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Pee Wee 12:32 Wed Nov 22
Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Thoughts so far:

YouTubers don’t have personalities behind their loud shouting

Brittany Spears got the looks and the personality in that family

Grace looks like a wax work figure caught in a warehouse fire.

Nigel Farage is a deeply boring man.

Fred reminds me of Bilic so want him to win.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 3:13 Wed Dec 13
Re: I'm really fucking bored with all these political (and now religious) threads on here....
I thought this was the I’m a celebrity thread. My mistake it’s the political thread….

Moncurs Putting Iron 3:12 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Time for my annual post

Pleased that it is over, I live in constant anxiety of accidentally seeing it during this period.

Strictly Final this weekend, now THAT'S good TV.

ray winstone 3:04 Wed Dec 13
Re: I'm really fucking bored with all these political (and now religious) threads on here....
ED, your information about me isn't quite accurate, maybe you need to up your stalking so as to update your dossier....

Eerie Descent 2:35 Wed Dec 13
Re: I'm really fucking bored with all these political (and now religious) threads on here....
The Tories are nearly as bad as Labour, so I'm not excusing them, but whilst we're still tied to the ECHR, there's fuck all that can be done in reality.

Ray's alright though, he spends his time nice and cushy in places that are not affected, with no kids' futures to worry about. All good in the hood.

Council Scum 2:32 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
"Stop The Boats etc but all they are doing is stoking up division by turning people against 'foreigners',"

No the 45,000 who have landed on our shores this year alone, costing us 7million a day in hotel fees, doe's that.

But yeah, its a party thing.

Lee Trundle 2:23 Wed Dec 13
Re: I'm really fucking bored with all these political (and now religious) threads on here....
... Get me out of here!

Westside 2:21 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
''wanting effective immigration controls'' and after almost 14 years of promising this, why do you imagine it hasn't been delivered?

They were hamstrung by free movement of EU citizens into the UK until January 2021, but have been crap at controlling immigration since then.

ray winstone 1:30 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
arsene york-hunt 1:21 Wed Dec 13

Well they are not necessarily being ignored, the Tories are talking a good game with the Rwanda bollocks, Stop The Boats etc but all they are doing is stoking up division by turning people against 'foreigners', it's not only unhealthy for the country but it will only end in tears....

arsene york-hunt 1:21 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
ray winstone 12:50 Wed Dec 13

Because the Conservatives want cheap labour for the businesses that they represent and Labour want a more voters for themselves. The vast majority don't want mass immigration and are ignored.

Side of Ham 1:13 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Your beloved party politics red vs blues prevents it Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.......blues get it through parliament as they have the majority there only for it to be stopped in the House of Lords which is a reds majority.

Meanwhile the country needs sorting in all sorts of areas while this type of shit goes on......

ray winstone 12:50 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
''wanting effective immigration controls'' and after almost 14 years of promising this, why do you imagine it hasn't been delivered?

Side of Ham 12:42 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
No Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I really don't......

arsene york-hunt 12:41 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
solidbond 6:01 Wed Dec 13

You are right I've seen more racism in Trinidad in 4 weeks than she's seen in England in 53 years. My point is there is nothing racist or "Islamophobic" about wanting effective immigration controls, unless your using the definition that says anybody to the right of Corbyn is a racist.

ray winstone 12:27 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
SOH, you really need to get that sticky A button fixed.....

Side of Ham 12:20 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Oh dear Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Islam is followed by ALL colours and creeds you utterly thick cunt........

ray winstone 11:28 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Islamophobia isn't racist? The things you learn on WHO.....

Willtell 10:59 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
I think you'll find that xenophobia is the noun for the definition of Islamophobia. Not racism.

solidbond 6:01 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Arsenal you cunt 1:19 So people from Trinidad can’t be Islamaphobic??

arsene york-hunt 1:19 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
I was talking about the changes to the Labour party because of my long relationship as a member and also as an active unionist. This has sod all to do with your whataboutery about what loonies are on the opposite benches. Ps if you think I am a racist, you should talk to my wife. She is angry about the boats and mass migration and she is from Trinidad,

ray winstone 12:36 Wed Dec 13
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
arsene york-hunt 11:57 Tue Dec 12

Just because I hate the Conservative Party, it doesn’t make me a paid up member of the Labour Party but to call out Butler and Raynor without considering Rees-Mogg and Francois are just as bonkers, you obviously have a skewed political view.
I have no doubt that if Labour do manage to win the next election they will make a pigs ear of it and only last one term, but it won’t stop me hating the self serving, pompous cunts with the blue rosettes.

arsene york-hunt 11:57 Tue Dec 12
Re: Isn’t there normally an I’m A Celeb thread?
Ray Winstone Many of us are right on lefties when young but with age we tend to grow out of such immaturities. Why has this not happened with you? Many of us ordinary working class Labour voters will never vote Labour again as the party has changed into an extremist organisation and all the talented politicians have gone and have been replaced by ignoramuses like Dawn Butler and Angela Raynor.. We have not changed, it is the party. And no most of us don't vote tory either. it's your simplistic bracketing of anyone who doesn't share your views as right wing or even far right that gives you away as as bigoted as the people are trying to bracket us with.

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