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Anxious Dave 10:49 Sun Aug 20
Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Feeling a bit jittery so this is obviously the place to come to. Long story short; I haven’t got a prescription from the last ten years but my eyes are DOUBLE HARD bastards. Everyone I’ve tried online won’t sell me any bins without a newer one.

Do any of you wankers know a site where they will flog me a pair without needing all that shit?

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Dicko75 11:21 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
I’d worn lens or glasses for about 25 years but got my eyes lasered in April. Fantastic and wish I’d done it years back.

Mike Oxsaw 11:04 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Can't see it happening...

Nurse Ratched 8:23 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
"...and have to have an injection in my eyeball every few months"

I'd have to Nope the feck out of that game of soldiers.

Westside 8:11 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
and have to have an injection in my eyeball every few months.

That does not sound, like a fun day out Pickle.

Northern Sold 8:04 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…

Cute cat mate...

Tomshardware 4:52 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Begs the question, when did you last go to the dentist Dave?

Pickle Rick 2:17 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…

Online spec companies need the prescription to be dated in the past 2 years, they won't accept anything else. As others have said, get an eye test, pay for the part where they use a camera to photo your eye as they may uncover something like they did with me. I have a CVRO (Central Vein Retinal Occlusion) and have to have an injection in my eyeball every few months to clear a blockage that can't be done with laser treatment

zico 1:27 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
David L 1:01 Mon Aug 21

Agree re the puffer test. Mine were also out of range and I was sent for glaucoma checks. Turns out with me that I have thick corneas, hence the higher pressure, but at least they can keep an eye on it (pardon the pun!)

Fifth Column 1:26 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…

Firstly, yes get an eye test. Weird you wouldn't want to get one.

Second, of course you can get more glasses online as long as you know your old prescription. You complete the online ordering form with the specifications and then put a date down for the last 12 months where it asks you when the prescription was given.

David L 1:01 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
You MUST have the puffer test. My result was not in the normal range, and I had to have the blockage in the back of the eye cleared by laser treatment. No pain at all. Could have developed into a serious problem if Id ignored it, and not sure the optician would have been too happy to just leave it out of the exam. Just get it done.

Tomshardware 12:56 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Dave, The impaired vision must be hampering your martial arts

zico 11:43 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
As everyone has said just get an eye test. My place is like Disney World now with all these fancy machines and can easily check the health of your eyes for things like diabetes or glaucoma easily. My eyes are getting better with age so need a new prescription yearly but it's certainly better than trying to struggle by with an old prescription even with merely slight changes.

Russ of the BML 11:16 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Why do you want glasses without an eye test?

It's like buying a car without looking at it.

Just go into Spec-Savers, open an account, book an eye test and get some glasses based on that test.

Anxious Dave 10:46 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Iron Duke 11:44

“Anyway, look at Dave’s profile and re-read the Anyone Date a French Bird? Thread. A bit of nostalgia from when the site used to be good.”

Don’t make me relive all of that again. Is that the hairy armpits woman?? Haunting.

Mike Oxsaw 9:37 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
10 quid for an eye-test, is it not, free for the over sixties, I believe.

Boots remind me every year to go get it done;10-15 minutes at most and a lot of the testing is done by machine these days.

You don't have to buy your specs there (although they hope you do), you can just take the prescription away.

You could probably get it made up in Cambodia by a one-legged optician for less than the price of a night with a ladyboy.

Plus, as has been said, an eye test can pick up other underlying problems about which it is far better to be aware than ignorant of.

the exile 2:04 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
I'm alright for distance but have used reading glasses of ever-increasing strength for the last 20 or so years. I'm on #3s now, but I only recently discovered that #1s are ideal for watching TV. Means I can get away with cheap ones and don't need a test.

Gary Strodders shank 1:57 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
If its beer goggles you are after I'll gladly send you a couple of my old pairs.

gph 1:49 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Try prescription swim goggles sites.

Obviously, they'll look a bit odd unless you're wearing swimming trunks

Gary Strodders shank 1:39 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
If its the bit where they blow the air into your eyes just ask them not to do that bit.
Apart from that it's just reading the charts and looking at the dots for brightness and comparisons in each eye.
Using the wrong strength glasses can do more damage in the long run.
An eye test can also pick up other health issues related to Glaucoma and high blood pressure so worth having one for that reason too.

scouse kid 1:01 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…
Specsavers visit those unable to attend the opticans according to an advert on TV

so that could be an option if you're overtly anxious

J.Riddle 1:00 Mon Aug 21
Re: Purchasing specs WITHOUT prescription…

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