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Pentonville 2:44 Fri May 3
Being a Dad.
NEW JERSEY, u will always be a dad

i once again fucked up. i thought i was ok and went to cannes and lost my phone and nearly threw my life away again. 3 days back. recovering.
being a dad. showing examples which i dont do. but they do make u be better right.

there is a lady in france that gives me DMT. i am not sure i can handle it but i do love life and all of you. the machine elves are wating for all of us. love u all. i so confujsed why moyes is allowed to ban stediten.in days or so i shall be embarrased by all my messages bu right now i see the world and see what its all about. gutted at garcia doig peds. was followed by an orb. hope darlo debs is ok. you all need to look after her. sorry for ranting xx

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Matthew Holmes 1:49 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.


Mex Martillo 11:15 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
Nice one Pentonville. Roast sounds great. I offered to do Sunday lunch today, but the misses turned me down. She had plans with a friend coming round to cook something together. Result, love it when I offer, but get away with doing nothing! I'll faff about in the garden and watch the game later. Luzy Dads united. Already got one of my favourite West Ham shirts on, a commemorative 125 years, see if it brungs us some luck!, ha, ha, ha.

Pentonville 10:21 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
back to "normal" today/ wowza , i need to microdose. not ea or drink whats was given to met the whole like sweets. nice to see panamah hat on here. i feel totally enlightened again. have hugged my boy, will make him a roast today but all the while i have questions. why do humans battle one another. why do we get so worked up that we wanna fight. mad aint it. why do we pay to watch men beat ten bells out of each other. i feel so much close to my wife who left me but came back and i feel love for all the pople who had problems on here that dont mean to do bad but just wanna survive. those dam machine elves where there again. they are always there man. like i entered their world and they weclomed in in. told me stuff then send me back to this world. hope daro debs is ok. hope west ham 67 doesnt use my medical prescriptions as the way forard. stick to what u know mate. MPI alot of u hoped he would "save me" this time. that man actually save me before. ive boon speaking to him lately to try and make him see his best decision. sometimes u gotta look after the man. he is clear now and ready for his new chapter. i am ending my relationship with mind altering drugs ive learned enough. would live to read council scum or mad dog comment on ryan garcia. thats upset me as i was really a fan on him. hearn now working with jarell miller is hilarious.

also, WE DONT WANT loptegui but i will renew my season ticket regardless. to get rid of moyes i massive. almosrt found myself feeling sorry for him at his presser but i told myself no, he is mocking us. anyway, dont know what id do withouth u all and today im gonna cook the roast and laugh. thanks ladies and gents xxxx

Manuel 5:03 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
Jimmy Carr - ''It's actually very easy to be a good dad, all you have to do is not fuck off''.

Dwight Van Mann 1:18 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
I'm gonna watch 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'

wd40 12:57 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
You can't get

panamahat 12:48 Sun May 5
Re: Being a Dad.
Haven’t had any for quite a while myself but remember feeling cleansed & connected after the 10 minute trip,smoking it as a one-off .
Try not to think too much fella , just close your eyes, you’ll be a more open Dad Pents x

Matthew Holmes 11:51 Sat May 4
Re: Being a Dad.
Keep yourchin up Pents son.

Everything can be come back from - and it can take a long time to learn how you work.

Good luck and keep at it

Mike Oxsaw 2:38 Sat May 4
Re: Being a Dad.
It has been difficult to post this as every time I tried the site fell over. After reading though, you may well decide that I should have "taken the hint" and moved on.

Being a dad was 1000% (one thousand percent) the most rewarding time of my life. Not always easy, often taking me to the brink of despair but the end result pales the struggles I had, as my, now adult & independent children make their own way in life.

There simply are some things you have to sacrifice/put on hold for 10 or 12 years, but you can always go back to them. Drink, drugs, the social high life amongst them. Patience is the key.

Hang in there, Pents, your history of posts on here show you have the heart, so maybe you may need to mix with a different support crowd for a while, but you and your kid will both appreciate the effort in the long run.

mashed in maryland 10:10 Sat May 4
Re: Being a Dad.
Anyone giving you DMT in the mental state you're in ain't your friend

twoleftfeet 3:34 Fri May 3
Re: Being a Dad.
Drugs have much to answer for.

Lee Trundle 3:31 Fri May 3
Re: Being a Dad.
Where's MPI when you need him...

bruuuno 3:27 Fri May 3
Re: Being a Dad.
I was just about to post the same thing

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