WHO Poll

gph 1:37 Wed Aug 2
It had to happen
Since the invention of lab-grown meat that was never part of an animal, this has been on the cards - lab-grown HUMAN meat.

Channel 4 are doing a programme on it.


I don't think this for me

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

isca hammer 11:28 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
"Toddler Tartare"

Pee Wee 9:33 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
I worked on this show and was tasked with getting the ingredients

Cost me an arm and a leg.

northbanker 6:44 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
I'm all in favour of cannibalism. Far too many people in the world which is leading to an existential catastrophe. If we start eating people it would help resolve the issue. Anyway I'm going out for a Chinese..

gph 1:56 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen

Drinking canal water is always wrong

gph 1:54 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
It's on the agenda. It's not the first artistic examination of the idea - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/07/arts/design/Ouroboros-Steak-design-museum.html

I don't like it, but WHY would it be wrong? If no-one dies, what is actually wrong with cannalism?

Browno22 1:48 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
How gullible can you get?

cholo 1:46 Wed Aug 2
Re: It had to happen
I've seen it, it's a spoof. Wish someone would eat Gregg Wallace, gets on my tits.

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