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Mex Martillo 8:06 Tue Apr 25
FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Tonight in the Emirates Stadium at 7pm
Live commentary on whufc.com and highlights tomorrow
Live stream on https://faplayer.thefa.com/

We have a very good chance of winning this. Should be worth a look.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

pdbis 5:13 Sun Apr 30
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Scrap the u21s and go back to the old football combination reserve league.

Dr Matt 5:17 Sat Apr 29
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Get out while you still can lads!!!

Todays result means they won’t see any minutes this season.

Shameful really.

Side of Ham 11:31 Sat Apr 29
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
There were plenty of replies tues/weds, and the 1st team played in between….

Pee Wee 9:20 Sat Apr 29
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Manuel has a point

Pinned threads don’t get looked at.

Very few replies on this considering the subject matter.

Mex Martillo 8:48 Sat Apr 29
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
If you haven't seen the highlights, definitely worth a watch.

Would like to see Mubama get some Premier league time before the season finishes.

rumford 6:11 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Side of Ham
OK mate, I also see your side of things, but this is not about West Ham. This about any young teams In the future getting a fair crack at a final which maybe for some of the lads an opportunity of a lifetime.
I just see it as totally unfair.

Lee Trundle 5:43 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Let's not forget that our U23's were second only to Man City last season, and most of them have left in order to find first team football.

Let's hope this younger, current lot get given more of a look in.

Side of Ham 5:36 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
How very true Trundle….I can’t help but think that is a non footballing obstacle though seeing as the cunt doesn’t want them to play it….

Lee Trundle 4:59 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Seems like they've got the biggest obstacle they could possibly have to hurdle with Moyes managing the first team.

Side of Ham 4:52 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
rumford, I totally get how you see it, but for me at youth level I want them to have every obstacle possible and have that confidence of knowing they can beat anyone before they get into the 1st team and find out they have VAR & cunt refs to contend with......this may make us into moaners and constantly in the refs ear like the cheating big clubs do......it seems to be the standard bearer these days for being a winner.

rumford 3:39 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Iagree the allocation for a final should be 50/50 .However I dIsagree with staging the final at their ground.As most fans know it used to be a 2 legged final and was normally well attended.
Fortunately we are better side than Arsenal,we finished top the league and beat them twice on the way.Had the final been between 2 mid table sides then home advantage would be a big factor.

Alwaysaniron 3:27 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
We turned it into a home game. Have got a load of family who are Gooners and they were there that night. Kept texting me and asking us to 'shut the fuck up' as we were making too much noise. Oh the irony.

Side of Ham 3:15 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Yes I agree with allocation.....should just be 50/50 and see what the uptake is.....again though....in the end our support being grouped at one end I think worked in our favour, as it looked like a proper support and not spread out.....

13 Brentford Rd 12:40 Fri Apr 28
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Fair enough but they could have worked out the allocation after the semi finals and given us a bigger allocation.

Iron Duke 10:31 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
I’ve got no problem with it being played at the Emirates. It’s not exactly difficult to get to. But 7k tickets was shit. We could have sold double.

Side of Ham 9:49 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
I don't think it made a difference, it's hardly their 'home' pitch, and you find out, like we did, if you really have a good team....

El Scorchio 7:29 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
It's shit for the away team (i.e. us) but the arrangement probably allows them to sell far more tickets than it would if it were played somewhere neutral, even if it ends up usually as a defacto home game although thanks to us it was pretty much the opposite on Tuesday. (Shows the difference between West Ham fans and Arsenal fans, i think) Very good ticket pricing as well.

Lee Trundle 7:12 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Because they were drawn at home for the final. It's how they've done it for a couple of years now.

13 Brentford Rd 7:06 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Anyone know why Arsenal were allowed to play the final at home, and we only got 7k tickets?

Lee Trundle 6:16 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Sorry if this has already been answered, but what's the story with the young kid they brought up with them when they lifted the cup?

Dr Matt 3:27 Thu Apr 27
Re: FA Youth Cup Final Arsenal v West Ham - Manuel Match Thread
Only thing those kids need is a bit of pace and power. Some will naturally develop it - others might need some guidance.

Get them in the gym and sprint training this Summer.

Come back next season ready to dominate.

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