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Pee Wee 9:51 Thu May 9
Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
At least officially it’s kept a secret. Shame, I’d loved to see him in prison.

A leading figure in Premier League football has won a High Court anonymity order to prevent his identity being revealed in a civil case being brought against him for alleged sexual abuse of a teenage girl.


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ATBOG 2:33 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
McVicar chant Saturday?


LeroysBoots 2:32 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Everything points to him, timeline etc

Could be the beginning of the end for him at the club

Side of Ham 2:17 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret

AKA ERNIE 2:13 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Hes fat thinks hes russian and lovescacyoung bird

Side of Ham 1:03 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Yes, this is like a very shit version of Guess Who?

Does he wear spectacles?

Eerie Descent 12:59 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Can we have some better cryptic clues please.

Better than the daily quiz.

Gary Strodders shank 12:57 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Isn't this now a civil case so no chance of any porridge

The fa safeguarding board have to be made aware according to the article although quite what sanctions they would impose remains to be seen

Hammer and Pickle 12:37 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Does he like wearing silly hats?

Nagel 12:19 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
If he does get sent to prison I hope he doesn't shit himself and SULLY the police VAN on the way there.

cholo 12:19 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret

If its who I think pee wee is alluding to, then not a player.

By the way....

IN before lockdown...

Vexed 12:10 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
I assume it's not a player as they've used the words 'Premier league figure'?

Huffers 12:05 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
Small and slippery though

Pee Wee 11:00 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
He's not skinny

Huffers 10:00 Thu May 9
Re: Accused Premier League Paedo wins case to keep it a secret
He would easily slip through the bars to escape.

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