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Manuel 10:48 Sun Apr 30
This fucking Orange Kit
I've never been one who cares too much about kits and in general that get spoke about for around a week or two after coming out (usually get slated, on here anyway) then it rarely gets mentioned again.

I just can't get use to us in this fucking orange mess, it's not right. Also, we are the 'away' side in the ECL final and FC Basel and Fiorentina both wear dark colours, so we may be lifting our first piece of silverware in 43 years in this thing?

Does anyone like it, or dare I ask even bought it? Are there many fans going to games in it?

Rant over.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 2:40 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
If they really wanted a kit that represents West Ham's history it should be all brown with the thinnest of a sky blue line across the top of the shoulders.

That would represent how deep in the shit we've been since being formed, with the blue line depicting what little hope the various owners have inspired in us down the years.

arsene york-hunt 2:33 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Probably the worst ever shirt design, but now it's iconic.

Swiss. 2:16 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
I’d like us to have a kit in glimering iron. So sort of shinny grey to represent the hammer.

Then rusty brown to represent rusty iron.

gph 12:30 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Next, very dark reddish brown and mid-grey shirt in a brickwork pattern signifying the soot-stained buildings of the foundry...

cambsiron 12:22 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Man With No Name 12:17 Fri Jun 9

Blimey. Somebody in the commercial department was thinking a bit too deeply there.

gph 12:17 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
The skies of New York have turned orange due to the Canadian wildfires.

See, ironsofcanada loves this kit...

Man With No Name 12:17 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
cambsiron 12:06 Fri Jun 9

The orange is meant to signify the sparks from the ironworks

cambsiron 12:06 Fri Jun 9
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Don't mind the white kit as we have them in our history but why the orange? We could have had claret or blue on it and we would have accepted it.

JimmyT 11:53 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
It is objectively a terrible kit, but it is also now legendary.

Dr Matt 7:56 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Look forward to the 10 year, 25 year, 50 year and 100 year anniversary editions of the kit!

Mike Oxsaw 6:17 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
I'd wear that abortion of a Hawaiian T-shirt somebody posted a link for on here before I'd wear the 3rd kit.

"Links to the Ironworks foundry" indeed. Do FUCK OFF. We play in claret & blue; nobody alive remembers us playing in any other official colours so "orange flames" are completely irrelevant. What colours did the original Ironworks team(s) wear?

The original/classic/ols/durable away kit - blue with 2 claret hoops was not replicated as home colours, so far as I'm aware, amongst any of the teams we were likely to play (away) against.

We seemed to manage away to the likes of Coventry and Manchester City without need to fall back on a third kit, so what changed?

bruuuno 5:53 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
I actually don’t mind it, just see it as all white pretty much

Stickleback 5:32 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Will the butcher's apron kit now achieve legendary status?

Stickleback 5:32 Thu Jun 8
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Will the butcher's apron kit now achieve legendary status?

charlie paynter 12:34 Sat May 20
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Didn't someone say next year's away kit is all white?

Surely it would make sense to wear that if possible, then release it early in the summer and sell a shed-load of those, seeing as the orange kit is now almost sold-out.

Russ of the BML 11:41 Sat May 20
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
It's a real shame we didn't have a classic all white kit this season. Would've looked amazing in the final. But there you go.

Manuel 7:03 Sat May 20
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
El Scorchio 8:43 Fri May 19

Manuel 7:41

''Coming from you, I'll leave it.''


El Scorchio 8:43 Fri May 19
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Manuel 7:41

Coming from you, I'll leave it.

Bit rich that sort of post coming from you who seems to think he's the authority in everything and telling other people what they should think all the time. You clearly think you're free to say what you like, and I'm free to say what I like. Stop getting your knickers in a twist about it constantly.

Manuel 7:41 Fri May 19
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
You give it a rest in digging out the club at every turn.

Read what you typed out again, seriously pathetic. You think you're smart, but you're just a big fucking man bag.

We spent 200 mil last summer and yet you're attempting to trash the club for trying to skim on tops? Try to be a bit more original instead of coming over as a predictable fucking bore, or a conspiracy theorist at best. Just a bit of advice, take it or leave it, fella.

On The Ball 7:35 Fri May 19
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
We're playing in white - we're away and their purple is dark. Was always going to be white regardless of who we got because of Basel's colours.

El Scorchio 7:33 Fri May 19
Re: This fucking Orange Kit
Manuel 7:26

Why don't you give it a fucking rest? Needlessly and pointlessly whinging and crying about and trying to police what other people post all the time. Fucking tragic individual.

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