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iphammer 2:41 Thu Jun 8
David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
If Declan Rice leaves it’s not because he wants to leave it’s because Sullivan wants to pocket the money. Sullivan needs to make rice our top earner followed by Bowen and Paqueta

We all know Sullivan loves to spread rumours to the media that’s why the media are constantly talking about Rice.

If Rice wanted to leave he would have handed in a transfer request!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

SJS 5:14 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Russ of the BML 4:37 Fri Jun 9 I think that's spot on!

Westside 4:46 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Has any player ever accepted an 8-year contract?

Virtually all of Chelsea's signings in the last 2 or
3 windows, as it helped with Financial Fair Play. Now banned under UEFA FFP, maximum contract length of signing for transfers in, is 5 years.

No restriction on contract length on "home grown" players, such as Rice.

Russ of the BML 4:37 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Manuel 12:24 Fri Jun 9

In my opinion that's a bit far-fetched.

I think its more to do with controlling the narrative. As Simon Jordan said earlier, you always hear the side from the agent and the player but very rarely from the owner. Which to be fair, is quite refreshing.

Everyone loves Rice. And by winning the ECL his stock in as much as him being adored has risen. So I think Sulli saw that and maybe thought that adoration may cause even more issues and vitirol coming his way if or when we do sell Rice. So he's taken the opportunity to put the truth out which, quite frankly, brings Rice down a peg as the truth is out.

BRANDED 12:43 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
I think the timing of the comments was calculated. The cup was won and A LOT OF FUCKING BUSINESS needs to get moving very quickly. Alex Fergusson always said he could only enjoy a win for a short time because you had to plan for your next win immediately.
Fergusson was also a cunt.

SJS 12:29 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
If we want Rice to stay we need to do 2 things (in my opinion).

1. Sign Mason Mount - He is the type of player we need to unlock defences, retain possession and he's Dec's best mate.
2. Increase his pay without increasing the length of his contract.

If we do these two things, it gives us 1 season where we could possibly win another cup. If we don't he can leave the following summer.

Manuel 12:24 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
AT - That's fair enough, can't argue with that.

I think what's happened here is, as said earlier, maybe Sullivan thinks Rice is considering staying put, and Rice has hinted at that, but Sullivan has already budgeted for him leaving and may have even sat down with Moyes and discussed incoming and told the Dof the same etc. So he's had a bit of a panic up and been a bit 'naughty' and is now pushing him (Rice) out? Unprofessional? Yep, probably, but crime of the century? Nah, not for me. This is big boys shit and sometimes you have to 'bend the rules' to do what you think is best. No one has died here.

ATHammer 12:18 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Not offended at all. It's a bit like watching a Weinstein movie. You know you shouldn't enjoy it, you know those involved are making shit loads more than the norm. Doesn't make the behaviour acceptable.
All I am saying is that if I was treated like this by my employer then I would fuck them over if the opportunity arose. Rice leaving on a free would not help the club one iota but might well be a satisfying workplace outcome for him.
We are merely addicted spectators.

Takashi Miike 12:03 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
ATH, for a while I've had a feeling he may delay a move for a year in the hope Chelsea get their shit together and then he goes to the team his family support. the problem is, it only benefits us if he signs an extra year extension so we still get his true value when he goes. clearly fantasy island herve has made declan's mind up for him

Manuel 12:00 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
ATHammer 11:52 Fri Jun 9

''Sullivan is a cunt. None of what he has said should be in the public domain''

Well of course he's a cunt, try becoming a billionaire in the industries he has made his money in if you're like your favourite uncle telling cheap jokes at weddings.

I think it depends on how seriously you view all of this malarky, at the end of the day we are talking about multi millionaire footballers, etc, so I really wouldn't worry yourself too much. Personally, I want to hear what the owner has to say on certain subjects.

Many are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table these days, and you get all offended over this? Give your a wobble and try to keep it real.

ATHammer 11:52 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Sullivan is a cunt. None of what he has said should be in the public domain. I suspect that the alternatives for Rice in London aren't as good now as when he was "offered" £200k per week for an 8 year contract. West Ham haven't advanced but Arsenal look like a one season wonder and Chelsea are currently a laughing stock.
Without the rhetoric accommodations could be met. Now, if I was Rice I would run down my contract and go on a free.

Willtell 11:43 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Sullivan has budgeted for Rice to go and £100m to come in.

His worst nightmare is Rice wanting to stay when Moyes has probably already asked for a CB and creative and goal scorers as our main priorities.

Rice or 3 or 4 new players?

Russ of the BML 11:35 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
I think Sullivan has played a blinder.

Bottom line is he's told the truth. And that is that Rice turned down £200k contract 18 months ago and asked for a gentleman's agreement that if he wants to leave after this season then the club will sell.

I don't have an issue with any of that. And I don't have an issue with Sullivan telling everyone what the score is. Because if Rice leaves it will be because Rice wants to leave and not because the club want to sell. If I was an owner of a club I'd want people to know.

And if Rice wants to leave I don't have an issue with that. He deserves to be winning league titles and Champions Leagues. He won't do that at West Ham.

My only issue was the timing. I don't think Sulli needed to come out with it the day after the final. But hey-ho.

stewie griffin 9:26 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Classless little prick should just keep his mouth shut. Twice in the last two weeks we've had bungling imbeciles talking when there's no need to do so.

Still, I would guess he was a little worried by what he saw in the final and wants to make sure people don't lose interest and we get top price for him.

Takashi Miike 9:26 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
if he wants to win the CL, arsenal isn't the place to go. there's already rumours some of their players (saliba) aren't happy their contract demands weren't met, yet declan's rumoured to be on £200k +. also a lot of their fans don't particularly want him, so he has a lot to think about. he sounded more animated last night at the town hall than he did just minutes after winning, sadly we still have that clown running the club so it's inevitable he's going

scott_d 9:18 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Not sure the length of the contract really makes much difference for players these days? Even if he signed for 8 years we didn’t necessarily expect him to stay for 8 years.

But Sulli and West Han can’t give him what he wants, that’s pretty obvious.

He doesn’t want to play in the Champions League, he wants to win it. That and the Premier League. We are a million miles away from being in that position.

Man Utd and Arsenal are way ahead of us even if none of us expect them to win anything any time soon. But Rice playing for one of those teams could change that.

Mike Oxsaw 5:35 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Isn't all this "Rice must move" bollocks just another media strop (see Tevez & Mascherino) driven simply by the fact that he doesn't (already) play for one of their darlings?

We've gone from yo-yo club to 3 years in Europe on the bounce.

Change? No thanks! Not for the likes of us.

We know our place. Give us our yo-yo status back, but with a longer string this time.

The Fonz 2:26 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Can't we just offer him a 1 year extension so we can sell him next year if we don't build on it significantly enough?

Steady 12:48 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Hard to know who’s being honest. Sully offered an 8 year contract that no one would accept, now throwing Rice under the bus and saying he won’t sign a new contract. Rice making out he is loyal and will respect his 2 year contract. I’d publicly offer him £200k a week and a 3 year deal

daveyg 12:25 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
I think after listening to Declan this evening I think you Stoat and Sullivan can fuck off

iphammer 12:16 Fri Jun 9
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
Has any player ever accepted an 8-year contract?
Sullivan knew he wouldn't accept that offer and now he blames Rice for not accepting it.

He probably put some stupid terms in the contract as well like a release clause of 200 million.

claret on my shirt 4:07 Thu Jun 8
Re: David Sullivan Give Declan Rice what he wants
ok apart from that bit LOL

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