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charleyfarley 1:39 Fri Oct 6
⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread
........... V

    London Stadium
    29th Oct 2023 13:00
    VAR Simon Hooper

Stuart Attwell: (12) - 42 2

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West Ham 21/20: Draw 11/4: Everton 23/10

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 8:10 Tue Oct 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
I fear it’s got to the stage where it doesn’t matter who Moyes selects - the key players have had enough and he’s not going to get a performance out of them whatever he does.

Russ of the BML 2:47 Tue Oct 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Lee Trundle 7:00 Mon Oct 30

This is the problem isn't it?

Moyes started Kudus. Dropped Soucek. Got Antonio off early. Gave Benny decent playing time. All the things the fans have been demanding he do. Then we still can't be an ordinary Everton team at home. So what's Moyes next move? Knowing him he'll be pleased we lost so can resort to picking Soucek, playing Antonio whole game and dropping Kudus and Benny.

Emperor Moyes likes to take snide digs at the fans and will relish this.

Mex Martillo 4:59 Tue Oct 31
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Paquet has not been playing well since the international break. We looked like a team that didn't know each other. It's not the first time a break seems to have a negative effect. After the world cup we were rubbish, worse than before it, which was quite an achievement.
Worrying thing is a feeling we have fallen into a deep rute.

onsideman 9:38 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
On the corners, couldn't work out why Bowen took any while Cresswell was also on the pitch and we needed goals

onsideman 9:32 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
The one in front of us could barely move for the ridiculous rain hat poncho combo he had to wear... even though it had long since stopped raining

Steady 9:13 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Interesting that someone mentioned the ball boys / ball people ! I noticed they were very slow to give the ball back or threw it back with as much effort as a 2 year old. Coufal seemed pissed off with it a few times while wanting to take a quick throw

Hammer and Pickle 8:29 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Mubama would have to have zero self-esteem and a screw loose to sign a new deal with West Ham under current circumstances. Let’s hope things change in time for him to be able to consider it.

british is best 7:05 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
People still giving Moyes an easy ride . Wait until Brentford we won't win that either. Btw mubama has turned down a contract extension. And he's in his last year. If we're losing proper hammers like him .there's a serious problem .

Lee Trundle 7:00 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
rumford 6:08 Mon Oct 30
"Still those people who said drop Soucek and keep possession of the ball and we would be lot better, well based on Saturdays game
Were wrong."

So the point you're trying to make is that it doesn't matter who's playing as it's probably down to the manager's shitty, negative tactics we've been playing all season?

You're probably right.

fraser 6:21 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
We didn't choose to have more possession of the ball and it had nothing to do with Soucek/Kudus.

Everton didn't want the ball

rumford 6:08 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
On reflection yes there wasn't much exitment or atmosphere at the game. I did think Everton looked strong at the and hard to beat. However. a lot fans would say it was more down to us not creating enough in the the finial third. Despite doing well in league for a couple of seasons and wining Trophy last year,we generally have a problem against teams who play in similar way to us.
Still those people who said drop Soucek and keep possession of the ball and we would be lot better, well based on Saturdays game
Were wrong.
So let's see how we do against a Brentford side on Saturday who havn't been great at home this season.

Lee Trundle 5:20 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Cresswell took a couple of free kicks also, the few times we had free kicks in dangerous territory.,

It was a bit odd.

bell 5:03 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Cheers scorch. Specsavers for me I think.

El Scorchio 5:01 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Just the first one. They both stood over the ball but Bowen took an inswinger. Waste of whichever was the other standing there. Can only think they did it as a rubbish attempt to confuse them but as soon as Bowen raised his arm you knew it would be him taking it. JWP took the rest until he went off.

bell 4:42 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Bowen took them even when JWP was on didn't he.?? Or it looked like it from my seat.

martyboy 4:39 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
We are just so organised. Look at most other teams, ball boys/girls, throwing the ball to the players, and getting on with it. Yesterday a couple of time Coufal gets a throw in by their box, and theirs no one around with a towel, to give him, or even get the ball back to him pronto. Just him running around looking for a ball for a quick throw in. Shambles of a club!!

kylay 4:32 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
El Scorchio 3:55 Mon Oct 30

Very much agree with that. I didn't see the Olympiakos match but villa and everton were appalling in the lack of opportunities in the final third, and the very few we did create criminally wasted. Even Bowen's lone goal was a very luck deflection.

Looks as though the fifa window hoodoo has reared its ugly head again (that and our total lack of a competent striker).

Gary Strodders shank 4:28 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
I rarely criticise players or Moyes but yesterdays performance thoroughly pissed me off
I now think our initial early season form masked over the deficiencies of last season which are now visible for all to see.
A lot of the areas of concern have not been addressed
The defence yesterday played like a bunch of strangers down the park and you could drive a bus through the middle of them
Cresswell always an accident waiting to happen
Coufal shortcomings going forward and defensively.
Aguard not good enough at PL level
Zouma never looks to be moving that freely despite that by far our best defender.
Players being played out of position
A lack of pace in key areas
Antonio looking like he has shot his bolt and championship or even first division at best now
I never leave a game early but when the lumbering beanpole Soucek replaced JWP I came pretty damn close to it.
We are too predictable easy to play against and have no plan B
I'm now of the opinion that Dinosaur Dave should take his place in the natural history museum and let's give a more progressive manager a go

Hammer and Pickle 4:06 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
Think part of it is players realising officials tend to give the benefit to the team that is trying to do something with the ball. Frustration has reached a point where motivation has collapsed give Moyes is obviously deaf to any kind of tactical revision.

El Scorchio 4:02 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread - Preview
onsideman 3:00

He did indeed- apart from the first one which was odd- him and Bowen were both over it and Bowen took it. Seemed silly to me. Just let the best in the division get on with it.

And Bowen's corners after JWP went off were utter dogshit. Not sure any beat the first man. How can a professional footballer not manage that? Even i could consistently do that when I used to play sunday league.

El Scorchio 3:55 Mon Oct 30
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Everton - Official Match Thread
That was horrendous. Everton did their job well of frustrating us and sitting back but we never even looked like having the guile to cut them open at any point which is criminal considering how shit they are.

We were extremely sloppy and bereft of any attacking ideas. Made lots of silly mistakes and ultimately one got punished.

Bowen, Antonio, Paqueta all anonymous. Kudus is the only player to come out of that game with any sort of credit. Maybe Areola as well for a few other decent saves to spare further blushes. JWP maybe the only other who wasn't awful.

A very poor 7 days. I said it on Thursday and I'll say it again. It feels like something has happened behind the scenes.

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