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brundal 8:32 Wed Jan 3
Junior doctor strike
Sack the fecking lot of them, just heard one say she wants to go to Australia when fully trained,

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Darlo Debs 11:05 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
Thanks Matthew and Ray xx

Mike Oxsaw 7:23 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
BRANDED 12:45 Tue Jan 16

Welsh mate of mine who I met in Den Haag was advised exactly the same, so, much to the annoyance of his wife, he settled on 3 pints of lager every night, citing "Doctor's orders" whenever she raised the subject.

I suspect that the drinking prescription was for just long enough to flush the stones out, but, how long is a piece of string? He was still "On medication" when I left in 2003, 6 years after the initial diagnosis/prescription.

BRANDED 12:45 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
1996, obvs

BRANDED 12:45 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
I had a kidney stone in 2996 and went to hospital. The junior doc recommended I drank beer. I followed his advice precisely and never had another one. Cheers NHS.

ray winstone 12:34 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
Wishing you all the best, Deb. X

Matthew Holmes 12:26 Tue Jan 16
Re: Junior doctor strike
arlo Debs 12:34 Mon Jan 8

100% right.

All the best Debs. Fingers crossed.

Westside 5:33 Mon Jan 15
Re: Junior doctor strike
"Do.the results really take 6 weeks?."

I was told up to 8 weeks due to a back log, but actually got them in 8 days.

Darlo Debs 8:43 Mon Jan 15
Re: Junior doctor strike
Cheers Chim.xx

chim chim cha boo 3:48 Mon Jan 15
Re: Junior doctor strike
No Debs, if they find it benign they are in no rush to tell you, you'll find out your results when the MRI team cc you into your GPs email.

If they DO find something horrid it'll be a week and a half tops.

Goodnight and good luck sweetheart.

Darlo Debs 12:22 Mon Jan 15
Re: Junior doctor strike
Thanks for your kind words people. Can't deny it's a bit worrying.
Do.the results really take 6 weeks?.

Hammer and Pickle 10:48 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Can’t make a proper poivre vert sauce for your steak without cognac as it goes.

riosleftsock 10:36 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
I see Nurse Pickle has been at the medicinal brandy again.

Poor Randle McMurphy probably saw Nurse Ratcheds everywhere as well.

zebthecat 10:33 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Best wishes Debs.
Hope all goes as well it can and you feel better soon.
Sometimes just getting an answer is a really good thing.
Have got the age where this is becoming a more regular thing and not knowing is really stressful.

Hammer and Pickle 10:25 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Do you even know how to kiss a girl, emotional spastic?

Dwight Van Mann 10:23 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Hammer and Pickle 10:15 Mon Jan 8

Your obsession with Nurse Ratched is proper creepy.
Does your wife know?

Hammer and Pickle 10:15 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Oooh! Anger.

Let it flow - it’s pretty much the best you’ve got fuckface.

Dwight Van Mann 10:11 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Hammer and Pickle 10:08 Mon Jan 8

Shut it you scrawny cuck tramp

Hammer and Pickle 10:08 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Once you disentangle from the abusive men in your family, Ratched, your advice will bear some weight.

Right now it’s a bit feeble.

Dwight Van Mann 10:03 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
all the best Debs - hope you get the help you need.
Physically and mentally

Northern Sold 9:19 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
Best of luck Debs and hope you get sorted asap....

old Man Sold0 had a triple bypass + piggy valve replacement today... looks like all went to plan (currently in intensive care)... regarding the NHS cardiac plan and care it's been top notch for the old man... regarding his shitty eyes not so much... ended up spending a few grand 4 months or so ago (private) getting both eyes cataracts sorted as he would have still been waiting... the daft thing was the doc' that WOULD have been doing the op' on the NHS actually done it private... ching ching.

goose 9:14 Mon Jan 8
Re: Junior doctor strike
If you’re desperate you can get an MRI done privately for about £150.
Get the results in a day or two from memory.

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