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one iron 7:47 Fri Oct 27
westham fans
1600 fans went to greece. no arrests. fans had to queue for hours to board buses and get to ground. police out standing. we did not see or hear of any trouble average age of greek fans about 19 westham fans over forty, it was like being at a kids birthday party.well done boys and girls team was shit, you was out standing.

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Leavemyarcelona 6:49 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
Sbeddy & one iron

Spot on

billywhitehorse 3:14 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
I was there for 5 days and people were all well behaved from what I saw. Well apart from a couple of people punching the perspex screens separating us in the stadium. Very odd thing to do.

We met a very friendly group of Rennes fans on Thursday night in town. They took 250 out to Greece and couldn't believe there were 1600 of us.

We've arranged to meet them in Dublin..

one iron 9:50 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
sbeddy,100% right mate. dads army will always have your back. thats what we do.

balders 5:46 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
Was def one of the quieter trips with everyone spread about the city

But was it worth doing over 11,000 miles in 4 days to see that shit 100% yes

simon.s 1:11 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
Was in the same row as you last night Bill. Superb traveling support as always.

Alfs 12:50 Sat Oct 28
Re: westham fans
They should their travel expenses refunded by the club after that shit shower.

bruuuno 10:19 Fri Oct 27
Re: westham fans
I’ve been impressed by a lot of the euro plod tbf

BRANDED 8:02 Fri Oct 27
Re: westham fans
Ice one on all counts except the team.

sbeddy 8:01 Fri Oct 27
Re: westham fans
Was tempted to reply - the club doesn't deserve it. But the club is way way more than the current owners, managers or players - whether you loathe or love. There are many older than me on this site I know, but since about 1981 when I started going on my own with mates instead of with dad and about 2005 when I started going back with him I have never failed to have a proper laugh, always felt that someone had my back and always always had a sense of us. Long may it continue - no matter where we end up or how we play.

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