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Mr Anon 11:09 Sat Jul 22
9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours

Over the span of a few hours one day in April 2020, a guy called Cuddles and eight of his pals,all West Ham supporting Essex mates from the freewheeling world of London’s commodities markets rode oil’s crash to a $660 million profit. Now regulators are scrutinizing their once-in-a-lifetime trade.

Own up, anyone we know?, Garlic Bread, must be high on the list with his pump and dump antics

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Mr Anon 8:09 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
a lot cleverer than Musk IMO, he had direct control of the narrative, these guys had no direct ability to influence the market like that. and yet who are they going after?

Jim79 1:06 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
no RoyalDocks, nothing like that. haha

RoyalDocksGK 10:58 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
I have zero interest in stock markets and know fuck all about it, but isn't this like Elon Musk investing loads of his coin into a crypto currency then telling everyone on social media that Tesla would allow the certain coin to be used to buy Tesla, watching that coin go extremely high and him then to sell his shares ?

In fact it doesn't sound fuck all like that now I've written it out having read the original post.

the straw 5:07 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
I honestly don't know anything about the legalities of the financial world, and have no idea if these lads have broken the law. But if it turns out that they've just done the same thing that the massive corporations do on a daily basis, then it's out of order if it's only them who get done for it.

There's only one place that these guys learnt how to do that kind of thing they did, surely?

Even though i'm sure they were already doing very well for themselves, I will always want the underdogs to win.

Manuel 4:04 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours

Mace66 12:33 Wed Jul 26
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
Jim79 4:40 Tue Jul 25
….. This time it just came off better than they could have ever imagined, nobody thought we'd ever see WTI futures going negative.

Well apparently that’s exactly what their top boy predicted and the plan was to trade it all the way down to negative 30 USD then bale out, which they did to perfection

Capitol Man 10:42 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
The scale of it is pretty much the point though Jim. It can be very hard to prove that a major seller of a commodity or a major financial trader is manipulating the market when the moves are small and spread out over time. It's normally like skimming a bit out of the market and everyone knows it's an abuse of market power but incredibly difficult to prove.

When it's a small player driving massive swings in the prices and dislocating the market to the point where prices of a valuable commodity go negative, then you're asking for trouble.

Jim79 7:03 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
I think the WhatsApp msgs show that they are trading in tandem but it is no different than happens in the market on a daily basis. I mean for fucks sake OPEC is a cartel in its own right controlling the price of petrol and oil.

goose 6:56 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
I'm sure there will be a film made of this when the dust settles.

If they were smart enough then it will be difficult to prove in court that they did not work independently on this.

Lee Trundle 6:47 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
What I find fascinating, is that they did this all dependently and separately from each other.

An amazing coincidence. ;-)

Jim79 4:40 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
What got them in trouble is the amount of profit they made. Had it been a couple of million then nobody would have batted an eyelid. They rung the bell and then the jealousy comes out and people sense a payday. They did nothing different than many other market makers do on a daily basis and they had done it many many times over the years. This time it just came off better than they could have ever imagined, nobody thought we'd ever see WTI futures going negative.

Capitol Man 4:22 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
It would seem to be a clear case of market manipulation. The market makers do it in many illiquid markets all the time - what got them in trouble was the scale of the move, the effect on prices and the high profile of the product they focused on.

goose 4:19 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
Exactly Jim.

Big hedge fund or investment bank does it and they are lauded for reading the market.
Few lads in Essex do it and the big boys come after them.

Good luck to them, I hope they get the chance to enjoy their money.

, 4:15 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
Good luck to them. Like the Aussie wicket keeper they broke no rules/Laws of the game.

And as for economic consequences their actions were minimal as compared to say forty odd days of a Liz Truss Premiership.

Jim79 3:55 Tue Jul 25
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
I know a few of the boys involved in this and its been a nightmare for them ever since the day they traded WTI and it went negative. Yes they've made a shit tonne of money but they have been tied up with lawyers ever since whilst the big corps in the market have gone after them trying to prove they colluded to manipulate the market, what a joke a bunch of blokes from Shenfield controlling the price of oil. Had it been one of the big banks or hedge funds nobody would have said a thing but a few likely lads cash in and all of a sudden its dodgy, they were right place at the right time with the right strategy. Good luck to them but it has been a major headache ever since.

On The Ball 9:47 Mon Jul 24
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
This is clearly Gaaaaaaarlic Bread.

Hammer I am 6:34 Mon Jul 24
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
Went down a rabbit hole with those Bloomberg vids Ty, the one about the British trader that wiped a trillion off the stock market in 5 mins is mental!! Same story really, British guy gets the best of wall street at their own game and they try to sue!

Confused how a trillion can disappear from SM and 5 mins later back to normal is strange though, they're all crooks!

Too Much Too Young 10:13 Sat Jul 22
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
nychammer 4:35 Sat Jul 22

Would need 100 times that to fix the WHO clock.

Mike Oxsaw 9:57 Sat Jul 22
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
House a lot of illegals would that,

WHU(Exeter) 8:25 Sat Jul 22
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
By process of elimination, it wasn’t any regular on the various NAPS challenges.

nychammer 4:35 Sat Jul 22
Re: 9 West Ham fans who made £660 Million in a few hours
If it was anyone on here id like to think they might have thrown a few quid in for a new web server.

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