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MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:24 Fri Sep 15
Battle of Britain day
15th September.

Lest we forget those brave souls who took to the skies.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

yngwies Cat 9:58 Sun Sep 17
Re: Battle of Britain day
Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Rip to all

Capitol Man 4:25 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
"The gratitude of every home in our Island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of the World War by their prowess and b~ their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.“

Side of Ham 4:07 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
Was in The Eagle in July and it is indeed a wonderful thing to behold.

Percy Dalton 3:58 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
The Eagle pub in Cambridge has a RAF bar where airmen from the second world war wrote their names and squadrons on the ceiling using candles petrol lighters and lipsticks.
It's still there today never been touched.
God bless them.

Mike Oxsaw 8:35 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
I though that this thread would be one to celebrate the pilots who fought in the War, not simply another platform for a particular poster to vent his loser's bile.

How wrong I admit I was.

Hip! Hip! Hurrah! to our aviators. Boooo! to insecure, intolerant friendless, entitled twats.

Capitol Man 1:55 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
Saved the world from scum like Frank the fatty and his gimp here. Your lot ran away and hid after getting it at Cable Street.

bigfrank 1:01 Sat Sep 16
Re: Battle of Britain day
Spot on nutsin

Nutsin 10:14 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
I wonder if they’d have thought so hard if they knew what was coming?

zebthecat 9:14 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Spitfire bird


Eastside surge 9:04 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Far cough 7.05
"Repeat please "

Leavemyarcelona 8:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Rule Britannia

Far Cough 7:05 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Eastside surge 3:21 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
"They got the rose and crown "

"He'll have to drink at the Red Lion"

..."if they'll 'ave him"

BBondsBootlaces 6:08 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
and remember there were Czech, Canadian, Polish, NZ, Irish, Belgian, Australian, South African, Jamaican, French, American, Rhodesia,Barbados pilots.

ludo21 4:56 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
I went to The White Hart at Brasted a couple of years ago as it is the pub that the pilots stationed at Biggin Hill drank at during the BoB. It had a famous black board that all of the pilots signed.

Apart from a facsimile copy of the board there was absolutely nothing in the pub that would have borne any resemblance to The White Hart in 1940. Any semblance of originality had been ripped out and it was a shit 'gastro' pub just like countless others around the country serving pizzas on slate plates.... sad!

Eastside surge 3:21 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
"They got the rose and crown "

, 12:40 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Those were the days when Brits were proud to make a stand against a dictator.

Nowadays there are too many siren voices giving tacit support to dictatorial aspirations.

Far Cough 12:30 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
Per Ardua ad Astra

Fo the Communist 12:28 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
I don't think the worry is forgetting, it's more people not knowing in the first place.

Pee Wee 12:25 Fri Sep 15
Re: Battle of Britain day
My money is on England

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