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zico 4:22 Wed Sep 6
Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
To compliment the best/worst TV programme thread I thought I would put this question forward, although it may well have been done before!

Was one of three for me as the best. Back to the Future and JAWS share second place with Hitchcock's Rear Window still my favourite film of all time. The worst by far has to be a god awful effort called Movie 43. So bad I didn't even finish it. So many stars in it though so they either got paid a fortune or had no idea what dross they had agreed to.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

arsene york-hunt 9:18 Mon Sep 11
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Ingemar Bergman's The Seventh Seal was a classic when I was in my teens. Many regarded it as the best film ever made.
Worst: Rocky 4 would be a competitor

zico 8:32 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Tomshardware 1:17 Fri Sep 8

If you like Jaws there are some good documentaries, albeit a few years old now, on You Tube. What fascinates me is that the whole thing could have been a complete disaster and vey nearly was. Spielberg could have been finished. Over budget, over time, the shark didn't work and yet that actually helped it become the classic it became.

Sarge 5:00 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
The Sting
LA Confidential
The Apartment
A Few Good Men

Out of Africa. 3 and a half hours (well it seemed like it) wasted on a friday night before you could take booze into the cinema. Hideously dull

Tomshardware 1:17 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
My all time favourite is Jaws. Every aspect of the film is superb, outstanding performances by all the cast but Robert Shaw is immense in it.

I'm also into gritty America cop films of the 70's, Serpico and The French Connection are 2 of my favourites.

Other films that I will always watch are Back to the Future, Jurassic park original.

I also love foreign films, Jean de Florette is a masterpiece, Betty Blue, Battle Royale, Heimat, Das Boot. There's probably lots I've missed.

Worst films, I always forget them quickly.

OneAll 12:53 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
also the expanse is a great modern sci fi series , but you have to watch it about 3 times to properly understand lol but its basically game of thrones space edition

OneAll 12:52 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
i only really watch sci fi and fantasy

lotr trilogy
running man
total recall
all the orginal alien films
matrix trilogy
cosmos - doubt many have seen but very good film

thats just to name a few , you cant really pick the best as theres to many diff aspects , its all about the feeling the film gives you while watching , everyone is diff

ludo21 12:04 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
LOL, you’re right chim… scrubbers!

chevy chase 10:20 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Like these.

The Odessa File
Stir Crazy

Worst. too many to mention but My mum n dad still shiver when I mention “spice Girls the Movie” They took my nieces to watch it.

Must be a classic?

bigfrank 9:53 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....

The Wanderers
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Stir Crazy
See no evil, hear no evil
Back to the future


Green Street
Football Factory
Most Remakes

chim chim cha boo 6:39 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....

ludo 5:46 Thu Sep 7

A point of order but it's 'SCUBBERS'

arsene york-hunt 4:39 Fri Sep 8
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
The Swimmer starring Burt Lancaster was a great film with one of the most heartbreaking endings I have ever seen.

Kandu 9:28 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Life of Brian

La la land

Far Cough 7:30 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
I would like to add Northern Sold's favourite film and that is A Man for All Seasons

No it's not action packed but the dialogue is superb driven mainly by Paul Scofield's depiction of Sir Thomas More's refusal to bend to King Henry VIII wish to marry Anne Boleyn.

It is superb and Scofield was rightly given an Oscar for his portrayal. of More.

WHU(Exeter) 7:21 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Arsene, agree that all three of them were great, but the third one really stood out for me.

It's hard to write about it without sounding all arty-farty, and I usually hate all that 'this film is true art' bollocks.

But that third one, especially when he was up at that quarry, those scenes, and then throwing all his written words away. I was fucking spellbound by it, like no other film has done to me. That WAS true art' and don't care if I sound like a pretentious wanker writing it.

Ditto, I never used to know why people went on about things like 'lighting' in films, until seeing A Canterbury Tale, which is a beautiful film.

Swiss. 7:10 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....

You forgot the drinking game:


Only a fucking imbecile doesn't know it's a cult classic.

Wils 6:21 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Best: Winters sleep (Turkish Palme D'or winner a few years ago)

Worst: Any of the Star Wars films with Ewan McGregor in it.

ludo21 5:46 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Manuel - yeh, definitley a cult film... very quotable. I used to have a Mk2 Jag and very difficult to resist the temptation to wind down the window and shout 'slappers'...

muskie 5:18 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Best: Godfather 2

Worst Godfather 3

BRANDED 5:02 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Normally. Tak Miike and I are at loggerheads about most things. But sometimes our stars cross. Like a working and a stopped clock.
I put The Big Lebowskinas did he as its a film I never bore from. In fact it gets better and better. It has a thousand quotes that never tire.

Mostly when I saw it when it was released I was blown away and recommended to my mum and sister who went to see it. They were confused. When I saw it the second time I hadnt realised the absolute profanity of it.

All in all a slice of the greatest genius you’ll find in film making and story telling

The Mercernary 4:47 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
Picking a best is quite difficult and can easily change depending on your mood. A bit easier to have a top 5.

Just because I've been doing jury service I decided to re-watch 12 Angry Men. Simply brilliant.

The worst by a country mile is Broken Flowers with Bill Murray. I think it's the only film I've seen where there was literally nothing at all in it of any value.

arsene york-hunt 4:34 Thu Sep 7
Re: Your best and worst ever Film/Movie....
WHU(Exeter) 2:52 Thu Sep 7

Good shout, but all the Apu trilogy were great, also Kashejunghana Ray's first colour film was brilliant too

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