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isolated hammer 9:43 Sun Sep 10
West Ham Fans
Was sat in a craft brewery beer garden on Friday afternoon and my Fiance and myself got chatting to this man and his Son. The Father was from Watford. Anyway as we got chatting more, I asked if he was a Watford supporter, he replied that he looked out for their results, but he actually is a West Ham supporter. Cue one dumbfounded Fiance and a lengthy chat about The Hammers. Turns out, his Uncle played for us in the late 50's and stayed in the same accommodation as Malcolm Allison.

Saturday, went to Stratford upon Avon. My lady and myself were again sat in a beer garden and a family opposite us on another table were chatting away, I thought to myself, they aren't locals, got chatting with them and they were from Plaistow but had moved to Stratford due to work. All three were Hammers Fans, cue my once again dumbfounded Fiance and a great chat about The Hammers.

Absolutely love our passionate Fans.

We really are something else.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

MaryMillingtonsGhost 5:32 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Council Scum 4:28


Council Scum 4:28 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
"Also remember walking down a rain-sodden street in Phuket in the mid/late 90's.
Saw a young local on the other side of the road out of the corner of my eye, wildly gesticulating at me.
When I looked at him, he pointed at me (or rather my old hooped away shirt) and with a massive grin on his face shouted 'Nonce. Nonce'.

zico 4:21 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
I remember being in Orlando back in the late 90's and there at least four of us in Hammers shirts queuing up for The Back to the Future ride!

MaryMillingtonsGhost 2:57 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
The Inn Place, PDC in Lanzarote, owned by a hammer named Jo.

Also remember walking down a rain-sodden street in Phuket in the mid/late 90's.
Saw a young local on the other side of the road out of the corner of my eye, wildly gesticulating at me.
When I looked at him, he pointed at me (or rather my old hooped away shirt) and with a massive grin on his face shouted 'Bobby Moore. Bobby Moore'.

BRANDED 2:39 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
I was seeing someone in a record company in the basement of the PWL offices in Borough around ‘96 and there was a huge WHU flag on the wall. I was introduced to the boss and owner of the flag. His name was Andy Swallow.

Hammer and Pickle 2:33 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Yes I appreciate that was too much information for you to handle in one go Twundle. Then again, it won’t be of any use to you.

Lee Trundle 2:13 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
*has any relevance

Lee Trundle 2:12 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
This thread is about West Ham fans, Maggot & Pickled.

Not sure how you chatting to an Everton supporter in a bar you probably regularly get pissed up in, is any relevance?

violator 2:11 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
The Harbour Bar in Kassiopi, Georgios is a Greek hammer and always makes sure our games are on the big screen.

Hammer and Pickle 2:09 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
The place to watch games when in Warsaw is Legends. Graham, the proprietor, is really alright; he will alway make sure you get a screen so don't be too hard on him for being an Everton supporter ;)

LeroysBoots 1:42 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
I worked in Dublin, used to watch the games in a pub off O'Connell Street, I think it was called Brannigans, top floor

isolated hammer 1:29 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Pee Wee, that is funny. Never thought of that. Maybe that's why we are only engaged. Poor girl has to put up with alot with me, especially when we meet fellow Hammers fans. It doesn't happen deliberately, it just seems to happen alot lately.

BeauLarkyBuff 12:14 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Isolated. The Oswestry pub full of hammers fans watching the Brighton game.

only1billybonds 11:52 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
My old man lived in Turkey for a few years and found a local bar that showed premier league games. Him and the English bar owner became good mates and eventually discovered that the bloke used to sit two rows behind and four seats along in the seats on the old chicken run. The old man described him to me and me to him and we both remember nodding hello to eachother many times.

Small world and all that.

Billy Blagg 11:41 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Following the passing of Lady Blagg back in 2018, I like to get away on anniversary days (wedding, birthday, death & funeral) as it helps me cope.

I was in Budapest a few weeks after Prague and though I don't normally travel kitted up, I'd just bought a new 'Prague Winners' polo shirt and I was amazed at the number of people - and I'm talking locals - who noticed it, made a comment or just came up to me wanting to talk West Ham and football and European competitions. On the actual anniversary of my wife's passing, I was in the City Centre, just going to the Cathedral to light a candle. I was feeling pretty weighed down and was crossing the road and a car stopped for me. I put my hand up to acknowledge them stopping, was halfway across when the driver and his passenger leaned out the window and gave me the crossed arms and a shout of 'IRONNNS'. It was obvious they weren't from Stratford way either. It made me laugh and really broke my mood.

Dwight Van Mann 11:12 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
I love these little stories. We all have them.

Pee Wee 10:47 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Have you considered taking an interest in your girl rather than having to look for strangers that you prefer the company of?

Relationship red flag right there

Willtell 10:35 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Driving around sight seeing in June with the Mrs near Alicante in Spain and what do we see?

A house decked out in WH flags...

Darlo Debs 8:52 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Shortly after my youngest was born.i.took.a part time job in Morrisons and on the tills one day this bloke came to my till in a Hammers shirt. We did the crossed Hammers thing and chatted and say hello if we saw eachother around the area. Anyway some years later I.went in to do care for a lady who was on end of life and when I went into the house there was West Ham stuff everywhere. The lady's husband was from.Stratford and the bloke in the Hammers shirt I'd met all.that time ago turned up.while I was there....he was their son.

Lovely family.

gph 12:44 Mon Sep 11
Re: West Ham Fans
Wish I could remember exactly were it was, it wat was called, but it was near Loch Ness, on one of the roads with Tomich on it, and it was not much more than a large corrugated iron shack.

But it served food and drink, so it counted as a proper pub, and it was covered in West Ham memorabilia - framed programs from the 1950, teddy bears with West Ham scarves, ancient footballs...

Unfortunately, the landlord wasn't there, and the bar staff couldn't enlighten us as to what motivated the great man's choice of decor, apart from the obvious fact he was a West Ham fan


isolated hammer 11:42 Sun Sep 10
Re: West Ham Fans
Fair play I suppose. Never really thought of your comments in that way

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