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scott_d 10:57 Mon Sep 4
Why have we started so well?
No-one expected it, not event the most optimistic hammers.

I expected our form to continue as it did from last season in the League as there wasn't much to suggest Moyes was going to do anything different.

But somehow we have managed to pick up 3 big results after a lukewarm start at Bournemouth.

Is it the signings, the tactics, the sale or Rice?

Probably a combination but why are things working for Moyes right now where they failed miserably last season?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

bruuuno 1:37 Thu Sep 7
Re: Why have we started so well?
Antonio in beast mode makes all big difference to our team

El Coucho 1:25 Thu Sep 7
Re: Why have we started so well?
1 - Some very good transfer business.
2 - A bit of luck in the first half against Chelsea.
3 - Antonio seems to have woken up.
4 - Bowen is playing a lot better.
5 - Areola is doing well.
6 - A level of confidence from winning a trophy?

Long way to go and I would like to see us press other teams more, but I see. more positives than negatives.

Kudus could be a very good signing and please can we see Mubama coming on for 20 minutes or so?

Jasnik 12:46 Thu Sep 7
Re: Why have we started so well?
One thing I find strange is since we got JWP we not had a single free kick within his range!.

bruuuno 12:37 Thu Sep 7
Re: Why have we started so well?

Keep dreaming 11:36 Wed Sep 6
Re: Why have we started so well?
Because we have scored more than we have conseded.
Sitting back is a dangerous tactic, and so far we have been a bit lucky.
Despite same shit tactics and poor management we are better off than anyone could expect.

wd40 11:52 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
all down to good management and the team behind him

simple as that !

cant be nothing else .

sorry to disappoint.

BBondsBootlaces 11:25 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
Of course I would love to get something from the next 2 games but tbh I am interested in how we play. Do we have a go or roll over and have our proverbial tummy tickled as the goals go in.

. . 10:53 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
I feel for once we have got the right players in.

I was not expecting anything from Luton however with JWP we now have a player who can put a ball in that unlocks teams that sit deep.

We managed to soak up the pressure from Chelsea and Brighton who pass the ball forward

Our next test is Man city who run at you with the ball if we can cope with there style of play then we could have a good season

PwoperNaughtyButNot 10:28 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
I’ll be honest , I was in the Moyes out camp even after the euro win. I felt that the downward slide started the xmas we failed to sign a striker and the team petered out and continued into last season.

However, this season has seen some great signings and great results. I feel the style and tactics has changed a little so we are more focused and accurate with our direct style rather than the Allardyce esque smash it into the corners or look for free kicks and try to nick a win.

The test comes in the next two games against Liverpool or Man City.

Get a result in one or both and those that are Moyes in and those that have been impressed so far will continue to be.

Lose both and the Moyes out brigade will be load and proud.

Personally, I’ll wait to see how me play and how we fair against Sheff Utd to see if we are really going in the right direction. I hope so.

For the minute - Moyes in!

Sir Alf 10:26 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
Very early for assuming we are going to be at the top end of the table. Let’s see what happens against City and if we can do a bit better than usual ( giving them a tough game hopefully )

Imo we will learn more once we go behind in a game against someone other than City. Might see if there is any plan b yet? Hasn’t been previously under Moyes and we r seen us getting countered on when we do try to open teams up by building the play

Hammer and Pickle 10:25 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
I love this attempt to create the impression that Moyes ever tried a ball-retention approach - especially the bit where it was about other sides sussing him out. Fucking funny.

wansteadman 10:12 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
What I don't get is we bought lots of attacking players in and coaches to turn us into a ball retention side as Moyes thought that teams had sussed our style of play out and needed to change. We tried and it didn't work so went back to sitting deep and hitting on the break.
We've now taken that up a notch so why will it work now when he was convinced it was failing before

BRANDED 10:11 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
When have we beaten man city or liverpool in recent years?

BRANDED 10:09 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?

daveyg 9:53 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
You're getting better.
You want us to arrange the fixtures into some kind of Moyes preference. 25/30 minutes and maybe a goal or assist against LG1 Luton might have benefited. Just say it.
Instead he got necklace.
Giving proper time to Kudus and Mubama would have be been beneficial,agreed ? It's how you blood squad members

rumford 9:47 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?

rumford 9:47 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?

rumford 9:43 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
Vexed may be OTT at times but he's certainly not boring. Some people take the comments on here to seriously.

ludo21 9:43 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
No... what I clearly meant was it would have been better to have been playing City & Liverpool once Kudus was firing on all cylinders having played several games with his new teammates but whatever... apparently it doesn't matter anyway as there's no way we'll get a point from these two matches...

Hammer and Pickle 9:26 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
In my opinion, Vexed is absolutely the best ranter on here and definite evidence of life on this site.

RM10 9:23 Tue Sep 5
Re: Why have we started so well?
It’s unlikely we will get a point next two games, even the mighty Villa with a fantastic manager have been wiped out twice already.

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