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andyd12345 12:17 Sun Aug 13
Any tips for going to the training ground?
My son wants to go to the training ground on Monday to try and see some of the players. Any tips? Assume you just stand outside the gate and hope they stop? What time would they finish training?

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stewey 1:31 Sun Aug 13
Re: Any tips for going to the training ground?
Don’t they usually have Mondays off

andyd12345 12:48 Sun Aug 13
Re: Any tips for going to the training ground?
Stevethehammer 12:45 Sun Aug 13

Thanks Nate - that’s a shame! We’ll give it a go anyway but will prepare him. Went to watch the U21’s at Canvey midweek and he got a shirt signed by all of them, that was a great evening!

Stevethehammer 12:45 Sun Aug 13
Re: Any tips for going to the training ground?
I've been down there a few times with my son and the security are very very tight. They will push you back and let the players out before you can even attempt to ask for an autograph. Most players will drive past with their windows up and a thumbs up is the best you can hope for, I think this is actually from security and the club rather than the player themselves.

Very few players actually stop, even players such as Cresswell, Downes, Bowen etc don't stop or they go out the other exit.
Sadly mate, I think you will end up disappointed. I have tried to contact the club many times about the players being more approachable especially for younger fans. I even called David Gold out on it at the stadium a few years ago, most kids nowadays have the likes of city, psg shoved down their throats, I said to Gold, you are at risk of younger fans turning away from the club to support those top clubs, make the players more approachable and you might not lose them. It's fallen on deaf ears of course. Long gone are the days at UP when loads of players would stop, sign autographs, pictures etc.
Best of luck mate, but like I said, prepare to be let down.

Steady 12:37 Sun Aug 13
Re: Any tips for going to the training ground?
Kidnap Moyes and lock him up in a garage for 6 months. You’ll do time for it, but will be a West Ham legend forever

SUM A DING WONG 12:35 Sun Aug 13
Re: Any tips for going to the training ground?
“Any tips for going to the training ground?“

Yes. If you want to go down in WHO folklore (possibly West Ham folklore, too) please tell Moyes to listen to ‘zee German’ and to not interfere in the transfers.

If he objects to this, make him feel like he’s ‘back home’ and give him a ‘Glasgow kiss’ and tell him fuck off out of the club.

Hope this helps.

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