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WHUDeano 11:40 Mon Jul 3
Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Just skimming the sports news and stumbled across a Piers Morgan quite using Di Canio's catching of the ball as an example of how good sportsmanship can create a hero in comparison to the Aussies behaviour in the last test.

Got me thinking about my own feelings about his actions. I didn't really give a shit, i thought he should have put it in, but it was typical a Di Canio heart on his sleeve moment. I certainly didn't think he was a hero, and I also didn't really care that much, was just typical Paolo really.

Anyone else remember much about it?

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The Ghost of Sven 7:40 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Havent looked at it but my recollection was that he was just inside the area, central ... but the ball came in chest high and there were a couple of defenders in front of him.
Certainly no open goal or tap in

Should have put it away and cupped his ear at all the Everton fans complaining that the ref had called OVER and the keeper was wandering out to tap down a divot because the lino was getting ready to hand the crosser his baggy green

Mike Oxsaw 7:29 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Had a player from the media darlings done that there would have been demands for a knighthood from the Queen and him to be given the post of Ambassador for Sport at the UN.

Kearley 6:53 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Crowley, as for your question about was the keeper actually injured, if I recall correctly he was out for several months afterwards. So yes.

I can see keepers faking injury when caught out though so a fair point.

Also, I think if he didn't collapse he would have got the ball before Sinclair anyway.

VickyPkVillageIdiot 5:54 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
“Was there in the away end was fucking furious at the time but looking back he did the right thing”

It wasn’t the right thing to do at all. Injuries are part of football and there was no foul on their keeper.

Should’ve stuck it in.

Northern Sold 5:50 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
What I remember from the incident he was a quite an acute angle so would have been a cross at best?? Dont think we had too many bodies in the box either... but saying that... top gesture... one thing for sure di canio is 100% NOT an Aussie

Grumpster 5:43 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Difficult chance for some, another day at the office for PDC and other quality players.

Was fair play though, keeper was fucked and went off injured I believe.

MancIron 5:23 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Was working in Liverpool at the time so was drinking with Everton fans pre and post match match.

They all said he should have stuck it in the net.

Which tells you all you need to know about Scousers.

AKA ERNIE 4:54 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Was there in the away end was fucking furious at the time but looking back he did the right thing

CrowleyHammer 4:30 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton

CrowleyHammer 4:30 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Was the keep actually injured?

WHU(Exeter) 10:35 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
I like the fact that he got hold of and kept West Ham fanzines.

agree with others that I don't think he weighed up the chances of scoring or not, just saw the keeper down and caught the ball instinctively.

Mike Oxsaw 10:34 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
He had his hand up to catch the ball the moment the cross was made - never shaped up to battle for it.

wd40 10:28 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
In goes into the coloum of having a personality and having some thing different to bring to the game - which is great.
If i player was thinking about doing that today he would have to go through at least 2 board meetings before hand.
It's a
Lovely bit of westham history all wrapped up in Di Canio stay with us .

bell 10:10 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
People honestly believe he lacked self confidence and thought I'll do it because it's a difficult chance?
Jesus Christ.

swindon hammer 10:07 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Just watched it to remind myself but just confirms what I thought at the time. He still had a minimal chance of scoring.

The ball came over to him at shoulder height just inside the penalty box, he was facing sideways to the goal and there were 3 Everton players around him.

I remember the headlines at the time and assumed he just had an open goal to tap into so when watching on MOTD later on I was surprised that it was a half chance at best.

Still fair play to him for instinctively catching it although if he had the ball at his feet with a simple tap in then it might have been different I would imagine.

Matthew Holmes 10:00 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
i remember my and other west ham MATE reaction was - well thats Paolo innit! you get what you see - like someone said - instinctive
and honest.

Have to respect him for that - especially when a lot of people would consider what would benefit them the most and then act rather than just doing what is "right".

This was the right thing to do - good work Paolo!


Russ of the BML 9:48 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
There was still a lot to do but if anybody thinks Paolo realised that so then caught the ball to get the ball to get the plaudits and the pats on the back then I would argue that to the hilt.

Paolo say the keeper go down and stay down and then the ball was clipped into him. He's a naturally instinctive person. And that instinct has served him badly and well throughout his life and career. He did it instinctively. And on this occasion it served him well.

He did the right thing. And rightly got the praise he deserved.

Forza King Paolo.

Willtell 9:18 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
I recall it as being only a slim chance of scoring as the defenders were all around him. Keeper was down but it was a long way from being a tap-in so fair play to PDC.

Pagey 12:41 Tue Jul 4
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Di Canio would have scored with an overhead kick, leading to victory, and that win would have set us on an incredible run of form, culminating in our first Premier League title the following season.

Champions League glory would follow along with years of global domination to this day, the same day where Rice would have signed a new six-year contract, to continue winning trophies.

But, instead, he caught it. The useless cunt!

WHUDeano 11:47 Mon Jul 3
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Just re-watched it following your comments, and there was no way he was going to score from that cross, you're both definitely right

LongTimeUser 11:45 Mon Jul 3
Re: Di Canio catching the ball against Everton
Same as others.
It wasnt an easy chance and not convinced he would have scored anyway.

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