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Roeder-nowhere 2:12 Fri Jan 19
Boiler help required PLEASE READ ******
My Mum’s boiler just packed in at the worst time,she has no cover and can’t get credit- seems over 80’s are screwed for financing!
I applied for a government grant for her but that can take weeks. I can’t get credit and I’m living abroad, I have about 1k I can give her to help but she needs around 2.5
Anybody know of any financers or way of paying monthly for one for people refuaes credit? The energy company and 2 others I tried have refused.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Haz 3:34 Mon Jan 22
Re: Boiler help required PLEASE READ ******
Has she tried rubbing your knob on it?

WHU(Exeter) 1:06 Sat Jan 20
Re: Boiler help required PLEASE READ ******
What a fucking sad state of affairs. Resonates a lot Roeder and hope you get it sorted.

The way the elderly are treated in this county is a disgrace.

bruuuno 9:52 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Mike Oxsaw 5:53 Fri Jan 19

Unfortunately social services have far more pressing matters on a Friday afternoon.

Can the WHO fund help in any way?

Hope you get it sorted

Roeder-nowhere 9:09 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Thanks Moncur going to check and reply now

Moncurs Putting Iron 6:04 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help

WHO Mail

Mike Oxsaw 5:53 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
I know it's not much help regarding repairing/replacing the boiler, but have you tried contacting the local Social Services directly to at least notify them?

Then she should be be on their radar for regular, if not daily visits, if they acknowledge the problem.

Roeder-nowhere 5:48 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Thanks all, checking on funding still.. filled out the age UK form but need this sorted urgently. Got myself some credit so can sort this out for her and organise any kind of grant repayment later. Called Age UK too but couldn’t get through.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:57 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help

Roeder be good to hear from you, am trying to get hold of a Mod who can put some more detail in the title and body of the mail to see if we can help with tactical actions and maybe more.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:19 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help

Step one is to fill out the forms to confirm if she is entitled to a full grant. Key indicators are her means and the age of her equipment.

Can do that for you here and now if not done already.

Step two: Will be timescales and whether or not the work can be arranged and paid for ASAP and the funding paid to someone/some groups who have stood up a bridging loan.

Tactically would be nice if we can arrange a visit, get some oil or electric heaters over and also if she has immersion so she can have hot water on tap.

fraser 4:10 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Hammers for work and support on Facebook.. £1000 will pay for a boiler it's the labour to fit it..

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:03 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help

You are on the right lines mate, I will try and get this pinned and the title uplifted to include that it's for an OAP

Which area does mum live in? As you say she will get financial help at her age and with her means but the timings wont be to your liking.

WHO Mail me so we can get more details on the old boiler (Sorry water heating device, no offence to your old Mum)

Russ of the BML 3:55 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Long Live The Boleyn do a supporter funding scheme.

Or Age Concern UK as Pickle said.

Steady 3:04 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Try the ‘Hammers for work and support’ group on Facebook. Great group who help fellow West Ham fans out with work etc and lots of tradesmen on their who might do a favour or cheaper job

Pickle Rick 2:29 Fri Jan 19
Re: Boiler help
Contact Age UK they should be able to assist as its an emergency.

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