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swindon hammer 7:47 Tue May 23
Looks like Forest aren’t going to offer him another contract so he will be a free agent again this summer.

We wouldn’t would we?

There can’t be many that have wasted their peak years as much as he has.

Not pushing for a permanent move to West Ham in the summer of 2021 after his successful loan spell must be a regret for him.

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Matthew Holmes 10:37 Sun May 28
Re: Lingard is a cahhnt
You're only as good as your last game.
April got 2 mins in loss to Man U.

To not be good enough to be in the first 11 in an inconsistent Forest side.
He's done.

Manuel 5:42 Sun May 28
Re: Lingard
What a car crash of a thread this is. First of all why was it even started, it's like some kind of clickbait, and why is Lingard being compared with the silly cunt Morrison? One spent almost his whole career at Man Utd and played in world cups for England, the other is Ravel Morrison. And to top it all off I'm now reading that Morrison could have been as good as the greatest player to ever slip on a pair of boots?? Fucking insane stuff. Tragic thread.

VirginiaHam 1:01 Sun May 28
Re: Lingard is a cahhnt

On The Ball 12:49 Sun May 28
Re: Lingard is a cahhnt
El Scorchio 2:04 Sat May 27

Precisely. Particularly Morrison and Noble - I genuinely believe one of the best footballers we might ever see was hiding inside Ravel. I honestly think he'd have split the Messi/Rnaldo row. He was that good.

Well, could have been.

icwhs 12:13 Sun May 28
Re: Lingard is a cahhnt

Lato 11:35 Sat May 27
Re: Lingard
No.......enuff said ⚒

El Scorchio 2:04 Sat May 27
Re: Lingard
Players like him and Ravel Morrison must drive players like Noble or Neville mad.

Tremendously gifted but a piss poor attitude and a huge waste of talent, whereas those two for example and countless other players wrung absolutely everything they could out of the more limited natural ability they had.

Mad Dog 1:25 Sat May 27
Re: Lingard
Said it before. He was great for 7-8 games for us. As soon as he thought he'd made it and would get a big deal somewhere he took foot off the gas and was anonymous for the last 6-7 games.

Wants the glory and the riches without putting the graft in. All the talent. Shit attitude

Ita why he went off rhe boil initially at man u
It's why he went shit 2md half with us
It's why he couldn't get back in the man u team when he went back
It's why he couldn't get in a frankly shit forest side

ATHammer 12:43 Sat May 27
Re: Lingard
Bloke is a twat. We dodged a bullet and should keep ducking.

norwaytips 12:09 Sat May 27
Re: Lingard
Not sure what happened to him at Forest, but he was certainly very good, when he was with us. He was obviously on massive wages at Forest, so I wouldn’t blame him for taking that deal.
The questions are; does Moyes want him now and has he still got that desire to succeed?

JayeMPee 6:40 Fri May 26
Re: Lingard
Wouldn't touch him with a barge pole, lets move on not back!

fraser 8:07 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Percy Dalton - Nope he's still our manager :-)

Percy Dalton 7:16 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Surely we've moved on from this waste of space piss taker.

brundal 6:16 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
If Moyes is in charge next season than you can guarantee he will be straight on the phone to him.

scott_d 4:03 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Last year I expect the offer was huge for him to come to us but bigger at Forest.

I would offer him half the salary just to annoy him but there's a chance he might take it?

Nick QQQ 2:25 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
The release video of him signing was and will be for a long time the most cringe video i've ever seen.
Both him and Forest thought it was some kind of coup. Fucking expensive failure

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:17 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
We should bring back Ravel and Reece Oxford while we're at it.

El Scorchio 2:08 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Purely (and noticeably) motivated by winning his Man U place back when he came last time, which is why we got what we did. As soon as they binned him off, he's checked out as a footballer. Anyone with any sense wouldn't touch him with a bargepole now.

To be fair to him, he made the best choice for him by mugging Forest off for a season for the most money he could get. He also made the best choice for us at the same time by doing that.

I expect he ends up strolling around for Inter Miami.

Eerie Descent 1:59 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Tell, the last time he 'switched on' was 2 years ago, for 9 games. He's played at the top, but for someone who has had such little good spells in his career, in fact that 9 game spell is the best of his career, so you can't call him a top player.

Willtell 1:47 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Lingard let us down after teasing through social media that he was joining us. OK he got a better deal but it hasn't worked out for him.

What I do remember is that after really impressing everyone that he could still play once he joined us, he tailed off abysmally towards the end once he knew he had missed his England chances.

Top players can't switch playing on and off like that without losing their motivation and drive completely. He might be worth a 1 year contract with minimum levels of fitness required if he appeals to the manager and shows his desperation to play for him. Otherwise fuck him.

Eerie Descent 1:20 Wed May 24
Re: Lingard
Sydney_Iron 1:05 Wed May 24

It's pretty simple really, football hasn't been his priority for a long time. To be that talented, and to only play the amount of games he has is a shame for him more than anything else, but he's never seemed that bothered.

He's rich beyond his wildest dreams now, and I reckon he'll go to the MLS and rake it in there for a couple of years.

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