol Man 3:44 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Of all the former mangers Harry is probably who would get the results out of a squad with a few weeks to play. Of course you’d need to lock down all the valuables….

Pentonville 3:39 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
I heard the players didn't give a toss either way about Pearce as he was not very hands on and was there more to assist Moyes and lick his balloon knot to climax on a Saturday night after we had loss.

JustAFatKevinDavies 3:21 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
RoyalDocksGK 1:28 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Why bring Stuart Pearce in when it's widely known he wasn't liked that much by the players ? He was only on the books because he was Moyes mate.

I think ive read or at least heard the opposite was true. Moyes was clueless at dealing with the players and often said weird and strange stuff and then SP would come in and smooth stuff over with Nobes and make light of it all etc.

I may well be wrong but thats what I heard.

Yarmouth 1:43 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
threesixty 12:22 Thu Apr 6

Bang on right fella, bang on right. An arrogant bully is exactly what he is. Watch his simpering after match press conference now and he's grovelling for sympathy.

Fuck him. He's ruined this squad with his arrogance and stubborness. Fuck off out of our club Moyes and give us a chance to stay up.

RoyalDocksGK 1:28 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
Why bring Stuart Pearce in when it's widely known he wasn't liked that much by the players ? He was only on the books because he was Moyes mate.

Kevin Keen & Mark Phillips if we had to go down the route of interim bollocks. Brendan Rodgers with a short term deal which includes a long term contract if he has us stay up. He's not my preference but Carrick/Kompany/Postecoglu etc aren't leaving their clubs now to come and potentially get relegated.

threesixty 1:05 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management

You are making those calls because you watch the team every week. A new manager won't have watched us in detail. Quite often they would have heard about the club on sky sports, heard a few names like Soucek etc and will just start with those anyway. Thats 1 or 2 games wasted straight away.

Then they would have to see them all in training and learn what's what etc.. Before finally realising who's crap, who cant take instructions, who just hasn't got their head right etc.. And they will want to see it for themselves, not second hand info.

finally, if they bring in their own assistants etc.. they are then ALL learning on the job with 10 games to go.

Thats why there is always a gamble as to who to bring in and will it solve the problem with so little time. It's probably why Palace brought Hodgson back and Chelsea are looking at Lampard. So they dont have to learn all this crap as they mostly know what going on already.

Stevethehammer 12:44 Thu Apr 6
Re: Interim Management
A new manager coming in won't take long to work out what we need.
Antonio, Ings, scammaca.. Any 2 upfront
On the wings Bowen and Benrahma pushing forward
Soucek dropped
Either Lanzini, Fornals, Downes in his place, pushing the team 10 yards forward and playing further up the pitch
Coufal at right back
Paqueta given a licence to roam across the midfield, setting up attacks
Its not hard, take the pressure off the defense, go at teams rather than counter because quite simply we go a goal down and have no idea how to get back into the game, other than a set piece

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