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riosleftsock 5:55 Wed May 15
Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot
Several shots fired as he left a cabinet meeting. Man detained. Fico in hospital, condition unknown.

Gavril Pickle's whereabouts unaccounted for......

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

riosleftsock 11:25 Sat May 18
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Pickled, have you still not worked this one out yet?

riosleftsock 1:19 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
I don't understand your distinction.

You seem to be opposed to transparency in Georgian democracy and media institutions.

Why does the Georgian opposition require foreign funding? What would this say about their claim to be a legitimate political party serving the people of Georgia if they are being paid by US or EU to further US and EU interests ahead of Georgian interests?

goose 1:19 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
But when shown a direct c&p of the US law, you thought it was the Georgian one.

Hammer and Pickle 1:16 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
You can’t see the difference between the US regulation that is designed to protect the institutions of government against foreign influence and the Georgian law, which is a blunt weapon aimed at one party’s opposition. No surprise there at all, you horrid little Bolshevik.

riosleftsock 1:08 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Pickled, you'd do well to reflect on what this all means.

The laws in Georgia, US, Russia and other states have a similar purpose; to protect the sovereign nation from foreign interference, or at least to make it transparent.

You have not managed to declare any substantial distinction between these laws, so people will assume that you subscribe to the principle of american exceptionalism (racial superiority).

Either way, instead of admitting your error, you doubled down, which means you are either incredibly dense, or a hypocrite who is happy to repeat EU/US propaganda despite knowing it is not and can not be true.

Hammer and Pickle 12:42 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
The US is an over-regulated and protectionist in economic terms, which is a real problem. On the other hand, when you can show me a law that directly attacks NGOs and independent media with foreign capital interests in the US, you may be able to salvage any sort of credibility out of this.

One thing is for sure, you really are one slimy piece of work and no mistake.

riosleftsock 12:35 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i

Your explanation makes zero sense. You seem to be suggesting that this law is ok for the US, but not for anywhere else. Is that it?

Four legs good, two legs bad type of law.

Fauxstralian 12:29 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot
Every day is a school day
Had no idea that Slovak had a PM called Robert Fico
Bit sad to have to get shot to come to public notice

Just a shame there isn’t a bit gun play at Sunaks cabinet meeting. Machine gun fire hopefully

Hammer and Pickle 12:21 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Of course I have.

You just can’t even read.

riosleftsock 12:19 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i

You still haven't explained what is so bad about this Georgian law?

Hammer and Pickle 12:16 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
SBT2 has admitted he’s a manipulator and a liar, braincell. Meanwhile, it is perfectly easy to see that the foreign agent law being rammed through in Georgia is not in the interest of the country while the US regulation is simple government security.

Yes, this is very simple for anyone who isn’t an intellectual spastic.

riosleftsock 12:13 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i

The US is perfectly capable of fucking itself up with zero help from russia. I'd imagine the Putin has probably told his spies to stand down four years ago. "Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake".

Do you also think that the US should not interfere in the politics or media of other countries?

only1billybonds 12:10 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Fucking he'll fourpence, you were calling rios an 'intellectual spastic' a couple of hours ago.

Seems he's still bright enough to tie you in knots you clown.

Hammer and Pickle 12:08 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
I think it’s quite clear that when foreign influence involves the Kremlin fucking up the US or any other democracy, you are very pleased as you sit in your Essex shithole.

riosleftsock 12:06 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
If Pickled was in Tbilisi now, he would be protesting against the democratically elected government, demanding LESS transparency.

Yet he still can't see how propaganda works, probably because he is completely brainwashed by it. Its horrible when you find out that the institutes that you trusted have been lying to you and stealing from you with both hands.

Its deliberately humiliating.

Dwight Van Mann 12:04 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Pickle is all over the shop.
The bloke must have such a high embarrassment threshold.

riosleftsock 12:03 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Which is it? Both or just one?

goose 12:03 Thu May 16
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Cue hours of Pickle tying himself in knots trying to explain how the US needs the same laws that he doesn’t want Georgia having.

Hammer and Pickle 11:59 Wed May 15
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Yes I’m very much against the US institutions, especially the executive, being exposed to Kremlin influence.

riosleftsock 11:54 Wed May 15
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
Not sure I understand, are you against the Georgian Foreign Agent Law AND the US Foreign Agent Registration Act, or just the Georgian one?

Jaan Kenbrovin 11:54 Wed May 15
Re: Slovak PM Robert Fico Shot i
riosleftsock 11:31 Wed May 15


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