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isolated hammer 9:26 Sat May 20
Declan Rice
Tomorrow could and possibly will be his last game at the London Stadium as a Hammer. How does Moyes play this. Does he come out alone to a standing ovation then we all know he is definitely off! Does he not play him now we are safe to safeguard him for the final then deprive him of a possible massive 60K fan send off.

Does he let Rice lead the team out and start then get substituted early on to avoid possible injury!

I personally don't know what I would do in this instance.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mace66 5:36 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Eerie Descent 4:18 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
You think this mob play not too much different to us?


The thread’s about Rice, from what I saw he did a lot of showing and calling for the ball but when he got it passed sideways and back mostly. But more of it obviously as “ this mob” get more possession

Ricky 4:57 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Awful positioning and strolling back for Forest goal. Didn’t go to the man or cover the cross. Absolute no-man’s land.

nychammer 4:51 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
good luck to Rice but he's a gooner. Why waste time and energy on him when we have our own issues to discuss

Eerie Descent 4:44 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
It's only you that seems genuinely bothered, Nick.

He's an ex player who got sold for a British transfer record fee, as if it's not going to be discussed. It really doesn't matter that much.

As per usual, the clue is in the thread title, don't open it in future mate.

Nick QQQ 4:41 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Some of you are going to have a long season if you let this linger longer than it needs to. He’s been good today doing the job they need him to do. Amazing how many are suggesting he’s limited now he’s moved on.
Forget about him.

Capitol Man 4:40 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Forest barely touching the ball. Right that it’s not these games where he’ll show it[s worth,it’ll be the games when the better sides are going at them.

threesixty 4:32 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
They don't really need him tbh
There are so many good players on the ball that he really doesn't stand out as doing anything better than any average DM would do in that team.

I suppose we'll see him earn his money against much better teams who really go at arsenal defence. Maybe CL games etc

But here, nothing to see.

master 4:30 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Noticeable how rice is now looking over his shoulder before he receives a pass. Incredible it's taken this long for him to add that to his game.

Eerie Descent 4:18 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
You think this mob play not too much different to us?


Mace66 4:01 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Not much different than playing for us, pass sideways, pass back …. but obviously more of it

Vexed 3:47 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Are they still playing him further forward like they did in the Charity tin pot shield? Seems a bit weird since they just paid well over the odds for a DM and then play rapey Party there instead. Rice has zero ability in the final third, no matter how much he thinks he does. I get the feeling Arteta promised to play him further up because Dec wants to score goals and be a hero and of course top priority earn more money. Oh well, hope he fails miserably, Arsenal cunt.

Let's have no more of these threads.

Queens Fish Bar 3:37 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
paul6565 1:56 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Gooner now so not interested in Rice.

Yet you came on a thread about Declan Rice????

Eerie Descent 3:33 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
I'll be surprised if this style of football will get the best out of him. Looks a bit lost imo.

Watch him wallop in a screamer!

On The Ball 2:27 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Probably quite lonely today. It's Arsenal's first day using digital tickets and the system has crashed - massive queues outside.

paul6565 1:56 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Gooner now so not interested in Rice.

ludo21 1:48 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Couldn’t give a fuck

OneAll 1:45 Sat Aug 12
Re: Declan Rice
Cb for the arse today , wonder if he is happy with that

swindon hammer 11:09 Wed Jun 7
Re: Declan Rice
“You just want the last word”

Says manny while he keeps replying to get the last word.

You have to laugh!

Manuel 11:04 Wed Jun 7
Re: Declan Rice
One of the most highly strung posters on here telling someone else to chill, yea right.

Now get back to work Swindon, those burgers don't flip themselves :-)

swindon hammer 10:58 Wed Jun 7
Re: Declan Rice
Manuel once again accusing someone of wanting the last word when it’s actually him that is desperate to get the last word!

Chill Manny chill! 😂

Manuel 10:53 Wed Jun 7
Re: Declan Rice
Yea, yea, I wasn't being aggressive at all, and i didn't make you laugh, so stop making stuff up. You just love a ruck on here.

As for reminding you, lol, mate you really aren't important, now I'm laughing.

Now off you go and have the last word as usual.

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