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Come On You Irons 2:56 Thu Nov 23
The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Is going to be hardline anti-immigrant, anti-Islamist Gert Wilders.

Nice to see other European countries waking up to the existential threat to Europe caused by mass, uncontrolled immigration from the third world.

This on a day the UK has released statistics showing a record 745,000 net migration in 2023, which is a shameful and damning statistic.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 11:55 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Ah bless you Michael - you’d be scoring there only the door has always been wide open.

So I’d say you’ve missed and are on your arse there boy.

Takashi Miike 11:32 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
he'll be experiencing plenty of it soon enough, once tusk opens the doors to africa and their neighbours

Side of Ham 11:29 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Pickle, you need to look up the word ‘simp’ then look at your decision to leave the U.K. to go and live in Eastern Europe….then you may need to dry your eyes….

Hammer and Pickle 11:04 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
I just wouldn’t want to set the bar too high for you, simp.

Lee Trundle 10:46 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Hammer and Pickle 8:30 Tue Nov 28
"He’s freaky looking enough as it is"

ZERO self-awareness.

Willtell 10:23 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
You are a plonker Pickle. All the news media made it obvious that Wilders wouldn't govern outright as the Dutch elected 15 separate parties into their parliament as per usual with no one party having a clear mandate.

So who are all the "braindead malcontent vote" you're talking about. Oh Tuesday night is vodka night isn't it?

Hammer and Pickle 8:12 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Just shows it’s one thing to corral the braindead malcontent vote and quite another to gain a stable majority in Parliament with mandate to govern. The Dutch ain’t sheep.

Leavemyarcelona 2:00 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Just shows normal people don't like the way Europe is heading

Mike Oxsaw 1:54 Wed Nov 29
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
When is it the turn of the Dutch to be the boss of the EU?

Hammer and Pickle 9:11 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Yes you’re obsessed and have nothing to say about the next Dutch PM.

Dwight Van Mann 9:02 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
looks like Pickle's Tuesday Night Depravity is kicking off

Hammer and Pickle 8:39 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
*will want his hide

Hammer and Pickle 8:30 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
If Wilders becomes PM, he’ll find a lot of his voters will have realised they have been taken for a ride and will his hide. He’s freaky looking enough as it is - he’ll look great as a gimp PM.

, 8:21 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Back to the topic, it will be interesting to see if Wilders ends up as the Dutch PM. Under their PR system as the individual winner of the most seats Wilders has first dibs at forming a government. However as he only garnered 37 seats he needs to collect 39 more to guarantee a majority backing in the 150 seat assembly.

J.Riddle 8:21 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Darlo Debs 4:47 Tue Nov 28

I am not contradicting myself as the best UK Lawyers were being paid a fortune by the EU to write EU law directives as the EU insisted. UK lawyers are the best at forming the law watertight with caveats. UK lawyers were just servants to their EU masters who made all the important rules.

I agree with you and also fear for our country as very corrupt as all governments, however we have a better chance fighting the enemy from within and the devil we know who speaks the same language. Fight 1 v 1 or 1 v 27. You do the math.

Mike Oxsaw 7:28 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Darlo Debs 7:00 Tue Nov 28

I suspect that Amazon are trying to "sidestep" unionisation in their workforce because they see it as a threat to the profitability of their business model and future plans - their plans, not plans you think they should have.

They are NOT a charity. They exist to make as much profit as they (not you or anybody else) feel is a reasonable return on their investment.

Are you stating that, for instance, if I employ you, then you automatically have more freedoms in your life than I do mine?

Do I become responsible for your whole life - implied or otherwise - from the moment a contract is signed?

Becoming an employee of a business does not confer upon you the right to have your employer act as some sort of Nanny or Guardian Angel.

If people don't agree with that ethos then simply don't use them and, most certainly, don't work for them.

Willtell 7:14 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
“ If Amazon had it sussed then why are they trying to do all.they can to.stop unionisation? ”
It’s not difficult to work out why employers avoid allowing unions Debs. Unions only ever cause problems and expense.

goose 7:12 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
This entire convo has been about immigration into this country. I don't see how laws in other countries affect what happens here.

If you wanna ask me if we should adopt those laws then knock yourself out - but it has little to do with this convo.

Darlo Debs 7:01 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Where did I say this country goose?

Darlo Debs 7:00 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
TM.when did I say anything about open borders. It's the oddest irony that the only time I never saw anyone on the right wing on this board moan about relaxed border control.was when the government were letting g flights come in during the pandemic when Borders were being closed across Europe.

You have entirely sidestepped the point. If Amazon had it sussed then why are they trying to do all.they can to.stop unionisation? It's not a hard question

goose 6:53 Tue Nov 28
Re: The next Prime Minister of The Netherlands
Debs what rights have I given up by wanting a control on immigration?

also, which laws in this country prevent a woman having an abortion?

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