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twoleftfeet 10:27 Sun Jul 9
So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
I’m sure some of you must know?

Lineker, Rylan and Jeremy Vine have ruled themselves out.

I’m sensing the “ victim “ is male by the way Sky news are talking about it.

Some proper wrong uns on TV.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sir Alf 5:47 Sat Jul 15
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Ultimately it seems Edwards was a closet homosexual and repressed. It seems rather than coming out, possibly due to the era he was from, and a life time pretending to be a straight guy, family man, church goer etc and his whole career based on being a man you can trust, authentic, church goer, wholesome.

I guess he had to lead a secret life and act out his true self and feelings via paying for pics from a youngster who solicits himself for cash needed for his addiction.

All very tragic for all involved. Edwards the young people. His wife and family and 5 kids.

He’s lived a lie and lied for years it would seem all to keep his career and huge salary / income intact. In hindsight he should have just come out and in this day and age would have probably been forgiven and be seen as brave etc. but would have meant being honest to wife and family. Trouble is these media types get paid so much, get so much adulation, attention and power that they then think they are special and gods gift to the world and in turn can be dishonest and won’t get found out or be questioned.

He was paying a prostitute and a very young one, possibly underage at one point but police unable to prove that?

He needs to take the consequences of paying for sex, bullying and lying by his career ending. 7 other men now coming out the woodwork being possible evidence of bullying and grooming?

Needs to retire quietly, make reparations to and ask for forgiveness from his family and get therapy if needs be and perhaps find peace in a loving relationship with an older man nearer his age.

Btw it seems he had a gay following so his secret was not that secret?

Kaiser Zoso 4:36 Sat Jul 15
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Was it fuck

Alfs 3:51 Sat Jul 15
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Kaiser, that was photoshopped.

The young man in question had an OnlyFans account. He was wanking off in front of anyone who'd stump up the cash.

Has anyone here watched YouPorn, or Porn Hub? If so, you're more guilty than Huw as it's full of young sex trafficked girls forced to make videos and perved over by millions of men of all ages.

Where's the outrage about that?

At least the young man got paid a decent wedge, rather than going into the pockets of criminals.

Kaiser Zoso 7:19 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
He looked a right cunt in that photo with his trousers round his ankles.

Fo the Communist 7:17 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Yes it may be both ridiculous and accurate but, coupled with the criminal reference, the use of the word child (when the exact age was known) was clearly angled to invite the view that Edwards' actions were paedophilic, was it not?

Hermit Road 7:11 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Fo, I tend to think that labelling the under 18s as children is ridiculous and a sign of societal decay but it is accurate to do so at the moment regardless of what I think.

The Ghost of Sven 6:56 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
I dont read the Sun but understood they said he paid money for pictures when the person was 17 which is a criminal offence
The police have said there is no evidence of a criminal offence so the Sun need to help Plod out and share the evidence.
If not surely Edwards will sue them at some point over these 'false' allegations of criminal behaviour.
Perhaps the editor of the Sun should call a press conference to explain
Like the BBC Director General did

Mike Oxsaw 6:54 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Fo the Communist 4:55 Fri Jul 14

If I can put my pedant's hat on for a while, what we are seeing here is data masquerading as information - snippets pieced together to create an interpretable narrative that sells best, which, after all, is why commercial media exists and why, due to parliamentary pressure, the BBC is obliged to mimic in order to defend it's licence fee/existence in the only way politicians understand.

Data---> Information--->Knowledge---> Wisdom.

So it always was; so it always will be.

Fo the Communist 6:52 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Hermit Road 6:03 Fri Jul 14

The Sun said Edwards "paid child for Sex pictures" and that he "could be charged by cops & face years in prison."

You are dancing on a pinhead if you don't think that implied he was a paedo.

Hammer and Pickle 6:49 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
It’s OK, the Sun has made him one of those abusers of public office you are allowed to make a show of being angry about.

13 Brentford Rd 6:21 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
It's okay, he has mental illness so this didn't actually happen.

Hermit Road 6:03 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
The sun implied he was a peaodophile."

No it didn't. A pedo is an adult who is attracted to pre pubescent children. The Sun said he tried to nonce a 17 yr old.

The implied he was a nonce which in fairness, seems to be fairly accurate.

Darlo Debs 5:12 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
You could argue if he said that all.that time ago then the media's relationship.with the truth has long been just an occasional. flirtation.

I think there are places on the web where truth does get spoken to power.

If anyone ever heard the r4 documentary on the problems we have with Bots and AI it was quite concerning but there are some chinks of light

I am.in an optimistic frame of mind FO.dont piss on my chips :-)

The Ghost of Sven 5:10 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Was reading that he had talked about retiring when he had reached 60 so suspect he will retire on 'health grounds' before the BBC sack him .
Obviously his career is over .... as mentioned as the 'face' of the BBC fronting the evening news plus hosting all the Royal events and general elections he needs to have some gravitas, dignity & trust.
Like a David Dimbleby or David Attenborugh

You cant have him hosting the next Royal Event and when Prince George appears on screen have him YELP 'He'd get it ,the little saucepot. Ooh is hot in here or just me, BOYO'

threesixty 5:04 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
The sun implied he was a peaodophile.

That’s the story.
That’s what triggered everyone.
And now they are trying to walk it back.

And they implied it by leaving huge details of the story out.

The reason the bbc and the police did nothing about it was because there was no crime being committed. And unless your contract states that in your private life you can’t view porn and keep your job , then I don’t really know what the bbc could have really done legally.

So the bbc are busy now trying to dig up as much personal allegations from staff to turn it into a HR problem so legally they have a defence for basically ruining a man’s highly paid career.

And for the sun (murdoch) it’s just another jab at the bbc as they don’t want it to exist. And the bbc fell for it with classic oversteer.

The next time I see a doc on iPlayer with young girls doing perfectly legal onlyfans saying how empowering it is I’ll be reminded how hypocritical every one is.

May the person on here who hasn’t viewed porn cast the first stone…. Oh.. crickets! Thought as much.

Fo the Communist 4:55 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Darlo Debs 4:33 Fri Jul 14

You reckon, Debs. If you ask me, never before has there been more doubt abut the veracity of information - whatever its source - than in today's so called Age of Information.

It was well over a half a century ago that Churchill said that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

You think were in a better place today?

We've never had more info at our fingertips and we've never been more unsure whether that info is true or not.

Gary Strodders shank 4:45 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
The BBC will be in the wrong either way,
If they sack him they will be criticised for dispensing with someone who has mental health issues and if they allow him to stay will be criticised for allowing inappropriate behaviour by one of there most highly paid employees.
The best case scenario as far as they are concerned would be if he decided to walk away.and take himself out of the spotlight.
His family could well make that decision for him.

Darlo Debs 4:33 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Fo that is certainly one of the better aspects of social media.

only1billybonds 4:04 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?

What the kid had done had they not known Edwards is irrelevant. Fsct isvit was Edwards he was dealing with at the time, nothing can dilute the part Edwards played in this grubby saga.

I know very well how addiction works having been around much of it in earlier life and no,it isnt operated by a switch. Again,totally irrelevant to the story.

arsene york-hunt 4:02 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
Is this any worse than shagging sheep? And couldn't his parents spell Hugh?

Side of Ham 3:55 Fri Jul 14
Re: So who is the mysterious BBC presenter?
He'll get no sympathy or indeed a feeling of being bothered by it from me......

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